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Prison Break (II)

Prison Break (II)

Manhunt 逃  10:35p.m.

《逃Prison Break》第一輯自播出以來,好評如潮。第二季《逃》強勢回歸,繼續在明珠台展開「逃」亡計劃。


Michael and his group give Bellick the slip, forcing Bellick to relinquish command to the FBI; Special Agent Mahone cracks the code to Michael's escape plans; and T-Bag takes extreme measures to get his hand back.

FBI Special Agent Mahone gets a breakdown on all the escapees as they run for their lives from the posse bearing down on them. They use a passing train to cut them off from the posse just as Bellick fires his shotgun at Michael. Mahone calls a press conference, and calls the prisoners the "eight most wanted men in America." Instead of running the escapees argue about everything that's gone wrong so far. C-Note lets it slip about the 5 million dollars in Utah. Now Michael can't risk splitting up the group: if the others are caught they’ll tell the cops. Mahone tells Pope that once the escapees cross state lines, it'll be a federal hunt. Pope's sure they won't get that far. Mahone says he needs to speak with Sara, but Pope says nobody will be chatting with her for a while. Sara lies comatose in the hospital with a tube down her throat. Her dreams cause her to snap awake. T-Bag packs his amputated hand in a stolen cooler of ice. Mahone tracks down Michael's tattoo artist, and gets a copy of his tattoo. Veronica is angry that Steadman has been living in luxury while an innocent man has been sentenced to death for his murder. He tells her he's not the one who chose Lincoln as the fall guy. The doors of the house only open from the outside, and the windows are bulletproof; now they’re both prisoners. The escapees need money, clothes, and transportation. Michael says he has all that in storage. Abruzzi's jet was Plan A, but Michael has a Plan B. Mahone figures out that Michael's self-designed tattoo holds clues to his escape plan. A young girl startles the escapees. She's followed by her father, who's carrying a rifle. He recognizes the escapees. Abruzzi pulls his gun, grabs the girl, and orders the dad to toss his rifle away. The guys steal his car, and hit the road. T-Bag comes across an animal clinic, and demands that the vet re-attach his hand.





為了阻止一班「逃」兵逃出邊境,Mahone特別加強加拿大和墨西哥邊境的巡邏和設防。Michael在報章頭版看到有關Fox River八名逃犯的報導,得知LJ將被送往成人監獄,決定展開營救行動,卻原來這是Mahone特別設下讓Michael和Lincoln自投羅網的陷阱。

Dr. Gudat替T-bag把他的斷手接上,完成手術後,當T-bag鼓起勇氣看看自己新接起來的手,竟嘔吐起來。

Mahone uses LJ as bait to trap Lincoln and Michael; T-Bag gets reunited with his severed hand, and a desperate courthouse rescue brings the brothers face to face with their pursuer.

Mahone verifies that the Canadian and Mexican borders are working to ensure the escapees don't make it across. He tells Ives that Pope is no longer “in the loop”. Michael sees the escapees' pictures on the front page of the local paper. He spies a man unloading a picnic from a minivan. After the stolen lunch Michael hands money to C-Note and Sucre. Dr. Gudat finishes suturing T-Bag's hand back on. Once T-Bag verifies he's finished, he vomits on the floor. Lincoln reminds Michael that LJ's court hearing is today, and he wants to break him out. Lincoln knows the courtroom but Michael says it's not the right time. They need to get to Utah, get out of the country, and then work out a plan for getting LJ out. Lincoln says if he's sent to the adult facility in Arizona they'll never be able to get him out. It's now or never. They are interrupted by a departing Sucre, C-Note, and Abruzzi. Abruzzi thinks he and Michael will meet again. After they leave, Michael turns to his brother: "Tell me everything you know about the courthouse."




Michael's most valuable asset falls into Mahone's hands; the Governor makes a shocking announcement to Sara; and Sucre and C-Note try to reunite with their families, no matter what the cost.

