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標題: [疑難] need help again [打印本頁]

作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-2 19:26     標題: need help again

Dear Jeff and all C hings, it's me again, last time thank you for all info. from you guys, I am keep looking a nice condition BMW according to other shares I can find out who is private who is sales, I want to ask that is 320ci (2nd hand)is also good???  many thanks

[ 本帖最後由 james1616 於 2010-7-2 19:28 編輯 ]
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-7-5 15:01

中尾期款 應該冇咩問題既 不過呢架好似係四氣缸 我聽講好似比六氣缸 多野壞D 呢到都有朋友楂緊 E46 既四氣缸款式 你問佢會好D
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-5 17:36

how about this one??
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-7-5 17:55

原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2010-7-5 15:01 發表
中尾期款 應該冇咩問題既 不過呢架好似係四氣缸 我聽講好似比六氣缸 多野壞D 呢到都有朋友楂緊 E46 既四氣缸款式 你問佢會好D
記錯左 320i 應該係六氣缸 168hp 先arm
有時間買本今期TopGear睇下 今期有專題講選購二手BMW E46 3系

[ 本帖最後由 Jeff9394 於 2010-7-5 17:59 編輯 ]
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-5 19:02

Jeff u are the best...thank you ^^
作者: fishman1123    時間: 2010-7-6 18:18

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-5 09:36 發表
how about this one??
M package 好好多
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-7-7 00:34

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-2 19:26 發表
Dear Jeff and all C hings, it's me again, last time thank you for all info. from you guys, I am keep looking a nice condition BMW according to other shares I can find out who is private who is sales,  ...
呢架睇似係318ci...4缸engine, 143ps, 1995cc
唔係320, 尾期320係6缸engine, 170ps, 21xx cc

買得bmw真係唔好買4缸, 我自己而家揸緊4缸都係咁話...

同我整車個師傅都係咁講, 同埋如果換engine oil的話, 用返原廠都ok 架la~~
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-7 14:21

I think I will get that 325ci
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-7-8 13:45

車 就 一 定 架 325 快 D 型 D 架 啦
係 唔 知 架 車 D condition 同 保 養 邊 架 好 D
睇 相 硬 係 覺 得 架 320 好 似 新 D
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-9 12:05

That 325ci is really in bad condition(I saw it), the 320 have been sold and at last I deposited this one:

any common on that??
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-9 12:06

Dear Jeff and kelvin, I bought July TG la, the info. is so useful, thank you for your advise
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-7-9 13:50

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-9 12:05 發表
That 325ci is really in bad condition(I saw it), the 320 have been sold and at last I deposited this one:
any common on that??
其 實 你 想 要 四 門 定 單 門
四 門 車 身 軟 D 冇 咁 好 入 彎 同 尾 椅 拍 唔 低 架 喎
呢 架 condition 叫 好 過 架 325 不 過 有 冇 得 平 D 呀
同 呢 架 係 前 期 款 來 架 喎
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-9 14:16

the owner keep it very well condition and the price is net, 2dr/4dr for me is fine bcz it's 2 person always...前 期 款 is it easy to damage?? I think it is 6缸engine....
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-9 14:19

will go to BMW check car to extend lic.
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-9 14:31

that's true it's about 1950cc 150bp but for daily use i think it's good enough, about $1.3/km, electroic flow mirror...
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-9 16:08

made in 2000yr first reg.2003yr place of origin Germany
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-7-10 01:43

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-9 14:16 發表
the owner keep it very well condition and the price is net, 2dr/4dr for me is fine bcz it's 2 person always...前 期 款 is it easy to damage?? I think it is 6缸engine....
根據Jeff的說話, 佢話前期會多d電子野壞..
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-10 13:27

10yr car i suppose should be need some repair, so that's why i won't choose that looks like M package, 18" wheel etc......they are very easy have inner damage !

BTW,where to buy rear park cam with installation is good in KLN. side??thx~

I agree Chings points, at last I can get a good condition car, I know on the road safty is more important than outlook of the car, that's a response not just looks cool...

