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標題: 英皇號 英皇式 是什麼 [打印本頁]

作者: strange    時間: 2006-11-24 00:08     標題: 英皇號 英皇式 是什麼

今天11 月23日下午放 假, 上深 圳"英皇號"一試"英皇式"按摩 雙鐘(90分鐘) $138,

技師 no. 09 , 按摩手法和這裡的日式全無分別, , 我問 她  "英皇式" 和"日式" 的分別在那 ?她說 "英皇式" 按肚時按多幾 個穴位,我覺得多付 $30按 雙鐘 "英皇式"  很不值 (日式是 $108雙鐘) 。按完她問我加不加鐘, 我當然不加。
作者: joeyyung    時間: 2006-11-24 00:59

ha ha ha you fall a trap
作者: HJ2127_ATR1    時間: 2006-11-24 09:23     標題: 回復 #1 strange 的帖子

作者: twyeung    時間: 2006-11-24 12:21

我試過, 一肚火. 女差.
作者: strange    時間: 2006-11-25 00:20

作者: diulenglui    時間: 2006-11-25 15:08

Tried once(I also tried Japanese style before) The difference was only she pushed my pat pat oil, no touching my sensitive areas. The bg kept on talking to me, i wanted to rest and told her to shut up. She replied, "You scold me?" "If you are not my customer, i won't even look at you in the streets!" Dare to scold me back, chi lun sin. When finished, said"At least $100 tip la" "If i didn't massage you, i would had massage another customer who wanted to come, he always give me 200 tip" What a PK bg!

Feeling unhappy with this fucking bg, I went to another sauna, found a pretty and plesant bg who massage me gently. The 2 bg i met in a single day, 1 damn bad 1 damn good, what a great difference!
作者: john_1    時間: 2006-11-27 11:52

原帖由 diulenglui 於 2006-11-25 07:08 AM 發表
Tried once(I also tried Japanese style before) The difference was only she pushed my pat pat oil, no touching my sensitive areas. The bg kept on talking to me, i wanted to rest and told her to shut ...
Good job you had a good experience , where was the 2nd place.
作者: john_1    時間: 2006-11-27 11:53

原帖由 diulenglui 於 2006-11-25 07:08 AM 發表
Tried once(I also tried Japanese style before) The difference was only she pushed my pat pat oil, no touching my sensitive areas. The bg kept on talking to me, i wanted to rest and told her to shut ...
Good job you had a good experience , where was the 2nd place.
作者: john_1    時間: 2006-11-27 11:55

原帖由 diulenglui 於 2006-11-25 07:08 AM 發表
Tried once(I also tried Japanese style before) The difference was only she pushed my pat pat oil, no touching my sensitive areas. The bg kept on talking to me, i wanted to rest and told her to shut ...
Good job you had a good experience , where was the 2nd place.
作者: netken2003    時間: 2006-11-27 12:09

這個, 是我每星期按正骨的主場。由於有提成, 每次電腦揀相的時候, 部長都會推介 英黃色. 而我每次的反應都係好白:「英黃色, 呃人架喎!我按過一次, 唔想再試喇。」

雖然有個別英黃式 BG 的手法可能OK,但質素良莠不齊的地方還是少試為妙,免得要谷氣。

PS. 就係知道的死女包轉哂過英黃色,所以才放心重回此場 才泵正骨。

[ 本帖最後由 netken2003 於 2006-11-27 04:12 AM 編輯 ]
作者: 鴨頭    時間: 2006-11-27 12:16

原帖由 twyeung 於 2006-11-24 12:21 PM 發表
我試過, 一肚火. 女差.
"英皇式"  按肚時按多幾 個穴位,一肚火都出唔倒 ,
作者: noob    時間: 2006-12-2 22:28

作者: peninsula    時間: 2006-12-6 17:28

原帖由 strange 於 2006-11-24 12:08 AM 發表
今天11 月23日下午放 假, 上深 圳"英皇號"一試"英皇式"按摩 雙鐘(90分鐘) $138,
技師 no. 09 , 按摩手法和這裡的日式全無分別, , 我問 她  "英皇式" 和"日式" 的分別 ...
Just gimmick and advertising! No meaning.

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