Mahone and a crime team gaze upon a charred vehicle in a ditch. A sheriff asks Mahone if he knows which one was in the car. We flashback… twelve hours. Mahone's informed that his men are watching the brothers' families and friends, and that all the medical facilities are covered. At a liquor store Bellick sees former CO Geary. After a knock-down fight they discuss the convicts' reward. Bellick says he going after them, and Geary offers to be his wing-man. Michael arrives at a salvage yard, looking for his car. At the same time, Mahone questions the vagrant who stole Michael's backpack. Sara's released from the hospital, but the police are there to arrest her. Kellerman watches. Chuck gets a call from Mahone. Without tipping his hand, Chuck tells Mahone that Michael is there now. Mahone orders him to keep Michael there, but Michael grabs his keys and drives off.

相關搜索目錄: 汽車


First Down



Bellick captures Michael and his team, but it's not the police reward he's after; Nika sets someone up, but we don't know who; and Abruzzi's need for revenge will force him to pay the ultimate price.

Lincoln, Nika, and Michael cruise down the highway. A car closes on them from behind. It's Bellick and Geary. They force them off the road into a tree. The trio staggers from the car, and Bellick holds them at gunpoint. Michael thinks Bellick wants the reward money. Bellick shocks them when he tells them that Manche squealed, and they’re going to Utah for the five million. If Michael doesn't take them to the money, they’ll kill Nika. Lincoln drops a shard of broken glass in front of Bellick's car's tire. Mahone recovers Michael's computer hard-drive, and also learns that it was pig blood at the crash site… which means the brothers are alive. T-Bag pulls the vet's car over at a gas station. In the restroom he jabs his re-attached hand with a scalpel, hoping to feel anything. A hitchhiker sees him, and questions his actions. T-Bag starts to leave but sees cops inspecting his stolen vehicle.




Map 1213 逃  10:35p.m.

The brothers finally arrive in Utah, only to discover they’re not alone; Sucre is left waiting at the alter; C-Note leaps for his life; and the Double K Ranch will not give up it's secrets easily.

On the road outside of Utah, Lincoln and Michael hear the news about Abruzzi. They discuss the money. Michael gets upset when Lincoln suggests they forget the money and rescue LJ; after all, they aren't the only ones looking for the five million. C-Note rides a train into Wyoming. Tweener wishes he and Debra Jean could go to Hawaii together. There's a knock at the motel door, and she opens it while Tweener hides. A cop flashes a picture of Tweener, and informs her that he's one of the escapees. She lies that she hasn't seen him. After he leaves, Tweener tries to explain. Debra Jean says she's going for a walk, and leaving her car keys. Tweener apologizes: "I wish it could be different." The brothers make it to Tooele, Utah, but T-Bag is also there.




結 局 完 全 睇
《 逃 2 》 三 路 人 馬 獄 中 會   Michael 代 Sara 再  監

美 國 人 氣 劇 集 《 逃 2 》 ( Prison Break2 ) 在 美 國 時 間 前 晚 播 出 第 二 季 的 大 結 局 , 劇 情 發 展 迂 迴 , 一 班 主 角 下 場 各 不 同 , 但 大 部 份 都 離 不 開 入 獄 及 死 亡 , 哥 哥 Lincoln 終 得 回 清 白 被 撤 銷 所 有 罪 狀 , 醫 生 Sara 得 到 自 由 , 可 憐 弟 弟 Michael 與 另 一 逃 犯 T-Bag 、 特 工 Alex 及 前 獄 長 Bellick 都 齊 齊 被 關 進 比 美 國 監 獄 更 恐 怖 的 巴 拿 馬 監 獄 , 成 為 第 三 季 劇 情 的 引 子 。   撰 文 : 李 全

