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標題: [原創] 石碣新場黑麻麻食好野 [打印本頁]

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-19 20:01     標題: 石碣新場黑麻麻食好野


經過了昨晚在朱古力廠的大換Partner和放了小七出來透過氣。中午和春天,餃子四眼妹,GeswatJ神,Denny2000,我幾個去了稻香飲茶。吃飽後,春天就送四眼妹去深圳。 Brother Geswat J 神就由我送他們去金三角坐大巴。

剩下我和Denny 開車去石碣。本來大海也一早說來的。但臨時又話大累太遠了,不來了!星期六,QT見吧!
Denny 問媽咪這個場的位置,她又講不出。酒店的電話又說不知!附近有什麼地標,好讓我 set 導航,又說不知!真是氣死人!只好去到石碣鎮再找吧!

經過東城一間高中學校,原來是這校的開放日,一條六行線的行車路,全被名貴房車霸了!不是Benz, 凌志,就是Audi。萬仕得是見不得人的了!東莞人真是有錢!以後,我們不要說救國了!


6:00 p.m. 回到KTV旁邊的海鮮檔吃飯! 因為這家酒家也是新開的。很多客,門外的大空地也開了很多張台。但生意太好了,員工又太新和少。所以原全招呼不來。我們點了五個菜,7:30 p.m. 只來了一條魚和幾支啤酒!

因為媽咪是Denny 的舊相好,他是媽咪留什麼給他,他都不會彈的了,所以只有我要選囡囡!所以7:30p.m. 我未吃飽都要入場選囡了!

入場不到五分鐘,突然,的一聲,全場漆黑一片,伸手不見五指。電力短路了。很快Denny 也發信息來問我怎樣。因為他吃飯的地方就在KTV的旁邊,他們那裡也短路了!大約20分鐘後,電力回覆了,而且,整個晚上都再沒有事了!

這天是這家KTV的第一晚試業,我 order 了紅酒,因為是試業,所以買一送二,$288一瓶。共有3支。酒還是不錯,以這個價錢來說,絕對抵飲。但是,叫了一個小時,酒還是未到。再15分鐘,向老總投訴要他自己簽名給親自去拿酒,才有得飲。後來,知道老總整晚在水吧做小弟!另一個高潮就是,買單也要一個小時才有單給我們給錢!還有很多事情要慢慢磨合!

今天因為是為了捧Denny 的舊愛場,所以原本以為她的囡囡不管怎樣,不論好好丑丑都要梗吞兩,三件的了!點知,她帶了第一轉八個,我就以經真的選中三個了。

我選的三個原來都是河南的。我自己的兩個,一個是開封,170 cm , B cup, 另一個是 165 cm, B+ cup,而且,還是我的心頭好,駐馬店的。真是心結所願。兩個都是白白淨淨。我就當然比較喜歡駐馬店的喇!因為我最愛的老四是她老鄉嘛!

165cm 一定感覺到我對她的喜好,當然對我好和溫柔喇!想不到,明知我不會帶她出去的170 cm 也很敬業樂業。招呼很落力!要讚!

另一個河南妹是洛陽的,是留給Denny 兄的。他也很滿意,個子小小的。身材也很均勻。後來,媽咪再推一個囡囡給他。是廣東潮州妹。

我們總共在這場,只見了9個囡囡。但就以經選了四個!在 或然率來說是極高的了!但因為見的囡囡太少了,不能作準!

買單多少,我不知!因為是Denny 買單的。讓他說吧!不過,好似是$900兩個人分吧!

[ 本帖最後由 7-siu 於 2009-10-19 23:19 編輯 ]
作者: rayso333    時間: 2009-10-19 20:31

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-19 20:52

原帖由 rayso333 於 2009-10-19 20:31 發表
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2009-10-19 23:49

去到咁遠 ??

話時話...邊個係 denn denn 既老相好媽咪.....?
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-19 23:51     標題: 回復 4# 的帖子

I shall tell you on Thursday. May be ask Denny to appear on Thursday.
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2009-10-20 00:34


作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-20 00:54

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2009-10-20 00:34 發表

作者: jetspermman    時間: 2009-10-20 01:51

唔得.... 咁樣對 denn denn 唔得架......

話唔定第日 denn denn 忘記左佢既時候....
作者: Kingcwk    時間: 2009-10-20 10:32     標題: 回復 1# 的帖子

石碣係我鄉下, 有機會去玩下先,

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-20 10:37

原帖由 Kingcwk 於 2009-10-20 10:32 發表
石碣係我鄉下, 有機會去玩下先,

作者: denny2000    時間: 2009-10-20 11:25

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2009-10-19 23:49 發表
去到咁遠 ??

