Ate Cici few days ago, not sure why some people said she is uneatable. The apartment is a really old building, but we are not going there to look for our dream home, we go there to fxxk, right?
(To keeper: if you can have some nice slippers provided, that would be great!)
Look: Cici herself opened the door to let me in. When I saw her face, I was thinking "條女好得喎。係keeper定係做架 ?" 第一眼睇真係霎眼嬌,睇真就正常番,都有 7/10,有嘢啲似鍾麗緹,都係厚唇(咁梗係冇鍾麗緹咁正喇),20歲女(佢話)
Body: around 167cm tall (she said), 中等身型 ,絕對唔肥,皮膚不算滑溜,B cup size
Services: $120相金先惠,shower for 2,a bit 冇乜力嘅massage, 佢想cbj,我問可不可以環保啲,bbbj 無問題,女上男下、觀音坐蓮、男上女下、doggy、轉番男上交功課(問過佢,無囗爆
Extra: 轉番男上後條女唔知係太high定喪,手抓我背脊又咬我隻手,嚇死我