Hi ,有冇C-Hing 去過?俾D意見.Thanks 作者: moodown 時間: 2007-2-14 17:31
Don't go , Too Old & No Services !!! 作者: DavidL 時間: 2007-2-14 17:42
About $260 for vege massage for 2 sessions. 3 sessions is $400 - plan A only. Depends on which BG, you can touch her too. All are at least mid age BG and older. 作者: bgfantasy 時間: 2007-2-15 08:34
but heard from other brothers that their bone skill are good. so for a vegi relax, it's okay. 作者: opps 時間: 2007-2-15 23:53
sim like to be closed long time ! 作者: 99eric 時間: 2007-2-16 20:38
All the BGs with good massage skill but mid age. VAS will provide for regular customerw with 3 hours massage.
I suspect that they wash the cloths at the room next to the shower room. 作者: 169 時間: 2007-2-18 11:16
有D人話唔掂 作者: gzdqh 時間: 2007-2-21 12:50
原帖由 moodown 於 2007-2-14 17:31 發表
Don't go , Too Old & No Services !!!
too old, drive out the wind!! 作者: 鴨頭 時間: 2007-3-12 15:01