話時話...邊個係 denn denn 既老相好媽咪.....?
Jet Jet, not the mami you are thinking of. haha..   Let's 7-siu describe her outlook to you when you see him this Thu la.   I could not join...
作者: denny2000    時間: 2009-10-20 11:43

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-19 20:01 發表

經過了昨晚在朱古力廠的大換Partner和放了小七出來透過氣。中午和春天,餃子四眼妹,Geswat,J神,Denny2000,我幾個去了稻香飲茶。吃飽後,春天就送四眼妹去深圳。 Brother Geswat 和J 神就由 ...
Thanks 7-siu to explore this new place with me..  I know this mami for a short while..  She is a girl with very unique character and that's why I want to help her in her 1st day of biz as a mami..  

7-siu girls
Both girls of 7-siu are his preferred spec..   tall and with some meat but not much..  Once I entered the room, I already knew that 7-siu must be a happy guy tonight.   

My 2 girls...  
一個河南妹洛陽, 身材也很均勻...  and her smile is very warm and not commercial..  She has short hair and look-wise, is 8/10.   Slim overall and thin waist.  should be a good rider.

令一個囡囡是廣東潮州妹,she has a funny hairstyle like the "chopstick twins"... I played with her hair whole night..  She is the cutie type who knows how to please man..  She has got a pair of big eyes. Look-wise, also 8/10.   However, both of them are LCD..  not for boob lover.

the KTV ISO9000
Since we had to wait for 1.5 hrs for the stupid red wine, I kept on playing with my 2 girls on dice using toothpicks to count the no. of glasses of red wine.  These 2 beautiful ladies, had very good luck and I lost a lot to them.   At the end, I had to drink 27 parts of red wine (9 glasses) while they only needed to drink 5  and 4  respectively.   

The incidence
I drank these 9 glasses in 5 min and mami, managers flooded in to cheers. With the accumulative tiredness from the activity previous night (slept for 2 hrs only)
and the fast consumption of red wine, I 断片。。Unconscious for possibly 30 min, when I woke up, my head was like a bomb..   I felt so tired that I had to sleep on the sofa... I thought we waited for an hour for the check and I felt better.  I knew that I could not even finish 1 round and I really want to take a good rest (and charged up for sat event), I decided to release both..  Shit, forgot to get the tel no...

The bill
$880 + DJ.  

The nui nui charging system
2-5-8  .  a definite worth-the-money system for the quality of girls we sat that night (not sure about the performance at the hotel part since I did not take them back).
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-20 12:14     標題: 回復 12# 的帖子

"2-5-8  .  a definite worth-the-money system for the quality of girls we sat that night (not sure about the performance at the hotel part since I did not take them back)."

I had a nice and enjoyable night in the hotel.

作者: Haidada    時間: 2009-10-20 14:56

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-20 15:00

原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-10-20 14:56 發表
作者: Haidada    時間: 2009-10-20 15:24

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-20 15:00 發表

[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2009-10-20 18:25 編輯 ]
作者: geswat    時間: 2009-10-20 18:18

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-20 18:23

原帖由 geswat 於 2009-10-20 18:18 發表
從石龍火車站去都只是20 minutes only. Not far at all.
作者: KMY89    時間: 2009-10-20 20:21

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-20 10:37 發表

作者: Mr.big    時間: 2009-10-21 17:49

七少真正係"捐窿捐罅" ,見識廣博!
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-21 18:05

原帖由 KMY89 於 2009-10-20 20:21 發表

But I am not rich at all !

Every buck contains my blood and sweat !
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-21 18:08

原帖由 Mr.big 於 2009-10-21 17:49 發表
七少真正係"捐窿捐罅" ,見識廣博!
作者: simonkok    時間: 2009-10-21 18:36

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-20 18:23 發表

從石龍火車站去都只是20 minutes only. Not far at all.
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-21 18:58     標題: 回復 23# 的帖子

作者: denny2000    時間: 2009-10-22 09:00

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-21 18:58 發表
Even if you want to go, the mami has left..  She could not get customers to open K room for 3 days and being asked to leave..  Poor girl.  but I have told her before about the risk and she did not listen..  
作者: Jack-a-Lent    時間: 2009-10-22 11:03

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-19 20:01 發表

經過了昨晚在朱古力廠的大換Partner和放了小七出來透過氣。中午和春天,餃子四眼妹,Geswat,J神,Denny2000,我幾個去了稻香飲茶。吃飽後,春天就送四眼妹去深圳。 Brother Geswat 和J 神就由 ...
我要170的, 不過此地是老虎的故鄉, 耳目眾多
作者: wt29    時間: 2009-10-22 11:07