Dear: kelvin/Jeff @ after I got the car may be I will ask Chings help again for BMW problems, hope that all Chings here can give a helping hand...many thanks
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-7-12 14:32

楂 出 來 俾 jkjkelvin 同 fishman1123 老 強 返 轉 就 咩 問 題 佢 地 都 答 到 你 架 啦
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-7-13 01:01     標題: 回復 18# 的帖子


rear cam 我都唔知邊到整好...因為我冇呢d野..連parking sensor都冇...
但如果要裝, 咁咪要加多個mon係中控台?

[ 本帖最後由 jkjkelvin 於 2010-7-13 01:06 編輯 ]
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-7-13 01:02

原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2010-7-12 14:32 發表
楂 出 來 俾 jkjkelvin 同 fishman1123 老 強 返 轉 就 咩 問 題 佢 地 都 答 到 你 架 啦
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-13 17:11

rear cam is good thing especially u can see kids or dogs at the back, just add one 5 inch mon or connect to the central control/hi-fi mon is ok...

After my busy season i will join you guys...
作者: 百鬼夜行    時間: 2010-7-14 14:07

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-13 17:11 發表
rear cam is good thing especially u can see kids or dogs at the back, just add one 5 inch mon or connect to the central control/hi-fi mon is ok...

After my busy season i will join you guys...
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-7-14 16:56

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-13 17:11 發表
rear cam is good thing especially u can see kids or dogs at the back, just add one 5 inch mon or connect to the central control/hi-fi mon is ok...
After my busy season i will join you guys...
其 實 裝 得 就 最 好 裝 前 後 CAM 加 錄 影, 小 哈 架 車 好 似 裝 左
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-30 14:45

原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2010-7-14 04:56 PM 發表

其 實 裝 得 就 最 好 裝 前 後 CAM 加 錄 影, 小 哈 架 車 好 似 裝 左
I got the E46 already... will post photo later...I have to change one of the swipper(passanger side), bcz the end of the swipper can touch the glass when it is not using....i think the peasure of the arm is not strong enough...I will add both front and rear...but i don't know how to DIY where can I find the cam and install..???

BTW, thank you to tell me so many about the E46(my one is 320i) it is so nice....will go to add angle eyes just cost $700 part and install...~
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-30 14:48

Just add one Monitor in the front 5", or even can connect to your GPS monitor(if you have input) then just place the cam at the back ...
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-30 15:08

I just found one 後波cam in kowloon city, 5"mon+cam(with distance show)+install around 950
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-7-30 15:34

搵 人 裝 啦 自 己 攪 奶 野 就 唔 好 啦
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-31 12:06

now I am planning to get a new car audio with monitor...then go to install the cam..but fear the car audio with monitor cannot pass the gov. check
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-7-31 13:34

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-31 12:06 發表
now I am planning to get a new car audio with monitor...then go to install the cam..but fear the car audio with monitor cannot pass the gov. check
唔 會 架 喎 邊 個 同 你 講 話 唔 得???
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-7-31 13:42

bcz with DVD some said that it will be fail it is not offical equipment

I like to use with monitor bcz also good for rear cam.
作者: fishman1123    時間: 2010-8-1 03:53

原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2010-7-12 06:32 發表
楂 出 來 俾 jkjkelvin 同 fishman1123 老 強 返 轉 就 咩 問 題 佢 地 都 答 到 你 架 啦
幫得就幫.....唔一定答到....其實6缸通常都係皮帶PULLY水箱同VANOS SENSER依幾個問題, 其次OIL FILTER 座, 內龍D膠, 嘩佬膠邊

我部330CI 同M3 就通常依D問題
330CI 我揸左3年幾, 每年萬幾整車啦, 唔計換油(你可能一星期先用兩日), 其實都係$1.5左右1 KM.........
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-8-1 11:45

