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標題: "環保"and "悅沐" sauna [打印本頁]

作者: bigdog173    時間: 2006-8-31 23:12     標題: "環保"and "悅沐" sauna

Are these two vegi saunas? and/or provide value added services?

I heard these two among the most expensive in HK.
作者: webhunter    時間: 2006-8-31 23:40

Yes, they offier vegi services.
作者: marv    時間: 2006-8-31 23:46

Both are excellent!  You will be totally satisified by their bone skills   

Try 環保 if you want to expect some sort of suprise.
作者: falo    時間: 2006-9-1 01:03

Any good BGs  around ?????
作者: superheman    時間: 2006-9-1 09:24

原帖由 webhunter 於 2006-8-31 11:40 PM 發表
Yes, they offier vegi services.
Are you sure ? Or, are you kidding ?
作者: bigdog173    時間: 2006-9-1 14:24

at such price no surprises? hmmm
作者: Alleycat    時間: 2006-9-1 17:49

原帖由 webhunter 於 2006-8-31 11:40 PM 發表
Yes, they offier vegi services.

原帖由 superheman 於 2006-9-1 09:24 AM 發表
Are you sure ? Or, are you kidding ?
All saunas offer vegi services! Webhunter兄 didn't say they offer vegi services ONLY.
Webhunter兄, that was a good one.
作者: marv    時間: 2006-9-1 19:03

I don't quite catch it, what is the good point ...
作者: polelw    時間: 2006-9-1 19:09

原帖由 marv 於 2006-9-1 07:03 PM 發表
I don't quite catch it, what is the good point ...
he he..i think bro Alley is saying hunter answered smartly...not a close-end answer...
作者: bigdog173    時間: 2006-9-2 00:33

paid a visit myself despite the high cost/risk involved. Ok happy with my first visit there and will revisit ....
作者: marv    時間: 2006-9-2 00:54

原帖由 bigdog173 於 2006-9-2 12:33 AM 發表
paid a visit myself despite the high cost/risk involved. Ok happy with my first visit there and will revisit ....
Hi Bigdog, I'd be curious to know which Sauna you referred to ?
作者: dboy26    時間: 2006-9-2 01:52

原帖由 marv 於 2006-9-2 12:54 AM 發表

Hi Bigdog, I'd be curious to know which Sauna you referred to ?
Is Mandy still the manager of Rainbow?
作者: bigdog173    時間: 2006-9-3 00:19

i was referring to 悅沐 ....

Anyone know who is young and pretty. Tried Coco who can't be described as pretty altho good skills
作者: alextang16499    時間: 2006-9-3 22:21

Is it both of 環保and悅沐are in 東企業廣場?
作者: polelw    時間: 2006-9-4 12:10

原帖由 alextang16499 於 2006-9-3 10:21 PM 發表
Is it both of 環保and悅沐are in 東企業廣場?
悅沐 at 東企.....環保 at TST East...幸福中心...

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