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標題: [原創] 星期五軍月排隊之旅 [打印本頁]

作者: mymm2046    時間: 2008-9-9 13:03     標題: 星期五軍月排隊之旅

話說上星期五約了大龜去cp, 點之條友到下午才話脫不了身, 唯有孤身上路. 踏上排隊之旅.

過到羅湖, 飛快到火車站, 結果還是趕不上要上的車, 下一班車要等40分鐘

到了cp車站, 在的士站被10個籃牌佬圍攻, 未見過可能以為被打劫, 即刻走到對面馬路截車, 結果等了15分鐘才上到的士

看看時間太夜了, 打算過夜再返歸, 於是先去洗個腳, 軍月對面閒洗爪話特價, 於是入去洗個正爪......又要等房20分鐘, mp3都聽了4首歌

星期五的cp,........ 都有驚喜的, 待續............
作者: chris4296    時間: 2008-9-9 13:32

5d la brother waiting your friday night report ?
作者: mymm2046    時間: 2008-9-9 15:05

洗腳妹2x歲, 有波小小肥, 浸腳按頭時已經不停請我個頭食波餅(大頭哦 ), 按大腿時越按越上, 再彎腰探上前, 哇, 一對大包送到面前不到2呎, 攪到弟弟幾乎破褲而出 , 最終都是忍住, 留些火藥下一餐 ...........

按完腳快12點, 打給李經理確定15分鐘後過去, 他話無問題, 叫我快快........  到了軍月一問, 原來他放假, 賣了我給前台, 知客姊姊話叫我等等, 結果一等就半個鐘, 等到我   , 打電話給李經理, 他同知客姊姊故路故路完, 總算安排了閒房給我, 是最小那種, 期間有c hing walk in, 知客姊姊同他講: 今晚客滿, 沒訂房的不用等........

上到房都是標準, 每轉3人, 不同制服, 但是每輪之閒最少5分鐘, 可能太晚了,  扒多, 我想要的OL無好野, 選了個泳裝, 選完都已經1點鐘   , 先來一段艷舞, 跳得幾好, 一路跳一路靠過來偷桃, 戴套bj, 跟住一下坐了上來, 原來她是無穿底褲 (之前的OL是有底的), 好緊好熱, 一手深入泳衣內, 好軟好滑........ 其他都是標準式, 只是很眼睡, 她一直問我點解不講野.......  

軍月除了人太多, 特別是五六, 主任眼角高, 房間小之外, 其他都幾好...
作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-9 15:11

"........軍月除了人太多, 特別是五六, 主任眼角高, 房間小之外, 其他都幾好.............."

如果唔係点解叫做 "輪街症" 呀?
作者: mymm2046    時間: 2008-9-9 15:24

作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-9 15:43

原帖由 mymm2046 於 2008-9-9 15:24 發表
泳裝少女都唔錯吖.............. 不過我最最喜歡 deep V OL............!
作者: Anvil    時間: 2008-9-9 16:45

作者: Anvil    時間: 2008-9-9 16:46

作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-9 16:54

..............and I think the best time is to go there just after lunch. No need to queue for the room ma!
作者: ssdaytona    時間: 2008-9-9 16:59

房細係因為你响新翼.  如果有得選擇,  就要求去舊翼個邊,  舊翼D房係大D嫁.  當然啦, 你星期五, 六 晚去有房都偷笑啦.   OL deep V very good look lar.  而我就鍾意 晚裝 look.   
作者: mymm2046    時間: 2008-9-9 17:08

原帖由 ssdaytona 於 2008-9-9 08:59 發表
房細係因為你响新翼.  如果有得選擇,  就要求去舊翼個邊,  舊翼D房係大D嫁.  當然啦, 你星期五, 六 晚去有房都偷笑啦.   OL deep V very good look lar.  而我就鍾意 晚裝 look.   
我已經是出發前打電話訂房, 臨到再確認, 這樣都無房一定剎了他啦, 不過訂房都是要當值主任, 安排會好些, 賣豬仔的幫手工, 一般都得過且過, 舊翼D房係大D, 當值主任全部留了.......
作者: jjchan218    時間: 2008-9-9 17:14

原帖由 mymm2046 於 2008-9-9 15:05 發表
洗腳妹2x歲, 有波小小肥, 浸腳按頭時已經不停請我個頭食波餅(大頭哦 ), 按大腿時越按越上, 再彎腰探上前, 哇, 一對大包送到面前不到2呎, 攪到弟弟幾乎破褲而出 , 最終都是忍住, 留些火藥下一餐 ...........

