原帖由 loksiu 於 2006-12-18 11:24 發表
原帖由 parkers96 於 2006-12-24 13:24 發表
To be honest with you, I feel a little otherwise.
When someone glanced through postings and out of respect of the owner of the thread and says thank you along the way, it this till considered as ...
不得發表內容空泛之文章、洗版、過於精簡、文不對題的主題或回覆、灌水或呃post,、 (只打thanks, thx, good, nice, push, support, hihi, 推, ccc,....,see; 只用符號或圖案表情或 自己回覆自己等都計算在內)
原帖由 鐵血將軍巴頓 於 2006-12-24 05:50 AM 發表
版規已經寫得好清楚, 也有足夠指給會員, 我相信會員依照版規指引去回覆別人的帖是不會有問題的, 但違反版規則例外。
原帖由 parkers96 於 2006-12-24 20:17 發表
Are you saying that we don't have to say "thanks"? We may not have a lot to comment on and thus may end up just saying "thank you". I read real fast and can go through a lot ...
原帖由 鐵血將軍巴頓 於 2006-12-24 09:26 PM 發表
定呢條版規最主要麰鴞]係要杜絕同禁止所有惡意灌水, 呃POST又或者洗版鵀甈, 咁做係希望會員睇帖後對帖多作出評語, 而唔係睇完帖之後就求其打句THANKS, GOOD 或者 "好" 就算, 亦都唔希 ...
原帖由 Orange+Fai 於 2006-12-26 16:04 發表
vincent0402 係咁洗版, 全部都係咁「THXTHX.............. 」!
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