原帖由 紙飛機 於 2009-2-2 22:02 發表
2,是否新舊RAM一起用,WinXP32 只支援至2GB,再多都冇用
3,HDD Scandisk,可能係新裝的東西或 HDD有問題
Good Luck
原帖由 BenChek 於 2009-2-3 16:26 發表
You install ONE DDR2 RAM ???
Nearly all motherboard will need to install DDR2 in PAIRS, i.e. 2x
Check if your old DDR2 are in PAIR also, ie 2x
Normally it is NOT advisable to mix different bran ...
原帖由 BenChek 於 2009-2-5 14:24 發表
As far as I understand you have 4 options:
1. 1-pair (exact model) of 512M, plus 1-pair (exact model) of 1G RAM. This wil give you 3G of usable memory.
2. 1-pair exact model of 1G RAM, plus ano ...
原帖由 BenChek 於 2009-2-6 21:43 發表
What is your motherboard ?
One of the common mistake is the order to lot-in those RAM chips.
You must have the motherboard manual to be absolutely certain.
e.g. normally if the 512M is type-A and 1 ...
原帖由 BenChek 於 2009-2-9 21:37 發表
You are still using Celeron.
You will see the different if you upgrade it to P4 even with similar speed.
Good luck.
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