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標題: Shoot like a pro with broncolor lighting system [打印本頁]

作者: omstudio    時間: 2010-4-26 18:49     標題: Shoot like a pro with broncolor lighting system

你有否想過做專業攝影師,為家人朋友拍攝一輯漂亮動人的作品?要做一流的創作,除了一部性能卓越的相機,燈光,佈景亦同樣重要,缺一不可。 專業攝影師往往配備一流的創作團隊及昂貴的攝影器材,又豈能一般人所負擔?

O M Studio
於觀塘鬧市坐擁全港最大的室內攝影室,佔地一萬二千呎,十六個不同主題的佈景, 全天侯空調, 以及各式各樣高貴典雅的傢俱,設備完善,是攝影愛好者夢寐以求的樂園。


想蒞臨O M Studio為親朋好友拍攝與眾不同的作品?現在,你只要拿起手上的相機,我們就會為你準備好佈景、傢俱、燈光等等,讓你集中構圖創作。O M Studio使用的Broncolor燈光是國際攝影大師公認的頂級裝備,並非一般閃光燈能夠比擬。
要享用設備如此齊全的攝影室,絕非遙不可及!每小時只需500元,你就可以帶同親朋好友, 盡情享受專業攝影的樂趣, 價錢更包括燈光顧問、 Broncolor 燈光系統及 3枝閃光燈!

How Ming Factory Building
99 How Ming Street
Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Tel: (852) 2793-9333 (Brian Lee, Carson Wong)
Fax: (852) 2793-9555


“Shoot it like a Pro”

Have you always wondered how the real international pro photographers produce such amazing and glossy images? The key to great pictures is strong technical light, an amazing setting, an experienced lighting crew…..and of course a passionate photographer.

Come and bring your friends, family, kids, girlfriend/boyfriend, new born or pets and shoot in our fully air-conditioned 12,000 square feet studio featuring 16 amazing settings with tons of props to play around with. The creative options are just endless!

What do you need?

Just bring your camera and enjoy a fun time with your friends and loved ones. We take care of the rest. We set the lights using Broncolor equipment only. It’s the best light of its kind.

Producing Pro-level images can’t get any easier. We ensure that you get to focus on your subject, composition, creativity whilst having fun!

For only HK$500 per hour (2 hours booking required), we provide you with a 12,000 sq.ft. studio featuring 16 settings, lighting consultant and a Broncolor power pack with three flash lights and various light shapers to be creative with.

1. Up to 5 separate shooting parties are allowed at a time.
2. This offer is valid only for personal shoots. For commercial assignments other rental rates will apply.
3. If you overrun by 10 minutes, it will be charged as an additional hour.

How Ming Factory Building
99 How Ming Street
Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Tel: (852) 2793-9333 (Brian Lee, Carson Wong)
Fax: (852) 2793-9555


Some of our settings:

Portraits produced with our settings:

[ 本帖最後由 omstudio 於 2010-4-27 15:54 編輯 ]

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