兄 弟 情 人 組 生 離 死 別

Lincoln 因 為 特 工 Kellerman 在 美 國 法 庭 上 供 出 所 有 事 實 , 而 被 撤 銷 所 有 罪 名 , 回 復 自 由 身 。 但 Michael 卻 未 能 像 兄 長 般 好 運 , 本 來 其 醫 生 女 友 Sara 找 朋 友 幫 手 , 私 底 下 疏 通 讓 美 國 政 府 不 再 追 捕 身 在 巴 拿 馬 的 Michael , 三 人 欲 坐 船 遠 走 高 飛 , 特 工 Kim 找 到 他 們 並 欲 射 殺 Lincoln 之 時 , Sara 從 後 射 死 Kim , 巴 拿 馬 警 方 趕 到 , Michael 遂 挾 持 Sara 並 自 認 殺 人 , 投 降 自 首 , 結 果 Sara 被 警 方 釋 放 消 失 於 巴 拿 馬 街 頭 , Michael 卻 被 捉 入 巴 拿 馬 監 獄 , 是 否 要 再 越 獄 就 要 看 第 三 季 。  

特 工 獄 警 組 遭 報 應

特 工 Kellerman 在 美 國 供 出 Lincoln 被 陷 害 的 始 末 , 最 後 遭 人 暗 殺 死 亡 。 Kim 在 巴 拿 馬 欲 射 殺 Lincoln 時 , 遭 身 後 的 Sara 射 殺 而 死 。 Alex 本 挾 持 Lincoln 做 人 質 , 要 Michael 拿 五 百 萬 來 交 換 , 被 Michael 騙 到 預 早 放 了 大 量 毒 品 的 船 上 , 巴 拿 馬 警 察 收 到 線 報 去 緝 毒 , 他 因 此 變 成 巴 拿 馬 的 階 下 囚 。 副 獄 長 一 直 欲 搶 T-Bag 手 上 的 五 百 萬 , T-Bag 遂 設 計 陷 害 他 , 先 殺 死 一 名 妓 女 並 報 警 , 再 引 副 獄 長 及 Sucre 趕 至 , 結 果 巴 拿 馬 警 方 誤 以 為 是 副 獄 長 殺 人 , 最 後 遭 警 察 載 走 。
整 件 事 的 起 因 ─ ─ 總 統 Caroline , 因 與 兄 長 Terrence 對 話 的 錄 音 帶 被 Michael 拿 到 , 要 脅 她 簽 總 統 豁 免 權 , 赦 免 他 們 兩 兄 弟 的 罪 , 同 時 公 司 The Company 又 以 Caroline 的 私 情 要 脅 她 不 可 豁 免 Michael 兄 弟 , 在 兩 難 局 面 下 , Caroline 公 開 宣 布 自 己 患 癌 , 辭 去 總 統 職 務 , 退 下 火 線 。  

逃 犯 組 吉 凶 未 卜

曾 任 軍 人 的 C-Note 早 在 第 二 季 的 第 19 及 20 集 時 , 因 向 美 國 政 府 交 換 聯 邦 探 員 Alex 的 罪 證 , 故 獲 提 供 新 身 份 , 與 妻 女 遠 走 高 飛 過 回 正 常 人 的 生 活 。 Sucre 與 T-Bag 在 巴 拿 馬 與 Brad 及 Michael 為 爭 五 百 萬 美 金 , 混 亂 間 Sucre 被 T-Bag 插 傷 後 撞 車 , 警 察 到 場 後 T-Bag 逃 不 掉 而 被 指 欲 殺 害 Sucre , 被 送 入 獄 , Sucre 則 重 傷 橫 躺 街 頭 , 生 死 未 卜 。   




With the millions buried somewhere under a housing development, Michael must coax the map out of T-Bag's head and figure a way in; Mahone zeros in ever closer to his prey; and one of the escapees comes to the end of the line.

Michael, Lincoln, and T-Bag stare in disbelief at the subdivision where the ranch should be. Michael orders T-Bag to recall the map he swallowed, reminding him that if he can't remember the map he's of no use to them. Racing down the highway on his motorcycle, Sucre comes upon a hitchhiking C-Note. C-Note asks for a ride, and gets one when he shows Sucre the map he downloaded from the woman on the train. The guys figure out where the silo was, and Michael pinpoints the garage under which he believes the money's buried. The guys see the attractive older woman who lives in house. T-Bag suggests killing her, but Michael refuses. Lincoln gets an idea that may get them in. Haywire breaks into a deserted fast-food place via the drive-thru window, and proceeds to fill up on junk food. A couple of teenagers walk in on him, and he races out.

