原帖由 ytt 於 2007-2-15 01:11 AM 發表
Since monday I have :
squared 2 hands of long gold deals and bought in 1 hand of short gold deal
squared 1 hand of long yen and bought in 4 hands of short yen
bought in 2 hands of short ...
原帖由 ytt 於 2007-2-15 01:11 發表
Since monday I have :
原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-2-15 09:28 發表
Squared the short CAD, but keep the short EUR/JPY deal.
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-15 09:49 AM 發表
Any recommendation on currency contracts for now?
原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-2-15 10:27 發表
I have poor record on currency trading. I won many contracts with small gains but lost few big ones.
原帖由 ytt 於 2007-2-15 12:25 發表
An old saying. You eat salt fish and you tolerate thirsty.
原帖由 ytt 於 2007-2-15 12:25 發表
An old saying. You eat salt fish and you tolerate thirsty.
原帖由 kkwong7606 於 2007-2-15 14:41 發表
But so painful....
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