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標題: 同鳳凰女唱K [打印本頁]

作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-23 19:19     標題: 同鳳凰女唱K

Yes, she is from phoenix SN, looks 80% like Lee kA Yan, sweet voice and gentle, clever in conversation. She agreed to have dinner with me on Sat, then Karaoke (she sings well, so I'm told), then........not yet decide. Go to hotel may be. But who knows whether 山水時尚 is ok? My budget is around $ 250, is it possible?
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-23 19:45

作者: mcworker    時間: 2007-1-23 20:06

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-23 07:19 PM 發表
Yes, she is from phoenix SN, looks 80% like Lee kA Yan, sweet voice and gentle, clever in conversation. She agreed to have dinner with me on Sat, then Karaoke (she sings well, so I'm told), then... ...


作者: iamaomhk    時間: 2007-1-23 20:06

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-23 20:07

作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-23 20:10

原帖由 mcworker 於 2007-1-23 12:06 PM 發表



Thanks, K歌王附近呢?
作者: mcworker    時間: 2007-1-23 20:12

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-23 08:07 PM 發表
作者: mcworker    時間: 2007-1-23 20:13

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-23 08:10 PM 發表

Thanks, K歌王附近呢?
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-23 20:13

原帖由 iamaomhk 於 2007-1-23 12:06 PM 發表
Is she no. %* ?
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-23 20:19

原帖由 mcworker 於 2007-1-23 12:12 PM 發表

作者: mcworker    時間: 2007-1-23 20:29

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-23 08:19 PM 發表



作者: iamaomhk    時間: 2007-1-23 20:42

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作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-23 20:45

作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-1-23 23:52

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-23 07:19 PM 發表
Yes, she is from phoenix SN, looks 80% like Lee kA Yan, sweet voice and gentle, clever in conversation. She agreed to have dinner with me on Sat, then Karaoke (she sings well, so I'm told), then... ...
Bros Jester, Michelle is too old la !
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-24 00:19

原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-1-23 03:52 PM 發表

Bros Jester, Michelle is too old la !
but this mini Michelle is young and fresh, when she slept on my chest, she's like a baby, smell good too.
作者: mcworker    時間: 2007-1-24 11:47

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-24 12:19 AM 發表

but this mini Michelle is young and fresh, when she slept on my chest, she's like a baby, smell good too.
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-24 12:11

原帖由 mcworker 於 2007-1-24 03:47 AM 發表

okok, if only she won't fly me pigeon, if only she let me "fishmeat" her.
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-1-24 14:54

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-24 12:19 AM 發表

but this mini Michelle is young and fresh, when she slept on my chest, she's like a baby, smell good too.
Bros Jester, mini Michelle = 幼齒, it's sound great !
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-24 15:03

原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-1-24 06:54 AM 發表

Bros Jester, mini Michelle = 幼齒, it's sound great !
Not too 幼齒 feel, there is banner on top of this page where you can see this mini Michelle, 100% alike.
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-1-24 15:06

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-24 03:03 PM 發表

Not too 幼齒 feel, there is banner on top of this page where you can see this mini Michelle, 100% alike.
Bros Jester, sorry I see nothing at all. Please PM the photo of mini Michelle to me la !
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-1-24 15:11

原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-1-24 07:06 AM 發表

Bros Jester, sorry I see nothing at all. Please PM the photo of mini Michelle to me la !
I mean ”情人節用中文表白。。。。” 那條banner, on top of this forum page, but it keeps changing.
作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-23 17:56

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-23 19:19 發表
Yes, she is from phoenix SN, looks 80% like Lee kA Yan, sweet voice and gentle, clever in conversation. She agreed to have dinner with me on Sat, then Karaoke (she sings well, so I'm told), then... ...
I think she is that pretty Hu Nan young lady %*...She is quite conservative in providing the service, I don;t think she will let you readily carry out the project named "犁庭扫穴" 的
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-23 19:31

