原帖由 Haidada 於 2010-11-8 16:33 發表
认识第一第三那天刚巧是跟LB吵大架闹分手。。本来没心情选女的又选了她。。当晚真的没多留意她。。只觉得她比较纯。。春天叫她云南 ...
原帖由 Haidada 於 2010-11-8 16:33 發表
认识第一第三那天刚巧是跟LB吵大架闹分手。。本来没心情选女的又选了她。。当晚真的没多留意她。。只觉得她比较纯。。春天叫她云南 ...
原帖由 simonkok 於 2010-11-8 17:33 發表
不過果晚最精彩係睇aa一個人應付3+1條囡(因為其中一條囡唔係佢0既).. ...
原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-11-8 17:36 發表
sometimes, let's fate decide la. do not force yourself to sink again and do not be too bothered with the same bday, etc. It may mean you and her have the fate to be together (for a while) only.
原帖由 Haidada 於 2010-11-9 00:06 發表
AA 就的确是好玩到痹。。3+1 是其一好玩。。白衣漂亮。。AA喜欢却诈醉走左去坐另外一间房。。。
带返去过个一Q又花阿妈离左吾过得夜。。最顶 ...
原帖由 Haidada 於 2010-11-9 00:06 發表
AA 就的确是好玩到痹。。3+1 是其一好玩。。白衣漂亮。。AA喜欢却诈醉走左去坐另外一间房。。。
带返去过个一Q又花阿妈离左吾过得夜。。最顶 ...
原帖由 simonkok 於 2010-11-9 00:22 發表
原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-11-9 00:27 發表
the most pure is AA, not the girls. haha..
DL DH... only 3 out of 7 girls of my previous visits could stay ON but unfortunately, I wanted the other 4 girls to stay ON instead.
butterfly .. ...
原帖由 simonkok 於 2010-11-9 00:39 發表
有時會撞着極好。。(你問下大朗姑爺或小人物大哥就知有幾好)。。但有時會無甘得。。。但比起cp。。囡囡都會保持番d其本禮貎。。(個人意見)。 ...
原帖由 Haidada 於 2010-11-8 16:33 發表
认识第一第三那天刚巧是跟LB吵大架闹分手。。本来没心情选女的又选了她。。当晚真的没多留意她。。只觉得她比较纯。。春天叫她云南 ...
原帖由 simonkok 於 2010-11-9 00:39 發表
有時會撞着極好。。(你問下大朗姑爺或小人物大哥就知有幾好)。。但有時會無甘得。。。但比起cp。。囡囡都會保持番d其本禮貎。。(個人意見)。 ...
原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-11-9 00:27 發表
no need to rush. the forest is big, and it is constantly changing... one tree down, and one tree up..haha..
原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-11-9 09:20 發表
put it this way, the girls that I "met" are mostly good. No black faces, and only met once who tried to leave early (inside K). It was the ON vs 1Q that annoyed me a bit as I liked morning q or th ...
原帖由 simonkok 於 2010-11-9 10:36 發表
原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-11-9 11:13 發表
oh, then there are many girls who did not have feel with me then...as many of them had to say
after 1Q. I need to improve my bed skills...
原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-11-12 14:01 發表
i had a friend who put his 2 LBs into 2 rooms 1 block apart from each other. You should learn from him lor..![]()
原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2010-11-12 16:34 發表
有时会吃饭饱过头......, 喝汤喝到.....
有时kimchi 会问: 点解这么一点精虫! 你这几天又去那鬼混了.....: ...
原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-11-12 14:01 發表
i had a friend who put his 2 LBs into 2 rooms 1 block apart from each other. You should learn from him lor..![]()
原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2010-11-12 16:34 發表
有时会吃饭饱过头......, 喝汤喝到.....
有时kimchi 会问: 点解这么一点精虫! 你这几天又去那鬼混了.....h:" />
h:" />: ...
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