原帖由 daball 於 2012-7-7 23:56 發表
我同淫妻都成日玩 3/4P , 不過係比錢玩, 因為可以單係性無其他... 又可以次次唔同有新鮮感. 對增加情趣同增進雙方感情真係幾好, 至少我知道我越黎越鐘意淫妻..... 之前都係搵雞同人妖.... 但淫妻好想男既, 上星期終於 ...
原帖由 microguy 於 2012-7-9 11:13 發表
didn't need reply too many words, just post those porn photo. I love black fuck Asian. and thank you of your sharing.
he big or what? haha
原帖由 memeling 於 2012-7-7 18:10 發表
I'm Ling from Hong Kong, happy married lady with Rick is mixed Malay Chinese, but he born in Australia. I Met him in university when I was studying in here. We both are currently living in Australia ...
原帖由 daball 於 2012-7-7 23:56 發表
我同淫妻都成日玩 3/4P , 不過係比錢玩, 因為可以單係性無其他... 又可以次次唔同有新鮮感. 對增加情趣同增進雙方感情真係幾好, 至少我知道我越黎越鐘意淫妻..... 之前都係搵雞同人妖.... 但淫妻好想男既, 上星期終於 ...
原帖由 memeling 於 2012-7-9 13:06 發表
Kar very tall, I think around over 6 ft, but his cock not really huge as most black guys in porn, but he has very skill, I love his tongue~
原帖由 memeling 於 2012-7-9 13:01 發表
may be I try to write in English, and then translate in Chinese by using like Google translate
原帖由 stealeater 於 2012-7-9 22:37 發表
Perhaps you should start doing "survey" on the size of other black guys.But even though Kar's cock isn't as huge as those in porn, I think it's still very large, right?
原帖由 群交友 於 2012-7-10 13:43 發表
我女友都同黑哥玩過一次, 雖然個黑哥冇平時睇四仔o個d咁長咁粗, 但女友話佢硬度十足, 勁度和耐力驚人, 女友比佢插到欲仙欲死, 叫床聲肯定全間時租酒店都聽到. 我雖然唔在場, 但點解我會知? 佢o地拍o左片比我睇囉.
原帖由 memeling 於 2012-7-10 13:34 發表
hehee.... no la
just want to share experience, no find any partner here
原帖由 jacko 於 2012-8-23 11:05 發表
You have tried anal, sex toys etc. Now that you have two cocks at your disposal, have you thought of trying DP (double penetration) with one cock in your ass and one in your cunt ? It would be quite ...
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