原帖由 iamaomhk 於 2007-1-23 20:06 發表
Is she no. %* ?
Iamamhk 師兄, 你都試過她呀? 我也於過年前找過她, 開始時都感覺良好 (樣貌清新身材均勻), 過了一會才知她是那裡的紅人之一 (唔憂做那種), 惡夢就由此開始!
她一入來第一句就問 : 第一次來嗎? 你掂解搵我呀? 我剛下鐘便要過來, 連宵夜都未曾吃呀! 我嘅答案是 : 是 . 隨便揀 . 我都是! 她見我這樣回應, 就同我講 : 不如去食完宵夜才按啦, 我今日已做咗幾個客, 對手好累; 我立即話, 在減肥中, 妳可以同經理講唔做架 ! 唔知是唔是太過強硬 (指說話.唔是講弟弟), 她立刻就範, 叫我瞓低按背脊及雙腿, 這部份就不用提啦, 完全似抓痕般, 轉身過來之後, 便把我的褲除下, 先按幾下前列腺便出油玩我弟弟, 我話唔玩床尾機, 要她是我身旁搞, 順便可上下其手啦! 點知她話姨媽到, 唔可掂妹妹, 頭先個客又擠到雙乳好痛, 只可隔胸(圍)玩物, 真是死都比佢激到番生, 有見及此, 唯有擠乳罩加埋幻想, 用拾幾分鐘來完成升空嘅過程啦 !
唔知師兄有否遇到我以上不幸嘅情況呢 ?
作者: Cowboy    時間: 2007-2-23 20:12

Giver her a good fuck and report. Thanks!!
作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-24 10:57

原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-2-23 19:31 發表

Iamamhk 師兄, 你都試過她呀? 我也於過年前找過她, 開始時都感覺良好 (樣貌清新身材均勻), 過了一會才知她是那裡的紅人之一 (唔憂做那種), 惡夢就由此開始!
她一入 ...
As I'd said in the SMS I sent to you the day after your visiting there, the gal was very pretty and fresh, but would never provide the service openly! She's too conservative!
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-24 18:41

原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-24 10:57 發表

As I'd said in the SMS I sent to you the day after your visiting there, the gal was very pretty and fresh, but would never provide the service openly! She's too conservative!
求其板主, 她唔止過份保守/保護自己, 是過程中重有好多信息及來電呢 !
作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-24 22:14

原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-2-24 18:41 發表

求其板主, 她唔止過份保守/保護自己, 是過程中重有好多信息及來電呢 !
信息及來電may be sent by those whose blood was thouroughly drawnb from the brain to the eyes and perceptional organs crazy for her pretty outlook law
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-24 23:39

原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-24 22:14 發表

信息及來電may be sent by those whose blood was thouroughly drawn from the brain to the eyes and perceptional organs crazy for her pretty outlook law
Exactly la!
作者: Dior    時間: 2007-2-25 18:31

作者: an_uu    時間: 2007-2-25 22:52

作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-25 23:00

原帖由 an_uu 於 2007-2-25 22:52 發表

作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-25 23:00

原帖由 an_uu 於 2007-2-25 22:52 發表
AnUu 師兄, 是呂方屋企過夜, 有冇見到 DoDo 姐呀!
作者: an_uu    時間: 2007-2-25 23:51

原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-25 23:00 發表


作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-26 00:23

原帖由 an_uu 於 2007-2-25 23:51 發表

AnUu 師兄, 鳳凰裝修咗好耐咩?
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2007-2-26 00:28     標題: 回復 #34 SMUmbrella 的帖子

作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-26 00:35

原帖由 7-siu 於 2007-2-26 00:28 發表
"七少"師兄, 是鳳凰路 77 號. 鳳凰酒店樓上囉!
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2007-2-26 00:51     標題: 回復 #36 SMUmbrella 的帖子

收到!Thank you very much !
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-26 00:56