相關搜索目錄: 電單車





The escapees find the hidden treasure, but Sucre has other plans; Lincoln risks everything to get to LJ; the Company puts a hit on Sara; and Mahone puts Tweener to the ultimate test. As T-Bag and Michael hold Jeanette hostage, a policewoman enters the house. She turns out to be Jeanette's daughter, Ann. Noticing the broken glass on the rug, she heads upstairs with her gun drawn. Jeanette manages to give a strangled cry even though T-Bag has gagged her with his reattached arm. Ann bursts into the room. Michael tries to defuse the situation, but it's not working. Sucre comes up behind her, and gets an elbow in the face. She meets her match when Lincoln subdues her. Kellerman invites Sara over to try his cookie recipe. She gives him a weak excuse, and leaves the store. Jeanette and Ann are tied up. Michael apologizes to the women, tells them no one will be hurt, and assigns Sucre to guard them. Kellerman reports to Kim, saying Sara is suspicious of him. Kim informs him that the Governor told her who he was, which means Kellerman's back to square one. Kellerman reminds Kim that he still has LJ to draw Lincoln out.


Dead Fall

With the five million gone and the police closing in, Michael and Sucre's only chance of escape is across the river… but the water conceals a deadly trap; Lincoln reunites with LJ; and Sara and Kellerman race to piece together the clues Michael left behind.



相關搜索目錄: 雜誌


回復 #23 billchan 的帖子





Michael pays a visit to Mahone's ex-wife, and pieces together his dark secret; Bellick ambushes T-Bag, and he’ll stop at nothing to learn where the money is; and Lincoln and LJ appear to come to the end of the line. In a public garden Michael checks his tattoo, as well as a map of the gardens. He zeroes in on a specific plant — the Apache Desert Ghost — but spots two Federal Agents, and bolts. They give chase but he's able to lose them. While eating Michael sees Mahone on TV. He is stunned to learn of Tweener's death, and the retrieved hard drive. Agent Lang and another agent discuss the ampoules of nitro they found under the plant. It's the kind heart patients carry, but it can become explosive in certain environments. Mahone bursts in, and screams at his staff about plugging the leak in the office. Michael gets on the Internet, and discovers Mahone has an ex-wife. Mahone orders Lang to set up a sting operation with C-Note's wife.



Michael and Sara reunite, but their time together is cut short as Mahone finally catches up to them; on the road with LJ, Lincoln meets his father; and Bellick finally gets T-Bag to give up his secret… the hard way. Bellick continues to torture T-Bag, but he still refuses to tell him where the money is. Kellerman and Kim argue over the phone, and Kim orders Kellerman to get Lincoln away from the Arizona police. Lincoln and LJ are being transported in the back of a squad car when a big black van forces them off the road. Lincoln and his son take off, followed by two men and a blonde woman. The men grab Lincoln and LJ, but not before Lincoln manages to hit the woman in the face. She tells him they’re with Lincoln's father. Kellerman informs Mahone that they have Burrows, and to get down to Arizona.




Bolshoi Booze

To reunite with Michael, Lincoln must leave LJ behind; Michael's plan to obtain a getaway plane falls apart; T-Bag escapes the police but pays a devastating price; and Kellerman tortures Sara to get what he wants. As the police pound on the door, T-Bag desperately tries to free himself from the radiator he's tied to. The police barge in, and T-Bag is gone. He's had to chew through his reattached hand to do so, leaving it stuffed behind the radiator. In New Mexico Michael buys a box of fishing-reel oil in vials, but is forced to steal a GPS unit because he's short on cash. An elderly clerk tries to stop him, and Michael knocks him down. Michael sprints off, and has flashbacks of all the people he's wronged. He spies a church across the street. Aldo explains to Lincoln that he and his crew plan on exposing the President. In doing so they will exonerate Lincoln.





