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標題: 凱撒最近有無正no. 介紹?? [打印本頁]

作者: michaelkwan    時間: 2008-12-2 13:47     標題: 凱撒最近有無正no. 介紹??

凱撒最近有無正no. 介紹? ,  吾該各位brother
作者: Shorthair    時間: 2008-12-2 16:54     標題: Ditto

Why not try and give us reports???
作者: michaelkwan    時間: 2008-12-4 13:59

!## , but what to know whether there is any other no. ma.....
作者: kyccheung    時間: 2008-12-4 23:08

pls describe !##, thanks
作者: michaelkwan    時間: 2008-12-8 17:33

nice body shape and good service, body can compare with ^)
作者: mrasshole    時間: 2008-12-8 19:58

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作者: michaelkwan    時間: 2008-12-9 10:09

well, not as cool as ^) la
作者: beegees    時間: 2008-12-31 09:12

作者: michaelkwan    時間: 2009-1-2 17:37

really? like what number ar??
作者: winwin11    時間: 2009-1-3 02:06

no.!)& ___ !^ ___@(
作者: ronald_wong    時間: 2009-1-3 02:14

how about ^  anyone have report???
作者: beegees    時間: 2009-1-5 12:03

No, @( is working in 19/f.
作者: winwin11    時間: 2009-1-6 00:47

前日試過尼, 場舊少少無損雅興, 職員同locker服務good, 主任服務跟貼有問我所需,  囡囡全程表現滿意, part 1絕無渣流灘, part 2全自動化上下冇格手, 細心服侍+細心事後清潔 no.*(  泰妹  有身材、波大彈手
作者: winwin11    時間: 2009-1-11 15:58

日前尼過, 場舊少少無損雅興, 職員同locker服務good, 主任服務跟貼有問我所需, 我點囡囡No.^, 囡囡全程表現滿意, part 1絕無渣流灘, part 2全自動化上下冇格手, 問想唔想吹  , 梗係想啦旋即上套吹奏+細心事後清潔,男主任follow up 做得很貼 , 一出休息室即上前聽取賽後報告
作者: hungkm    時間: 2009-1-12 15:28

上星期上左去, 原本想試下*( 可惜無緣

終於又係由經理發辦,  比左個!)    之前做過,佢既賣點係.....如果你可以起到兩次,佢就提供兩次hj, 佢話其中一次可bj

作者: winwin11    時間: 2009-1-13 00:41

上星期日上左去,囡囡 no.!^,part 1 80分以上, part 2有『吹』的服務 ,起機&RPP唔錯,囡囡全程表現滿意
作者: michaelkwan    時間: 2009-1-13 16:29

so, !^ sound good.....any bro try && ??
作者: michaelkwan    時間: 2009-1-23 00:39

just tried ^@ last week.....just so so...........
作者: beegees    時間: 2009-2-19 11:43

bros, long time no see, have good No ?
作者: mrasshole    時間: 2009-2-19 21:52

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作者: beegees    時間: 2009-2-24 11:06

傳聞 after this chinese new year 有驚喜service.
作者: super.golden    時間: 2009-2-24 12:07

有驚喜service? Any bros can confirm?
作者: newg    時間: 2009-2-25 14:42

都想去試, 唔知係邊. brother 可否告知地址. pm 我.

作者: 2006Corleone    時間: 2009-2-25 22:05

Can brothers recommend any tall girls with long legs?
作者: rabbit2000    時間: 2009-2-26 00:49

原帖由 winwin11 於 2009-1-13 00:41 發表
上星期日上左去,囡囡 no.!^,part 1 80分以上, part 2有『吹』的服務 ,起機&RPP唔錯,囡囡全程表現滿意
There is a !^ (called tung tung) but has left already.  Any bro know where she has gone.
作者: beegees    時間: 2009-2-26 10:53

荃灣 眾安街 英皇娛樂廣場 十九樓
作者: michaelkwan    時間: 2009-2-27 23:40

went after suprise service wor........ the suprise is i write 10 for tips at bathroom..and i saw it changed to 20 when i left......, my friend also has suprise... he didnt write any tips but finally charge him 10 tips...
作者: jesca    時間: 2009-3-11 20:45

29 good at massage at right position. 60 top red star very nice body long leg 89 thai girl very good 122 peking very good also 2 ha 2 bun very good try them all
作者: LamC9    時間: 2009-3-13 01:02     標題: 回復 10# 的帖子

!)& pr1手技點睇呀pr2又如何!
作者: frakenny    時間: 2009-3-27 18:09

原帖由 michaelkwan 於 2009-1-13 16:29 發表
so, !^ sound good.....any bro try && ??
&& 話全埸至後生....
part 1 ok, 仲曉踩油背...
part 2 有d生硬,怕羞....
作者: michaelwtw    時間: 2009-3-28 12:18

請問各師兄 !)) 重有沒有做呢?
作者: sforest    時間: 2009-4-16 22:10


入房後剛轉身,立時心口涼.........好......扒.......,心想自己先前說要Dup得,OK....來個dry也可以.........but .......事與願遺,一D力都沒有,只好把心一橫-----換.......最後換了一個略肥但不至於討厭的囡囡草草了事算了,在別人的地方也不能太過大爺吧!