原帖由 7-siu 於 2007-2-26 00:51 發表
收到!Thank you very much !
"七少"師兄, 又是個句, 不用言謝, 互相扶持啦!
作者: iamaomhk    時間: 2007-2-26 11:42

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-26 14:16

原帖由 an_uu 於 2007-2-25 23:51 發表

新裝修後的女一般比较無甘放,如 !(  ,  %* 等。。。
作者: Dior    時間: 2007-2-26 15:42

作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-26 15:48

原帖由 Dior 於 2007-2-26 15:42 發表
而且好多客,唔夠女,我個次去成條街都係男裝拖鞋,個個在問幾時有女,我個次做點鍾,我都等了45mins,我個朋友想走,話比番洗澡錢,條經理又唔比,我條骨女走過,立刻拖人房了.成條街都係狼狗.睇住有d師兄硬食豬扒.條經理又 ...

[ 本帖最後由 求其 於 2007-2-26 15:50 編輯 ]
作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-26 15:52

原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-26 15:48 發表

呢间场有无像正骨场甘有PURE SAUNA我不知,假如没有标明,就肯定收188了!
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-27 01:42

原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-26 15:48 發表

求其板主, 個果梁漢陽主任話, 每逢星期五或六都有好多客喎? 有時要幾個一齊來嘅客共用同一個櫃添! 但是平時 (晚上11時後) 就人影都唔多個啦!
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-2-27 12:01

原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-23 09:56 發表

I think she is that pretty Hu Nan young lady %*...She is quite conservative in providing the service, I don;t think she will let you readily carry out the project named "犁後庭扫水穴 ...
Forget whether I'd fingered her hole, but i did pull down her dress and saw her black "Cavin Klein" underpant (must be an A product!) Grap her ball too and forget again whether without her bra on. One thing for sure, I pulled her down to sleep next to me and she allowed me for mouth kiss, quite passive though.
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-28 00:26

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-2-27 12:01 發表

Forget whether I'd fingered her hole, but i did pull down her dress and saw her black "Cavin Klein" underpant (must be an A product!) Grap her ball too and forget again whether withou ...
Bros Jester, are you still Fall in Love with her?
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-2-28 00:45

原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-2-27 16:26 發表

Bros Jester, are you still Fall in Love with her?
never, just want to eat her some day in some (cheap) way.
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-28 01:06

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-2-28 00:45 發表

never, just want to eat her some day in some (cheap) way.
Bros Jester, I'm talking about %*! Don't you ?
作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-28 01:48

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-2-27 12:01 發表

Forget whether I'd fingered her hole, but i did pull down her dress and saw her black "Cavin Klein" underpant (must be an A product!) Grap her ball too and forget again whether withou ...
How come You to to forget those critical moment!!! It's the key of your visit ma!
作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-28 01:50

原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-28 01:48 發表

How come You to to forget those critical moment!!! It's the key of your visit ma!
One thing: I am now in Phoenix
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2007-2-28 01:50

作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-28 02:32

原帖由 7-siu 於 2007-2-28 01:50 發表
鳳凰女姐姐今日出來見周總理... What does that mean?
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2007-2-28 09:47

原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-26 15:52 發表

呢间场有无像正骨场甘有PURE SAUNA我不知,假如没有标明,就肯定收188了!
應該有, 見過有女賓
作者: 求其    時間: 2007-2-28 10:20

原帖由 colorbhk 於 2007-2-28 09:47 發表

應該有, 見過有女賓
They may be aiming at foot massage and neither body massage nor sauna, as there has no changing room /bathing area for female customers
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2007-2-28 11:46     標題: 回復 #52 求其 的帖子

作者: Jester    時間: 2007-2-28 12:11

原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-27 17:48 發表

How come You to to forget those critical moment!!! It's the key of your visit ma!
Play too many times in that period, even confused who's who don't know she'd been back to work, she said she need to go back home town during luner new year holidays to solve a family problem. This was what she told me the moment she woke up. Yes, she slept in my chest last time for more than an hour! haha
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2007-2-28 12:19