Sara breaks free from her tormentor; Aldo makes his peace with Michael but pays the ultimate price; and Michael and Lincoln decide to stop running and take a stand against their pursuers. Kellerman continues his torture of Sara. There's a knock at the door. The motel manager informs Kellerman of complaints about the volume of his TV. As Kellerman squirms, Sara wiggles her way to the drain plug and pulls it out with her teeth. We learn how Michael's foster father enjoyed beating him as a child as we flashback to a young and bruised Michael in a locked, dark room. The door opens, and there's Aldo. He tells the boy that "he" will never hurt him again. As they leave Michael spots his foster father lying on the ground, beaten to death. A shaken Michael takes off running.

Kellerman hears the drain, and heads into the bathroom with his gun drawn. The tub's empty. Sara jumps out from behind the door, wielding the hot iron. She presses it into Kellerman's chest, causing him to collapse in agony. She grabs her stuff, knocks out the window screen, and leaps. She lands on a car, and the alarm sounds. Kellerman manages to drag himself over to the window, but Sara's gone.



The Killing Box

Bellick returns to Fox River, but not the way he planned; Michael and Lincoln are en route to join him, but Mahone and Kellerman will do everything in their power to make certain the brothers are dead on arrival; and T-Bag pays a surprise visit to Mrs. Hollander.

Sara is waiting for Michael to answer the phone, but he's staring down the barrel of Mahone's gun. Mahone orders the brothers to turn around, but they refuse. "If you're gonna murder us, Alex, you're gonna have to look us in the eyes while you do it." Mahone just wants his life back. Michael asks him if it's worth killing two innocent men: "Absolutely." Before he can follow through the Border Patrol shows up, and orders him to drop his weapon. Sucre's escape comes to a halt when the pilot informs him, "Border Patrol's on our ass." Sucre's handed a parachute, and told to "Pull the cord and pray." The pilot jumps. Sucre takes a gulp of liquor, crosses himself, and follows suit. Kim and the officials at Fox River watch the news of the brothers' apprehension.

今集一眾逃兵紛紛面臨被押回牢獄的命運!獄警Bellick重回Fox River監獄,但他的身份卻換成一個囚犯;Michael與Lincoln兩兄弟也將被送回Fox River,但他們卻會得到不同的待遇:新任獄長誓言會處決Lincoln,而Michael的餘生則會在監獄裡渡過,另一方面,Mahone和Kellerman會用盡一切方法在兩兄弟到步前殺死他們。


John Doe

Kellerman brings Michael and Lincoln face to face with Steadman, but their plans unravel in a heartbeat; Bellick crosses the wrong prisoner at Fox River; and “Uncle Teddy” T-Bag terrorizes the Hollanders with his own warped idea of “family.”

Kellerman leads Michael and Lincoln to a van, and they speed away from the set-up. A cop hears a ringing phone. He follows the sound to a stairwell where he discovers the seemingly dead Mahone. The voice on the other end is Kim. He's stunned when he hears, "Your boy's been shot." Kellerman tells the brothers to hide as they approach a roadblock. He pulls rank, and gets them through. Lincoln has flashbacks of Kellerman trying to kill him, and forces the van off the road. He pulls Kellerman out, and grabs his gun. Kellerman stops him cold with, "I know where Terence Steadman is." He reveals that he “arranged the whole thing," but now he's got a "bullseye on his chest” just like the brothers. At Fox River a massive black inmate named Banks orders Bellick to bring him his dessert at the next mealtime.

