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標題: Just come from a business trip in Manila [打印本頁]

作者: alienurbanite    時間: 2011-2-14 17:56     標題: Just come from a business trip in Manila

Definately worth going for all you c-hing.  Cheap prices compared to Hong Kong and service much better.  Quality of the dance bars are not as good.
Some personal recommandations are Cowboy Grill and Cotton Club.  Busy only after 10pm, but earlier on weekend.  Must try!
作者: ESTIMAV6    時間: 2011-2-16 16:09     標題: TRIP TO PATTAYA

I am going tp Pattaya (Thailand) for conference, can you C-Hing give me any place I can go to have some fun ?????

Thanks !!!!!
作者: chanmalay    時間: 2011-2-19 00:26     標題: 回復 1# 的帖子

c hing, which part of manila that you mention, more info. please. thank you.

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