ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2010-1-13 19:01 µoªí
ì©«¥Ñ DrTea ©ó 2010-1-13 22:34 µoªí
Bro chun2000, if you go there for beer, you choose the wrong place lor !!
ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2010-1-13 07:13 PM µoªí
ì©«¥Ñ glucerna ©ó 2010-1-14 10:30 µoªí
ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2010-1-13 16:21 µoªí
´M±ß¥»¨Ó¬O¬ùSP ¨p·|¡C¡Cì¨Óªü¬d¡A¬K¤Ñµ¥¤@¦¤S¥h¤FCA¡C¡C¥Ì´N¤@»ô¹¶º¡C¡C®ã¤õ´ðµæ¡C¡C§Ú¦a¤TÓ³£¦³¦ñ¡C¡C¥ò¦³¨âÓ®v¥S´N³æ¤M¡C¡C¤KÂI¦h¤~¦Y§¹¡C¡C¸Ü¥hKª±¤U¡C¡C¥Ì´N¥h¤F¨¤M¡C¡C100¤p¶O¬J³õ¡C¡C¡C
¤u·H§ï«Ø¡C¡C ...
ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2010-1-14 17:38 µoªí
ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-1-14 17:45 µoªí
yes ar, someone in this forum have found a good girl in "aaron Kwok' (147) place in QT
ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-1-14 17:49 µoªí
and this is my friends' homecourt, he/they always meet some fresh and innocent girls who are open to many new things.. haha..
ì©«¥Ñ DrTea ©ó 2010-1-14 18:09 µoªí
Sorry all Brothers. I'm not talking about the fake Beer, my Point of View is the MMs. If you just want to be Drunk, go Ching Bar is okay, not the KTV ma !!
ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2010-1-15 17:48 µoªí
there will be al lot of tall girls la ...tomorrow's place....![]()
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