作者: glucerna    時間: 2008-9-9 17:31     標題: 回復 11# 的帖子



好似平d tim......
作者: ssdaytona    時間: 2008-9-9 19:15

未裝飾前,  舊翼真係好殘舊.  但係如果無記錯, 舊翼今年3月才翻新完. 反而新翼個邊去年9月裝飾後, e家就殘咗D.  最大問題係舊翼個邊個沖涼房夠大, 可以有水床BM玩(因為有BM水床玩, 所以舊翼房係貴d既,  around 貴 Rmb30左右) , 但新翼個沖涼房太細, 所有就冇水床BM玩個part.  不過, anyway,  每個人要求既野都唔同....... 有得選擇, 我就會去舊翼.
作者: getalife    時間: 2008-9-9 23:34

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作者: hkzhou    時間: 2008-9-10 03:47

作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-10 08:56

Of course the bigger the room is, the better la!

I love having fun on water bed!
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-9-10 09:05

Many choices in CP, I don't want to queue.So that I have another place rather than hospital. But overall, CP will not disappoint me.
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-10 09:27

Is it someone mix up with old wing and new wing?

As I know the new wing is the hotel side and those room is bigger with water bed...

the old wing is the seperate building with smaller room using so-called Jap style...
作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-10 09:43

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-10 09:27 發表
Is it someone mix up with old wing and new wing?

As I know the new wing is the hotel side and those room is bigger with water bed...

the old wing is the seperate building with smaller room using ...
I don't care shit if it is the new or old wing........... I just want to have the room with water bed!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-10 09:47

do you want a room with Jacuzzi?
作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-10 09:49

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-10 09:47 發表
do you want a room with Jacuzzi?
Of course la............. and it is in the party rom, right?

Do you mean there is such facility in the hospital? Should I book it vis DrL?

[ 本帖最後由 井底蛙 於 2008-9-10 09:51 編輯 ]
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-10 10:29

it has a big room with this stuff... but I am not sure if it is a party room...
作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-10 10:40

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-10 10:29 發表
it has a big room with this stuff... but I am not sure if it is a party room...
What is the charge? Have you ever tried this b4?
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-10 11:12

As I remember, it should be $438... but really not sure... just been there once to choice MM...
作者: jjchan218    時間: 2008-9-10 16:25

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-10 11:12 發表
As I remember, it should be $438... but really not sure... just been there once to choice MM...
I just wonder you go with Wawa to visit the little secretary in the hospital today.
How come you still here!!!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-11 08:58

No la.. .Wawa go all alone... he is so sick and can't wait for my regulary visit next week...
作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-11 09:07

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-11 08:58 發表
No la.. .Wawa go all alone... he is so sick and can't wait for my regulary visit next week...
Don't worry.............. I'll be with you for your scheduled visit to the hospital next week.
作者: jjchan218    時間: 2008-9-11 10:19

原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-9-11 09:07 發表

Don't worry.............. I'll be with you for your scheduled visit to the hospital next week.
I see, Retav and you are good brother.  
Should one of you is sick, the other is quite willing to have a joint consultation in the hospital!!!!
作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-11 10:21

原帖由 jjchan218 於 2008-9-11 10:19 發表

I see, Retav and you are good brother.  
Should one of you is sick, the other is quite willing to have a joint consultation in the hospital!!!!
Exactly................. and that's what a good JM brother for!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-11 10:39

actually... we all sick... just everyone has his own hospital and schedule of visit...

but we a brother like twin... we sick together, go to consultant the doctor together... haha
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-9-11 13:17

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-10 09:27 發表
Is it someone mix up with old wing and new wing?

As I know the new wing is the hotel side and those room is bigger with water bed...

the old wing is the seperate building with smaller room using ...
the old wing is in the hotel side but newly decorated
the new wing is oldly decorated   
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-11 14:43

Haha... if that's the case, thanks for clarification... cause when I first visit long time ago... there is only the seperate building... and I never go into the hotel 3/F

Later, DR L told me there is new water bed room... and I thought that is new wing...
作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-11 17:10

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-11 14:43 發表
Haha... if that's the case, thanks for clarification... cause when I first visit long time ago... there is only the seperate building... and I never go into the hotel 3/F

Later, DR L told me there  ...
In order to up-keep your status in the Hospital, you'd better clarify again by visiting rooms in both wings in person. Remember, "seeing is believing"!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-12 09:22

no need to clarify which is which... just know that the hotel wing has water bed and secret room... the seperate building wing has jap room with steam... and one big room with jacuzzi...
作者: 井底蛙    時間: 2008-9-12 10:04

one big room with jacuzzi for group play...........?
作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-9-12 22:21

原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-9-11 17:10 發表
In order to up-keep your status in the Hospital, you'd better clarify again by visiting rooms in both wings in person. Remember, "seeing is believing"!
Elite group indeed!
作者: sklhongkong    時間: 2008-9-14 11:48

Grand Hyatt is a good place to go for HK people. Its a HK hospital for sex maniacs. The Peninsula Hotel is a next better place to think about.

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