作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-1 12:23

Thank you guys here firstly, i am not pro in automobiles, so, I will drive out to let you guys see....for sure~
this is the pic of my E46 320i, it is so nice mainly drive by my wife, coz she hates my M.Benz, I can say that BMW is also very good especially 3 series, you guys are right 320 is more better than 318, the car is so nice and smooth, however, used once max 2 times it sudden off when waiting for red light, i just hold the brake but then when i leave it and go it sudden off it the protection of E46 or mainly something wrong/damage or battery problem????  basically, when I turn on the car, just in first click(engine not started only power) the dashboard shows on top a battery logo is it normal???

thank you^^

BTW, my wife is a new driver (1yr) ~

[ 本帖最後由 james1616 於 2010-8-2 16:36 編輯 ]
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-2 15:42


any advice?? does it fit any water(distilled)??
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-8-2 16:24

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-2 15:42 發表
any advice?? does it fit any water(distilled)??
用 原 廠 野 加 蒸 餾 水 啦
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-2 16:37

that means buy offical one then mix water....rartio is ??:??
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-8-2 18:09

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-2 16:37 發表
that means buy offical one then mix water....rartio is ??:??
樽 上 邊 有 寫 跟 返 個 spec 好
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-2 18:10

thank you jeff ching^^
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-8-2 23:59

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-2 16:37 發表
that means buy offical one then mix water....rartio is ??:??
water 一定要蒸餾水
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-3 01:50

Kelvin 兄,我要換和尚頭,正常幾$到? 邊度換?和尚頭有事係咪會導致死火? 因今日係佐敦着車行了廿米就死火,撻過后行三號仔回家無事......另外請問kelvin 兄是否谷友?
作者: 百鬼夜行    時間: 2010-8-3 13:36

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-3 01:50 發表
Kelvin 兄,我要換和尚頭,正常幾$到? 邊度換?和尚頭有事係咪會導致死火? 因今日係佐敦着車行了廿米就死火,撻過后行三號仔回家無事......另外請問kelvin 兄是否谷友?
和尚頭發訊號彈俾行車電腦叫架車罷工? 應該不會吧.
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-3 14:04

Before the car checked by BMWHK, they said that need to change 和尚頭 and ABS cable (ZONE) ??? dust cover broken...need to change...these 3 question will it coz the engine off...however when it off the brake still work(good luck)  ...i can restart then go...
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-3 14:06

to Jeff and Kelvin when you have time to see my car ar...???

I don't know more about cars and parts don't laugh me ar...
作者: 百鬼夜行    時間: 2010-8-3 14:51

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-3 14:04 發表
Before the car checked by BMWHK, they said that need to change 和尚頭 and ABS cable (ZONE) ??? dust cover broken...need to change...these 3 question will it coz the engine off...however when it off th ...
ABS 有sensor 我理解, 但係和尚頭同dust cover 就................R爆頭
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-8-3 15:20

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-3 14:04 發表
Before the car checked by BMWHK, they said that need to change 和尚頭 and ABS cable (ZONE) ??? dust cover broken...need to change...these 3 question will it coz the engine off...however when it off th ...
佢 有 冇 講 要 整 幾 銀???
大 問 題 果 個 應 該 係 ABS Cable 其 他  野 問 題 不 大
我 呢 個 星 期 好 忙 下 星 期 睇 下 得 唔 得 啦
再 唔 係 呢 個 星 期 日 我 睇 下 我 港 島 用 開 間 車 房 有 冇 開 有 同 你 過 去 望 下
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-8-3 15:31

ABS Cable 好少問題, 副廠料3,4百搞掂,
重要係ABS 腦冇死就得, ABS 腦要成$8000一個...
不過就算死咗都可以唔整, 只係冇咗ABS 同traction control, 一樣行得走得~!!

和尚頭有問題只會搞到行車時有響聲同軚盤會震, 唔會令架車死火..

dust cover更加唔關事, 佢只係保護d parts 好d!


話時話, 冇ABS同traction control過唔過到驗車?
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-8-3 15:32

行車死火, 會唔會係air flow sensor?
作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-8-3 15:57

原帖由 jkjkelvin 於 2010-8-3 15:31 發表
ABS Cable 好少問題, 副廠料3,4百搞掂,
重要係ABS 腦冇死就得, ABS 腦要成$8000一個...
不過就算死咗都可以唔整, 只係冇咗ABS 同traction control, 一樣行得走得~!!

