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標題: [原創] 可能俾人插既主題 - 皇xx道 [打印本頁]

作者: hongkongmember    時間: 2008-9-4 00:18     標題: 可能俾人插既主題 - 皇xx道

諗左好耐應唔應該出哩個報告,但係答應左某Ching去完之後出返個報告 (費事出Ching既名喇,唔係又俾人話係ad就真係冇引) ,如果各位唔鍾意既話,請不要回帖,讓佢沉底,OK? Tks. 以下係小弟今日下午既行程;

到左之後,有大池,地方清潔,但小弟從來唔會係sn浸,冲凉後出大堂鬆腿(RMB38,送既),因為Ching只係俾左三個皇后既no.我,一於輪牌。黎既技師no.6xx,23才左右,slim,中等身材,face 一般,一直都有講有笑,手骨很好和很用心 ,雖然係V領工衣,但係都E唔到野 ,亦都冇某某Ching所講既同jj打交道,只係間中high左一兩次而已,全無驚喜。
鬆完腿後,同部長講要三個no.既其中一個就得喇,點知二個放假,一個返夜班,打電話都唔肯番離 ,唯有又輪牌。進來既皇后大約5'2"高,微波,唔多講野。叫我除左上衣,又俾左一條薄到好似紙一樣既短褲我換,跟住開工。敷熱石個part花考野而已,可以不理。按背大約廾分鐘後開始推油。bg用了很多時間去招乎你既袋袋、細佬根部,大脾la,就係唔掂细佬既頭 ,但係都攪到係硬完又軟,軟完又硬,又幾個引。唔好話jar波,大脾都唔俾摸,話公司知道會炒鮋
有一樣要提醒Ching,大堂項目,做第一個係免費,第二個先收錢,因為第一次光顧,結果無la la使多RMB10

[ 本帖最後由 hongkongmember 於 2008-9-4 00:42 編輯 ]
作者: Bond007    時間: 2008-9-4 00:20

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作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-4 08:57

What the hell... I don't know what to say...
作者: cowsan    時間: 2008-9-4 11:01


另外, 好有同感係呢度有d無聊人成日周圍插.  
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-4 11:09

the fact is... this place is named as a vegi place... you guys keep public discuss those rat service which could hurt many ppls even it is not an ad...

what if i follow your advice... go to try some g c to see if there is rat service.. and then the g c call the security when i touch her ball...

yes... money could buy many thing... but not all g c want to earn such money... some newbie just follow you guys path and try to do something like that... they are gonna have big trouble...

We are welcome to report and comment the normal service if it is a vegi place... and we are also welcome to report and comment for those plane and full service for non-vegi place... but not vice versa...

Please respect yourself and respect others!!
作者: 骨精明    時間: 2008-9-4 12:31

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作者: cowsan    時間: 2008-9-4 16:55

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-4 11:09 發表
the fact is... this place is named as a vegi place... you guys keep public discuss those rat service which could hurt many ppls even it is not an ad...

what if i follow your advice... go to try som ...
"what if i follow your advice... go to try some g c to see if there is rat service.. and then the g c call the security when i touch her ball... "

李公公, 小弟絕無挑釁之意...
若有人如此愚蠢, 也非別人責任啊.
作者: 骨精明    時間: 2008-9-4 18:00

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-9-4 20:31

原帖由 Bond007 於 2008-9-4 00:20 發表
福田皇后大道皇后式$168 足 120分仲底 又有驚喜服務
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-9-4 21:56

原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-9-4 20:31 發表

Bro Pen, no need to be frustrated! He was banned already!!
作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-9-4 21:57

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-4 21:56 發表
Bro Pen, no need to be frustrated! He was banned already!!
Too many times.
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-5 11:33

g c = 技師, a simple explanation to RamboIV, oh, sorry, to 骨精明 or actually to Bond007

And yes... it is a place for "Fun" place, and this shop is actually selling vegi service... that's why... it shouldn't be appear ever in this forum...

Also, ppl should take the responsibility on their post... you post it, someone read it, and might follow... so... don't say that some is stupid when they followed your post and got trouble...
作者: simonkok    時間: 2008-9-5 20:10

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-5 11:33 發表
g c = 技師, a simple explanation to RamboIV, oh, sorry, to 骨精明 or actually to Bond007

And yes... it is a place for "Fun" place, and this shop is actually selling vegi service... that's why... it ...
唔知係咪心理作用。。。我覺得今日都多左D精彩的真實report post 上黎。。。
作者: ssdaytona    時間: 2008-9-8 16:16

我上星期五都去過,  不過冇你今好彩,  我個嗰就沒有鬼鼠嘢.  可否 PM 我幾個可以做"rat"  既 no. 呢?  十分感激.  
作者: simonkok    時間: 2008-9-8 16:46

原帖由 ssdaytona 於 2008-9-8 16:16 發表
我上星期五都去過,  不過冇你今好彩,  我個嗰就沒有鬼鼠嘢.  可否 PM 我幾個可以做"rat"  既 no. 呢?  十分感激.  


