原帖由 kltk 於 2007-2-9 15:47 發表
第一次出帖, 請支持, 珠海步步高大酒店於07/02/2007
個場都算乾淨, 質素總算過得去, 但是一分價錢一分貨(全套248). 申請入會10, 會員身分全套200. 會員卡可以留給櫃臺, 下次去時只要講出手提電話號碼便可.
原帖由 kltk 於 2007-2-9 15:47 發表
第一次出帖, 請支持
個場都算乾淨, 質素總算過得去, 但是一分價錢一分貨(全套248).
申請入會10, 會員身分全套200.
會員卡可以留給櫃臺, 下次去時只要講出手提電話號碼便可.
原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-9 15:53 發表
月XX...It's not very clean indeed for it's quite old and management group seems to lack of what we call vividity
原帖由 kltk 於 2007-2-9 16:34 發表
Dear 求其, I agree, the first time that I was there was almost 4-5 year ago. During that time they still have the bathing area that you describe.
But last Wednesday when I was there, they have re ...
原帖由 kltk 於 2007-2-9 15:47 發表
第一次出帖, 請支持
個場都算乾淨, 質素總算過得去, 但是一分價錢一分貨(全套248).
申請入會10, 會員身分全套200.
會員卡可以留給櫃臺, 下次去時只要講出手提電話號碼便可.
原帖由 mcworker 於 2007-2-9 18:11 發表
原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-2-10 00:10 發表
McWorker 師兄, 試完記著出帖子呀
原帖由 mcworker 於 2007-2-10 10:36 發表
原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-2-10 13:04 發表
McWorker 師兄, 咪叫你試完記著出帖子囉
原帖由 aduck1 於 2007-2-9 09:00 發表
佢地係冇水床玩洵鬼荅D室裡面有個蒸房,但係一陣味,好耐冇人用了,過夜瞓覺房門冇得鎖,個房設計又old,連個女女都話好唔方便,因為而家全套係要好多道具嘛,個床邊窄到死,推洵鬼禶Q落床甘掃慶,一杯杯放晒享張床度 ...
原帖由 kltk 於 2007-2-9 15:47 發表
第一次出帖, 請支持
個場都算乾淨, 質素總算過得去, 但是一分價錢一分貨(全套248).
申請入會10, 會員身分全套200.
會員卡可以留給櫃臺, 下次去時只要講出手提電話號碼便可.
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-11 14:33 發表
It's cheap. I have been there 3 times last year. However, the VIP rooms look really old and smelly, more expensive too. The normal rooms ($250 or $260) are newer but hardware not good. The bed ...
原帖由 廣東南蠻子 於 2007-2-12 00:40 發表
I've been there once 6 months ago, there is no bg to choose and the room had bad smell. Not a good place to stay overnight. I think there is better choice.
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-12 12:51 發表
The smell at VIP rooms is worse! Anyway, not for overnight stay but if you are in a hurry and want low cost, this is the place!![]()
原帖由 mcworker 於 2007-2-12 16:13 發表
原帖由 廣東南蠻子 於 2007-2-12 17:04 發表
and I think not many BG to choose. You go there to bang girls not to stay overnite.
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-12 16:59 發表
You are right!![]()
原帖由 eatallcheesecak 於 2007-2-19 21:06 發表
The check in price of an hotel room (plain room only) is about 200 to 400, mostly.
原帖由 eatallcheesecak 於 2007-2-20 03:26 發表
Next time to there, I will check with the sauna inside an hotel and ask for BOTH.
原帖由 inksing 於 2007-2-27 09:29 發表
過年除夕前去過,hardware OK 喎有水床,無異味
覺得呢個價錢同服務幾抵玩:ap ...
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-27 12:45 發表
Which sauna are u referring to?![]()
原帖由 inksing 於 2007-3-6 13:33 發表
就係講緊果間專賣DVD Player既.........步步高囉
我就覺得software ok 喎個friend試個!!滑一滑,我都第一轉就揀到喎
我就覺得compare with price and products 呢度係valuab ...
原帖由 lyingdragon 於 2007-3-6 22:21 發表
Great, thanks for sharing, I like!
原帖由 inksing 於 2007-2-27 09:29 發表
過年除夕前去過,hardware OK 喎有水床,無異味
覺得呢個價錢同服務幾抵玩:ap ...
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-3-17 23:06 發表
Went to 友誼 at ZH recently. It is very near to border. With waterbed, cost was $250 as manager gave me $18 discount?! Many girls to choose from but hardware not too good. Tried no. ^!. Good skil ...
原帖由 inksing 於 2007-3-18 18:19 發表
Thanks C Hing, have no idea about this SN but since this is almost 必經之路 every times I pased by also wandering what kind of SN this is but when I saw the poster in the entrance which is lady w ...
原帖由 markl 於 2007-3-18 20:43 發表
she gui shi jin bu le ,zhe dou you hui yuan zhi le
原帖由 on99jet 於 2007-3-19 07:30 發表
good wor
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