和尚頭有問題只會搞到行車時有響 ...
過 到 唔 會 有 問 題 不 過 落 雨 就 對 楂 開 新 車 既 人 就 有 D 危
作者: 百鬼夜行    時間: 2010-8-3 16:31

$8000 abs腦,唔係好貴者
作者: 百鬼夜行    時間: 2010-8-3 16:32

原帖由 jkjkelvin 於 2010-8-3 15:32 發表
行車死火, 會唔會係air flow sensor?
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-3 18:26

2 weeks ago, took it to BMWHK for Gov. check the result is: ABS Cable {ZONE} (FAIL)
和尚頭 old and dust cover broken (FAIL)
HID transformer (when hood opened) can see by eyes easily (FAIL)
TOTAL result : FAIL

However I don't know they relate to engine off when after started, not always, but for safty it should be found out, I don't want to hurt anyone on the street.....lucky to have brake when it sudden off....after i started give oil then it is normal....

some say that may be oil pump or 02 sensor need change....but those fail items are advise to need change by BMW....

also my third-party car audio died...need change

和尚頭 i think will not be expensive.....

作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-3 18:29

死火 just happen after started engine and run about 20-30meters....

but not always...
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-8-4 14:43

but those fail items are advise to need change by BMW...


星期日我都會過海, 時間就到就過黎~

[ 本帖最後由 jkjkelvin 於 2010-8-4 14:47 編輯 ]
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-8-4 14:44

原帖由 百鬼夜行 於 2010-8-3 16:31 發表
$8000 abs腦,唔係好貴者
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-4 15:59

I mean BMW advise me to change...
Thank you 師兄們, 港島邊樹, 小弟九龍人!
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-8-5 11:57

作者: Jeff9394    時間: 2010-8-5 23:03

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-4 15:59 發表
I mean BMW advise me to change...
Thank you 師兄們, 港島邊樹, 小弟九龍人!
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-6 10:25

Kelvin could you tell me where you fix your ride...?? Thank you ^^
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-8-6 17:34

作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-6 18:25

沙田大圍 is also ok but will open on sunday?? I live in Tsing Yi
作者: jkjkelvin    時間: 2010-8-7 01:15

作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-7 12:13

hee...I found a shop in Jordon....they open even Sunday....and they close late also...they have computer for checking codes also........checking fee is $300
作者: fishman1123    時間: 2010-8-11 01:58

原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-2 17:50 發表
Kelvin 兄,我要換和尚頭,正常幾$到? 邊度換?和尚頭有事係咪會導致死火? 因今日係佐敦着車行了廿米就死火,撻過后行三號仔回家無事......另外請問kelvin 兄是否谷友?
可能VENOS 聲灑.......
作者: fishman1123    時間: 2010-8-11 02:00

原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2010-8-3 07:20 發表

佢 有 冇 講 要 整 幾 銀???
大 問 題 果 個 應 該 係 ABS Cable 其 他  野 問 題 不 大
我 呢 個 星 期 好 忙 下 星 期 睇 下 得 唔 得 啦
再 唔 係 呢 個 星 期 日 我 睇 下 我 港 島 用 開 間 車 房 有 冇 開 ...
ABS Cable 唔洗買正廠, 價錢平一半同一間廠分別於有冇BMW LOGO ONLY
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-11 10:53

haha...I went to check it la....they use computer to check codes, they said that the last owner used to fixed some problems (like: elec. windows, some parts) but may be the last garage doesn't have computer to check  and erase, they clean my computer and check all the elec. for me....they said that may be the computer still have those codes fixed but not yet erase so now they clean it and ask me to try to use the car and if happen again, take back and check codes then will know what happen...  also computer said ABS cable is normal(just not tight up good before) last computer check, fuse change, elec. part checking, dust cleaning, washing car totally $500...
作者: james1616    時間: 2010-8-11 10:56

anyone need the addr. can pm to you...

they are so nice and also they have parts to sell, the boss has shop for parts in TKW, can trans to even sunday.

they will install the rear parking cam for me soon

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