作者: ssdaytona    時間: 2008-9-8 17:16     標題: 回復 15# 的帖子

cp 個D sn 全部都係擺明車馬做, 所以一D都唔怕, 完全可以係100% handle.  但係齊場就唔同了, 每次去到, 你都唔知有冇 "鬼鼠野 " 玩,  所以就要請教吓D去過既cling lor. 有時玩得多 cp sn, 個人真係麻木曬.  所以要試下玩齊場.  如果响齊場玩到"鬼鼠野",  嘩! 嘩! 嘩!  嗰份滿足感, 就真係特別過癮.    唔知其他 cling 有冇同感?
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-8 17:57

Simon, I feel so strange too.., in general, those people who like the plane, they normally won't go to big action... for those people who like big action (like me), I never try any plane action...

It is kinda strange...

But that's just a thought...
作者: hxonesixseven    時間: 2008-9-10 21:59

作者: zanngallo    時間: 2008-9-10 23:20

作者: chrisli    時間: 2008-9-11 01:04

Thanks for the report
作者: Butt    時間: 2008-9-11 09:54

作者: G4teamate    時間: 2008-9-11 09:55

原帖由 hongkongmember 於 2008-9-4 00:18 發表
諗左好耐應唔應該出哩個報告,但係答應左某Ching去完之後出返個報告 (費事出Ching既名喇,唔係又俾人話係ad就真係冇引) ,如果各位唔鍾意既話,請不要回帖,讓佢沉底,OK? Tks. 以下係小弟今日下午既行程;

下午一 ...

作者: jjchan218    時間: 2008-9-11 10:57

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 17:57 發表
Simon, I feel so strange too.., in general, those people who like the plane, they normally won't go to big action... for those people who like big action (like me), I never try any plane action...

作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-9-11 22:26

原帖由 G4teamate 於 2008-9-11 09:55 發表
Did you get attracted?
作者: G4teamate    時間: 2008-9-12 00:45

How does she look like?

[ 本帖最後由 G4teamate 於 2008-9-12 02:11 編輯 ]
作者: anakin    時間: 2008-9-12 02:01

原帖由 G4teamate 於 2008-9-12 00:45 發表
How does #xxx look like?

I had #xxx very playful too
作者: blackface    時間: 2008-9-12 11:59

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-8 09:57 發表
Simon, I feel so strange too.., in general, those people who like the plane, they normally won't go to big action... for those people who like big action (like me), I never try any plane action...

just a piece of info for you.. I personally enjoy "DG" style big action...but also often go SN (especially in SZ) for plane action..(for semi home court in SZ is Xin Du where I enjoyed bed end gost-rat....... )
So " one rice feed hundred kind people".. no need feel strange ( I know there are well educated professionals who vote for Man Kin LUEN...isn't that more strange.. )
No offence or intention for provocation... just a pc of information.
作者: hongkongmember    時間: 2008-9-12 12:42

I visited QRS again because I was given a coupon (which worths rmb108) last time when I have spent over rmb200.
Total expenses: (rmb168-rmb108) x 10% service charge + rmb10 locker + rmb100 bg = rmb180. (If price of sn is not allowed to be disclosed here, would 高貴的版主please amend it for me , thanks)

The feeling was fantastic, in case any Ching wants to go there (personal opinion only), you have to go there twice in order to lower your expenses, otherwise it will be too expensive  (for me).   

In order not to violate the regulations of this forum,  the no. of bg will not be disclosed here anyway.
作者: G4teamate    時間: 2008-9-12 15:38

原帖由 hongkongmember 於 2008-9-12 12:42 發表
I visited QRS again because I was given a coupon (which worths rmb108) last time when I have spent over rmb200.
Total expenses: (rmb168-rmb108) x 10% service charge + rmb10 locker + rmb100 bg = rmb18 ...
Yes, it is good to take advantage of the coupon with the maximum worth of RMB!08  (or u can choose to hae a free Thai / Chinese massage) that you earned by the spending of $200 bill and have to ensure checking out the bill before 10 p.m.

It is the incentive to keep customers going back to consume and be loyal.  
作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-9-12 21:38

原帖由 blackface 於 2008-9-12 11:59 發表
just a piece of info for you.. I personally enjoy "DG" style big action...but also often go SN (especially in SZ) for plane action..(for semi home court in SZ is Xin Du where I enjoye ...
Sometimes, DG/CP is too far away and must find something in SZ.
作者: hongkongmember    時間: 2008-9-13 00:07

原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-9-12 09:38 PM 發表

Sometimes, DG/CP is too far away and must find something in SZ.
Definitely, I used to go to Kau Tau (蓮湖賓館既sn和K是我的至愛,粮尾都會去橋頭賓館既,平平哋麻), and 黄江(太子和假日都有我們的足跡) on every Saturdays/Sundays years ago。But in order to please my family, I stopped such routine weekly trips to DG and instead, just stayed in HK and SZ for 短暫的歡娛。

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