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-2-28 12:11 發表

Play too many times in that period, even confused who's who don't know she'd been back to work, she said she need to go back home town during luner new year holidays to solve a family probl ...
i dont know whether that is a norm or not, phoenix girl pretty enjoy sleeping on clients chest after the part 2, are they lazy
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-2-28 12:19

原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-2-27 17:06 發表

Bros Jester, I'm talking about %*! Don't you ?
mini Michele lor. I won't waste too much time on her. other "cases" to follow......
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-2-28 12:21

原帖由 colorbhk 於 2007-2-28 04:19 發表

i dont know whether that is a norm or not, phoenix girl pretty enjoy sleeping on clients chest after the part 2, are they lazy
i enjoy though.
作者: pentium2005    時間: 2007-2-28 13:05

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-1-24 12:11 發表

okok, if only she won't fly me pigeon, if only she let me "fishmeat" her.
Jester ching : Why we did not see your report ??? Is she fly you pigeon ?
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-2-28 13:11

原帖由 pentium2005 於 2007-2-28 05:05 發表

Jester ching : Why we did not see your report ??? Is she fly you pigeon ?
some clues in my other post......
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2007-2-28 13:38

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-2-28 12:21 發表

i enjoy though.
to be honest, me 2

by the way, i visit there last sunday, after the part 2, the bg massage my legs for 5 minutes, then she proposed to sleep next to me however, she really fell to sleep
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-2-28 13:47

原帖由 colorbhk 於 2007-2-28 05:38 發表

to be honest, me 2

by the way, i visit there last sunday, after the part 2, the bg massage my legs for 5 minutes, then she proposed to sleep next to me however, she really  ...
i dunt mind at all, that's why i always choose pretty faces, because there're always chances that we need to keep a close face to face position for a long time, hahaha
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2007-2-28 13:50

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-2-28 13:47 發表

i dunt mind at all, that's why i always choose pretty faces, because there're always chances that we need to keep a close face to face position for a long time, hahaha
if you do enjoy the pretty face and nothing else, u can try the 救生, pretty good looking, but i am not sure have you ever tried or if she still there
作者: Jester    時間: 2007-2-28 14:08

原帖由 colorbhk 於 2007-2-28 05:50 發表

if you do enjoy the pretty face and nothing else, u can try the 救生, pretty good looking, but i am not sure have you ever tried or if she still there
thanks for recommending, how about "dog dog"? pretty in her picture, havn't tried...
作者: please    時間: 2007-2-28 18:00

enjoy your fuck and give us a gd report.
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-2-28 20:51

原帖由 colorbhk 於 2007-2-28 13:38 發表

to be honest, me 2 ; by the way, i visit there last sunday, after the part 2, the bg massage my legs for 5 minutes, then she proposed to sleep next to me however, she really  ...
Too too Dirty Bros ColorBhk!  If I were you, I'd insisted her to wash her hands B4 fell down!
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2007-2-28 23:26

原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-2-28 20:51 發表

Too too Dirty Bros ColorBhk!  If I were you, I'd insisted her to wash her hands B4 fell down!
she did
作者: 求其    時間: 2007-3-1 00:56

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-2-28 14:08 發表

thanks for recommending, how about "dog dog"? pretty in her picture, havn't tried...
I tell you what:

The "dog dog" you've referred to is not there. The present "dog dog" working in the sauna is the elder sister of the "dog dog" as shown in the photo!
作者: SMUmbrella    時間: 2007-3-1 05:05

原帖由 Jester 於 2007-2-28 14:08 發表

thanks for recommending, how about "dog dog"? pretty in her picture, havn't tried...
Bros Jester, I believe that "Dog-Fat" is much than "Dog-Dog" la!

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