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標題: [原創] 想搵partner開店賣傳銷野兼搵下線 [打印本頁]

作者: FFF12    時間: 2008-10-7 05:42     標題: 想搵partner開店賣傳銷野兼搵下線

我想開幾間店賣傳銷產品同搵下線? 店既所有開支費用, 存貨費用由我攪掂, 想搵有心有責任感既人幫我管店。店舖搵到既生意同下線都入哂你既戶口。

店舖賣既係一間傳銷公司既產品, 大約百多款家庭用品如洗頭水, 洗地水, 仲有女仕用既護膚品等等, 價錢都係幾廿蚊百佳惠康價, 唔會係天價果d傳銷產品。

想搵既partner係女性, 18歲以上到60歲都可以 (因為賣既都係女人野同家庭用品)。

由於比較敏感, 我唔方便響度講公司名。有興趣既朋友可以pm我或者留msn, 我會pm/msn俾你知公司名先約出黎見面討論。
作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-10-7 13:38

原帖由 FFF12 於 2008-10-7 05:42 發表
我品如洗頭水, 洗地 ...
In this bad economic environment?
作者: FFF12    時間: 2008-10-7 19:41

就係市道唔好賣平野先好出路。你見裕記咁過去10年由金融風暴開始發績, 由一間小本經營既店開到而家成行成市幾億身家。衣食住行係必須既, 睇下要花幾多錢咁解。人地錢多既時候去買貴野, 錢駛得舒服少少冇問題; 市道差左, 日常用既都一樣要買, 只係選擇方面可能要便宜少少。
我要賣既野都係優質平價貨, 係百佳惠康既水平, 唔會幾百蚊一支洗頭水, 幾千蚊一支香水, 幾萬蚊買個plan果o的。我地賣既洗頭水都係30-40蚊左右, 走既係大眾化路線, 我相信經濟唔好反而大眾化先係出路。
我想搵既partner只係負責full-time管理店舖既工作, bonus等利潤全部俾哂佢, 我賺我自己既upline bonus。反正最大風險成本既存貨同租金都唔駛由佢負責, 佢既成本只不過係花時間去管理店舖, 要輸都唔會輸乜。
我希望可以利用店舖招來多一點sales同partner, 對我組織日後發展有莫大的長遠回報而已。當然用店舖主要方便唔駛下下都搵朋友開戶口賺錢果種傳銷, 而係真正開店賣貨給walk-in客同熟客得來回報既生意, 只不過分紅係用傳銷計算方法吧!
作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-10-7 20:41

原帖由 FFF12 於 2008-10-7 19:41 發表
就係市道唔好賣平野先好出路。你見裕記咁過去10年由金融風暴開始發績, 由一間小本經營既店開到而家成差 ...
Seems OK for someone with no job.
作者: FFF12    時間: 2008-10-8 02:54

Yes ah! I think for someone who is unemployed that is a great idea to try. But that's not only apply on unemployed, but also apply on the one who want to pick a chance, and make a change. I don't like MLM model where we need to make profit from our friends, or make profit from our credit! The shop idea eliminates that feeling and really going forward to create some opened opportunities.

It is true that for those who want to make the change must scarify something. In this case we need a full-time partner who must scarify the existing job. That's the opportunity cost in economic terms. That would depends on how much the one would like to make the change, and pick the chance.

BTW, do you feel interest to work together on such idea? Or do you have any friend who may interested on that? I am hunger to start from that moment!

[ 本帖最後由 FFF12 於 2008-10-8 02:56 編輯 ]
作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-10-8 20:06

原帖由 FFF12 於 2008-10-8 02:54 發表
Yes ah! I think for someone who is unemployed that is a great idea to try. But that's not only apply on unemployed, but also apply on the one who want to pick a chance, and make a change. I don't like ...
Sorry - I don't qualify (not female) and also these days, cash is important so think carefully before venturing into anything needing cash outlays. Try to minimize la.
作者: FFF12    時間: 2008-10-11 21:31

That model doesn't need much money to invest, only take your time!

Thx reply anyway!
作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-10-12 16:42

原帖由 FFF12 於 2008-10-11 21:31 發表
That model doesn't need much money to invest, only take your time!
Thx reply anyway!
Time = money?
作者: FFF12    時間: 2008-10-14 11:58

Yes, Time=Money. Say your monthly salary is 10K, your daily rate is 333.00. To work as shop like that, or to make business, if you spend your day to work on it, it cost you 333.00 / day assuming that your last salary was 10K. To make business mean you can earn 333.00 or more, or you earn less or even loss. My model is you only earn something, depends on how it is run, but max earning is unlimited but the risk is earn nothing, no exact running money loss. The risk has been handled.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-10-14 20:47

原帖由 FFF12 於 2008-10-14 11:58 發表
uming that  ...
Seems attarctive so have you found any suitable persons?
作者: FFF12    時間: 2008-10-20 19:28

sorry for late reply! I was on trip last few days!
Now I 've 1 shop only, want to seek more for bigger business ^^
作者: wingchowuk    時間: 2008-12-6 17:02     標題: 回復 11# 的帖子

I have a empty warehouse unit in kwai chung , and wants to start a business like (online supermarket and delivery . ) Any Help ?
作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-12-6 17:03

原帖由 wingchowuk 於 2008-12-6 17:02 發表
I have a empty warehouse unit in kwai chung , and wants to start a business like (online supermarket and delivery . ) Any Help ?
Even Mr. Lai failed!
作者: penpun    時間: 2009-1-14 10:45
作者: 7度    時間: 2009-1-28 19:24     標題: 回復 1# 的帖子

你試企吓該種鋪睇吓 每日有幾多人買嘢 夠唔多夠交租先再考慮  

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