算吧!19/F. blacklist forever!
作者: beegees    時間: 2009-4-30 11:26

        呢個系物鬼場黎呀?  上個禮拜景然個BOSS叫晒所有STAFFBG, 收工後上深圳浦,

K, 隊啤,
而且仲索K, 攪到BOSS, STAFF同班BG一齊high, d三級動作簡直滿場飛.

仲有攪到好多BG遞日返工時系到釣晒魚. 簡直不知所謂 ,

所以有C-hing張呢個場入咗Black list 都晤出奇.

作者: mrasshole    時間: 2009-4-30 23:11

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作者: pcheang    時間: 2009-5-1 08:26

作者: c200    時間: 2009-5-3 01:08

How much for this sauna? which BG is good?
作者: beegees    時間: 2009-5-4 09:03

This sauna charge not cheap $518 exclude tips
作者: snowbreakers    時間: 2009-5-4 11:19     標題: 回復 34# 的帖子

hi mrasshole, you mentioned alot about bg60 in your previous post and seems that you like her very much. so, did you visit her again and she still good now in terms of services and body shape...pls give me more about your experiences with her, if ok i wanted to visit her...
作者: mrasshole    時間: 2009-5-4 21:41

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作者: beegees    時間: 2009-5-22 11:04

a new evolution, every bg must peel off the under dress, when doing Bj
作者: 2006Corleone    時間: 2009-5-30 00:29

Sounds good.  Any BG comparable with ^)?  Tall and good shape?
作者: winwin11    時間: 2009-6-6 01:30

No.!))   and   No.&&  沒有做
作者: ronald_wong    時間: 2009-6-6 12:49

作者: beegees    時間: 2009-6-15 11:34

今年香港經濟特別差, 做打工仔減人工或失業, 做老板降低利潤無錢賺或結業, 好多人實行惠康口號: "省得一蚊得一蚊", 依家骨場好多靚女有一高招, 就系好似電訊盈科的一招, 將有米熟客實行 "私有化",
作者: snowbreakers    時間: 2009-6-15 17:45

原帖由 2006Corleone 於 2009-5-30 00:29 發表
Sounds good.  Any BG comparable with ^)?  Tall and good shape?
hi brothers,  any good reports and details for BG ^) , heard that she could provide some extra services to those old customers. is that true ?????????
作者: snowbreakers    時間: 2009-6-18 18:11

原帖由 snowbreakers 於 2009-6-15 17:45 發表

hi brothers,  any good reports and details for BG ^) , heard that she could provide some extra services to those old customers. is that true ?????????
any report...........pls share
作者: snowbreakers    時間: 2009-7-9 17:24

原帖由 2006Corleone 於 2009-5-30 00:29 發表
Sounds good.  Any BG comparable with ^)?  Tall and good shape?
any brothers tried ^) before, can give us the report and thanks...
作者: super.golden    時間: 2009-7-9 22:16

原帖由 snowbreakers 於 2009-7-9 17:24 發表

any brothers tried ^) before, can give us the report and thanks...
Check old post la !  I would say both parts are good! worth to try!
作者: beegees    時間: 2009-7-10 09:07

this sauna is no new bg for a long time, and then some bg working about six or more years.
作者: beegees    時間: 2009-7-21 09:25

認真激氣, 隔阻一個多月無去, 上週末去到又塞車, 坐成粒鐘先至有囡囡, 真係火都黎. 聽聞近個幾日都係今情況, 特別係 4~8 呢段時間. 好似話有近半數台柱放左大假. 下一次都係過左暑假先去幫襯囉.
作者: peoplear    時間: 2009-7-21 18:44

因只好陀地, 成日好攰, 早幾年發現 !!* 不錯, 一直上去都係mark佢, 如果唔係佢part1+2 真係好好 (又好傾), 我一定唔會去呢個場, 毛巾真係又薄又爛, 招乎又差... 可惜佢兩年前已離開, (其實我在呢個網講過佢離開原因, 又係同公司制度有關), 而我一直都冇再上去了...
作者: beegees    時間: 2009-7-22 10:42

聽聞台柱之一 ^) 放大假兩個月, 話晤定上咪岸添.
作者: snowbreakers    時間: 2009-7-22 12:30

原帖由 beegees 於 2009-7-22 10:42 發表
聽聞台柱之一 ^) 放大假兩個月, 話晤定上咪岸添.
beegees: have you tried ^) before, can you give the report in details, ex. services, body shape, VAS... thanks
作者: asthor    時間: 2009-8-6 16:58     標題: 回復 51# 的帖子

!!* also my favor! Few month ago, I contact her to personal service. But she said that leave bg working.
作者: onelibun    時間: 2009-8-7 10:11

thanks for your info

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