Kellerman帶領Michael和Lincoln在公路上奔馳,他們成功越過路障。Lincoln腦海裡突然閃過Kellerman要殺害他們的片段,於是要求他停車。Lincoln把Kellerman拉出車外,搶去他的手槍,但Kellerman卻說出他知道Steadman的下落。Fox River內,前獄警Bellick繼續受到其他監犯的欺負……


原帖由 colin 於 2007-6-2 00:26 發表


The Message

While on the run with Kellerman, Michael and Lincoln reveal their story on national television; Michael gets a coded message to Sara which could reunite them once again; and Bellick gives Mahone a valuable clue that may jeopardize their entire plan. As the police call for the brothers to give up and come out with their hands up, Michael devises a plan. Kellerman flashes an FBI badge, and announces to the police that he's apprehended the brothers. He leads the boys from the motel. One officer becomes suspicious, forcing Kellerman to draw his weapon. Lincoln draws also. Kellerman takes a cameraman hostage, and they speed away in a reporter's car. Mahone returns to work, and gets updated on the case. After they pull off the road Lincoln suggests they lose Kellerman, but Michael says they still need him. Bellick awakens in the Fox River infirmary, badly beaten. A trustee warns him that he'll be on the receiving end of many more beatings. Sucre rides a bus somewhere south of the border.

Kellerman、Michael和Lincoln逃走的片段在全國電視上播出,片中Lincoln宣稱無罪,更說出Steadman離世的時間和地點。至於Michael則揭示了有關Shales的真相等等……Sara看過片段後,頓時明白了Michael給她的暗語。Fox River內,前獄警Bellick繼續受到其他監犯的欺負,被鞭打得遍體鱗傷……



19 Jun 2007 == Please select ==ChicagoThe MessageJohn DoeThe Killing BoxDisconnectBolshoi BoozeRendezvousUnearthedDead FallBuriedSubdivisionMap 1213First DownScanOtisManhunt  
When the diner they are eating in is robbed, C-Note must weigh his daughter's health against the life of a young waitress; Kellerman solves the riddle of Sara's key, but it could be a trap for Michael and Lincoln; and Mahone makes Bellick and Haywire an offer they can't refuse.

Sara, Michael, and Lincoln are reunited at a train station. Sara shows the brothers the key her father gave her. Around the corner Kellerman gets a call from the President. She tells him she's speaking in Chicago, and wants him to bring in the brothers. Michael tells Sara, "We've got someone working with us now." Sara looks up and sees Kellerman. T-Bag wakes up next to Susan who he's tied to the bed. She tries to convince him that sooner or later someone will notice she's not going to work, and the kids aren't in school.




Bad Blood

Michael and Sara turn to Henry Pope to retrieve the information that will topple The Company; An escapee must chose between his daughter and his friends; T-Bag brings the Hollander family to his childhood home.

Sara and Michael enter the cigar club but before they can examine the locked humidor, Sara is recognized and they’re forced to flee. Mahone lands in Minneapolis and calls his son who's recuperating in the hospital. Lang calls in and informs him that C-Note was spotted and that Dede is sick so she'll check the local hospitals. Michael discovers that Pope is a member of the cigar club and they drive to Pope's house. Pope is angry that they’ve come, so Sara brings up the murder and shows Pope the key. T-Bag and his hostages arrive at a rundown house. It's T-Bag's old home. Sucre's car runs out of gas in the middle of the desert.





Michael, Lincoln, and Sara finally hear the proof that can set Lincoln free, but they'll need another ally on the inside to get the truth heard; T-Bag seeks psychiatric help, and to secure his family's safety; and C-Note must make the ultimate sacrifice. Michael, Sara, and Lincoln finish listening to the recording. Sara speaks for everyone: "Oh my God!" Mahone's given a rundown on the escapees. Lang mentions that Sucre was spotted in Mexico. Bellick shows up at Mahone's office, and complains that he hasn't gotten the reward for Haywire yet. Mahone lays into him, reminding Bellick that he's supposed to be operating "under the radar". He says Bellick will get the reward money, but if he ever sets foot in this office again he'll be pushing up daisies. Bellick backs down, and Mahone brings up Mexico. Lincoln thinks the government will try to discredit the recording if they go public with it. Michael says they need to give it to someone within the government whom they trust. Lincoln suggests Jane, the woman who's looking after LJ.






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