05 年, 小弟到過石碣, 茲因我都喜歡周圍玩, 當然僅限於珠三角啦!
石龍火車站, 相隔兩條街, 就是石碣, 那裡的玩樂場所有貴亦有平, 4/5 星級酒店,
和民工玩的地方都有, 因為有工廠區囉! 我曾幫襯 $ 100 一劑的按摩髮廊,
但要在髮廊的小房內完事, 而房內只有微弱的燈光, 兩卷紙巾, 和 condom 等,
現在的做法, 當須是與時並進 ( 即是多搵錢, 玩唱 k 加桑拿 ).....
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-22 17:16

原帖由 denny2000 於 2009-10-22 09:00 發表

Even if you want to go, the mami has left..  She could not get customers to open K room for 3 days and being asked to leave..  Poor girl.  but I have told her before about the risk and she did not ...
作者: denny2000    時間: 2009-10-23 09:33

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-22 17:16 發表

sometimes, I admire their courage and gut, doing things with such determination. However, I am often frustrated the lack of planning they have ... A simple calculation would tell that she is not going to be successful...  

$$ lost, confidence lost...
作者: playguy    時間: 2009-10-24 00:20

very good. let's try
作者: boot_boot    時間: 2009-10-24 14:52

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-19 20:01 發表

經過了昨晚在朱古力廠的大換Partner和放了小七出來透過氣。中午和春天,餃子四眼妹,Geswat,J神,Denny2000,我幾個去了稻香飲茶。吃飽後,春天就送四眼妹去深圳。 Brother Geswat 和J 神就由 ...
去呢 d 較冷門的地方, 別有一番獨特
的好滋味/感覺.    多謝報告.  

喺大約七、八年前, 已有好多人開始揸 Audi,
佢哋有 d 人叫佢做 "四個圈", 仲有 Volkswagen (VW),
Citroen, 個 market 同香港好唔同.   

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-24 22:51     標題: 回復 31# 的帖子

I am going to take the SN girl to Siu May Sha beach tomorrow, and will come back for Da Hoi's SP birthday party.
作者: boot_boot    時間: 2009-10-25 10:30

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-24 22:51 發表
I am going to take the SN girl to Siu May Sha beach tomorrow, and will come back for Da Hoi's SP birthday party.
You have got a vehicle, I believe.   

Then it is very convenient to reach there, driving from LW,
along the seashore, straight ahead .........   

Other than Siu May Sha, there are a few more beaches
with delightful rural scene there.   
It is so wonderful to bring along your partner(s).  

In addition, I adore the delicious sea-urchin fried rice there.  

Nice weather today!      Should have fun!   

[ 本帖最後由 boot_boot 於 2009-10-25 15:50 編輯 ]
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-25 15:15     標題: 回復 33# 的帖子

Just come back from Siu May Sha, it takes 1 1/2 hr drive from Humen to there. The 2 girls I go with had never been ans see a sea before in their lifetime. They were so happy ans exicting. They played around on the beach and shodow seashore. Kicking sea-water and sand.
作者: KMY89    時間: 2009-10-25 15:24

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-25 15:15 發表
Just come back from Siu May Sha, it takes 1 1/2 hr drive from Humen to there. The 2 girls I go with had never been ans see a sea before in their lifetime. They were so happy ans exicting. They played  ...
Have they seen a big bird before ?
作者: boot_boot    時間: 2009-10-25 17:33

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-25 15:15 發表
Just come back from Siu May Sha, it takes 1 1/2 hr drive from Humen to there. The 2 girls I go with had never been ans see a sea before in their lifetime. They were so happy ans exicting. They played  ...
If you would drive from Humen, 1.5 hours would be a
normal required time.   

I really agree to bring out those "good" girls for widening
their knowledge of the nature.   

Girls are happy, you are happy too!   

作者: Haidada    時間: 2009-10-26 19:40

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-25 15:15 發表
Just come back from Siu May Sha, it takes 1 1/2 hr drive from Humen to there. The 2 girls I go with had never been ans see a sea before in their lifetime. They were so happy ans exicting. They played  ...
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-26 22:59     標題: 回復 37# 的帖子

Yes, there are tents for rent, however, I did not try because the sand are too hot. It was 27 *C
作者: denny2000    時間: 2009-10-27 16:23

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-10-22 17:16 發表 我們怎樣說都是無用的!所謂不到黃河心不死!事非經過不知難!
just know that the mami has not quitted. She decided to stay on although the income is 0 or minimal....
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2009-10-27 17:12     標題: 回復 39# 的帖子


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