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I am not really good in c/c++.. may be wrong

I think the purpose of this exercise is meant to use 'wout' command instead of 'cout'. If this is the case, I think you need to include <stddef.h> lib.

wout is to display wide charcters, which is double size of char.

This is all I know about wout. hhl, do you have any idea? Thx

[ 本帖最後由 d_chu 於 2006-11-23 05:03 AM 編輯 ]


thanks for the info, hhl..  havn't touch c++ for 5 years. it is already good for me to still remember a command like wout or wcout.

As also mentioned from you that wcout is double of char... so... correct me if I am wrong.. In practically, is it able to store character other than english, such as chinese (2 byte unicode)?




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