发电郵後收到automatic vacation response/alert(亦常稱为out-of-office reply/ notice) 最平常不過。但收到像下面这個out-of-office reply 時,大家又有何感想?
“I'm taking my compensation leave going to South Africa. If it is urgent, you can contact my secretary, Ms. Cathy Zhou at 86-20-11111111. If it is non-urgent, you can send it to info@wealthybusiness.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Thank you. ”
以上的out-of-office reply 犯了幾个毛病。要告知对方自己正在放假,实無可厚非。然而閣下放的是補假compensation leave (又稱time in lieu)、还是unpaid leave of absence (無薪假期) 均與對方甚無關係,不必畫蛇添足。