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標題: CP not-too-brief Report [打印本頁]

作者: oldfella    時間: 2006-8-24 00:44     標題: CP not-too-brief Report

Last week at last had the chance and went to CP for 2 1/2 days . As I have no money nor friends, so cannot go to sauna or KTV or night club . But catch chicken from chung yuen st.

price : $150 each (after bargain with GT )+ $20 tips

I rarely do 2 fly but this time tried . The girls claim they are real relatives.  The overall experience is very good, especially in fore-play . One serve my upper need the other serve my little brother, then one on each side...

Most interesting is when I do one and she screamed loudly , the other felt excited too and become wet . Then exchange and the other screamed loudly...

Bad is they do not want to play with each other and less fun for me, and they must change domdom (Used up all the 0.03 I brought there and had to buy more for latter use)...They stayed over 2 hours.

Also, I found one very fresh girl on each day . Though face not very pretty, figure very good. They made me feel like making love to a virgin who already knows how to enjoy sex. After sex, they always do not want to leave, and stay in my hotel to chat and chat and take photos (maybe they want me to pay them to stay overnight, which I usually don't).

Both stayed over 2 hrs and I was afraid the GT would give me trouble . I wish I could stay for more time to hang out with them. I do not even have qq so really miss them (may never see them again)...

Very happy and wish to go again asap
作者: man16cm    時間: 2006-8-24 00:59

作者: Minister    時間: 2006-8-24 12:44

Incredible, $300 two fly is very cheap.

Any photo?
作者: bp    時間: 2006-8-24 13:09

You must had a great time. Thx for the report.
作者: sadlife    時間: 2006-8-24 16:01

Great! you had a good time la !!
作者: oldfella    時間: 2006-8-25 23:35

yes, I had great time but very tiring bor. I nearly spent all my day time in the hotel except for lunch and dinner. Waiting for another chance to go again !

$300 but I gave them $50 tips also. Had some photos taken but many brothers here think sharing photos unethical ...
作者: JNC117    時間: 2006-8-26 00:04

I guess you have get their mobile phone number. You can call them out for another "gathering" when you visit CP again.
作者: 求其    時間: 2006-8-26 01:48

原帖由 oldfella 於 2006-8-23 04:44 PM 發表
Last week at last had the chance and went to CP for 2 1/2 days . As I have no money nor friends, so cannot go to sauna or KTV or night club . But catch chicken from chung yuen st.

price  ...
咁荀, 不如私有化呢對姊妹喇!
作者: oldfella    時間: 2006-8-26 09:11

私有化=$$$$ !
and I can only go there once or twice a year !
作者: oldfella    時間: 2006-8-26 09:15

原帖由 JNC117 於 2006-8-26 12:04 AM 發表
I guess you have get their mobile phone number. You can call them out for another "gathering" when you visit CP again.
They will not be fresh enough by that time and they may have gone home. Usually how long do they stay ?
作者: markLee    時間: 2006-8-26 11:03     標題: 回復 #1 oldfella 的帖子

Thank you very much for your Not-too-brief Report.............hehe!!!!
作者: RX-78-2    時間: 2006-8-26 11:19

they always do not want to leave, and stay in my hotel to chat and chat and take photos
Great ! Tks for yr report, photos please
作者: JNC117    時間: 2006-8-26 20:04

原帖由 oldfella 於 2006-8-26 09:15 AM 發表

They will not be fresh enough by that time and they may have gone home. Usually how long do they stay ?
That depends. Normally, girls will go home once or twice a year. They may or may not go back to the same place to work. I am sorry to hear that u can only visit CP several times a year. If u have their number, u can send them message even when u are in HK. So, you can at least know where they are.
作者: samnostranger    時間: 2006-8-27 00:30

good report
作者: oldfella    時間: 2006-8-27 02:42

原帖由 JNC117 於 2006-8-26 08:04 PM 發表

That depends. Normally, girls will go home once or twice a year. They may or may not go back to the same place to work. I am sorry to hear that u can only visit CP several times a year. If u ha ...
If I send them messages, that would mean I have sunk ship , then it's time to jump ship lah !

Haha, the girls come and go like winds rustle through leaves, leaving but just impressions...
作者: wong+chi+keung    時間: 2006-8-28 09:37

I have tried a real twin in Kwan yuet, CP, they looked exact the same both in appearance and figure.
作者: pimperro    時間: 2006-8-28 13:34

where is CP? Help a brother out
作者: oldfella    時間: 2006-8-28 16:31

Still haven't got the chance to try real twins... must be very good. Does one feel anything when you do the second one ?

CP is only half an hour away by train from lowu, most people consider this place Man's Paradise
作者: eaa2    時間: 2006-8-29 00:41

作者: pimperro    時間: 2006-8-29 09:48

Men's paradise,really? What is fullname of CP? is this a district of shenzhen?

I was last saturday in "soei foe" for a quicky after I weant clubbing in shenzhen. Just cost me 150 rmb down the one of the alleys. "Gong an" was just next to me while I was talking to the mami. She told I don't have to be scared. So I picked a girl for a quicky.
作者: pimperro    時間: 2006-8-29 09:59

By the way, as being new at this forum, What does ML means? help a brother out
作者: oldfella    時間: 2006-8-29 18:21

Gong An next to you and u still pick girls ? You are very brave !

ML = make luv
CP = Cheung Ping
For other questions please see ... 3236927/an/0/page/0
作者: pimperro    時間: 2006-8-30 10:53

thanks old fella!

well, maybe not brave, it was more drunk and may6be stupid

I saw also Hong Kong people comming out of the appartment while "gong an" was standing there. But they are more chillin in the street and in the alleys.
作者: chuchu1970    時間: 2006-8-30 12:21

作者: blackface    時間: 2006-8-31 19:26

原帖由 pimperro 於 2006-8-30 02:53 AM 發表
thanks old fella!

well, maybe not brave, it was more drunk and may6be stupid

I saw also Hong Kong people comming out of the appartment while "gong an" was standing there. But the ...
Since you are almost drunk, most likely he was BO An ( security) not Gong An
作者: mooncake2003    時間: 2006-8-31 21:29

good experience.

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