原帖由 weeewaaa 於 2006-11-16 10:05 PM 發表
原帖由 Orange+Fai 於 2006-11-17 00:11 發表
原帖由 weeewaaa 於 2006-11-17 22:13 發表
唔知係咪 Xocat 先係咁....還是整個網絡世界大塞車.......
呢排連收 web email 都..........間中有問題.........
原帖由 鐵血將軍巴頓 於 2006-11-17 22:16 發表
其他forum都試過咁, 唔係剩係呢樹先有
原帖由 gwaimuilover 於 2006-11-19 05:07 發表
Interestingly, server performance seems to no longer be related to the number of members online. For the past hour, there were < 500 people online but it was slower than about 20 hours ago when ...
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