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作者: bobby123    時間: 2007-3-18 06:18     標題: bali

staying in sanur...any rec?
作者: eddiech    時間: 2007-3-21 01:29

在 kuta beach 附近有 66 disco, 在kuta centre 搭的士約拾幾圓, 入面好多本地囡搵食, 另一間是 hard rock disco, 多是遊客, 以溝女為主. 好運的話有免費餐. 而當地之 sn 大部份是正宗按摩或spa, 其次由於當地是回教及印度教地方, 所以是不會好公開, 自己是好難找到, 所以如果真的需要找囡, 只好找的士佬帶路, 地點一般是在一止些低價酒店. 的士會停在車場, 跟住會有十多條囡出來. 曾經去過一間足有20幾30條囡出來比你簡,一般收費 20-30萬 印尼盾. 約hk$200-$300 左右,  不過最好找酒店的士, 收費唔會貴好多, 但安全. 當然如果日間就無所謂.

[ 本帖最後由 eddiech 於 2007-3-21 15:04 編輯 ]
作者: bobby123    時間: 2007-3-22 04:38     標題: 回復 #2 eddiech 的帖子

Thanks! will post...
作者: eddiech    時間: 2007-3-22 22:40

補充: 夜間出入最好坐的士, 如果要等回程就先講好價, 單程可要求睇咪錶, 日間可以在酒店外找白牌車,唔會好貴,冷氣7人車包一天約hk$250 左右. 或可叫他晚上帶去找囡.

[ 本帖最後由 eddiech 於 2007-3-22 15:05 編輯 ]
作者: bobby123    時間: 2007-3-26 03:15     標題: bali Report

thanks eddich for the info...unfortunately, didn't realized how early hard rock cafe closes...missed ops.
Anyway, befriended a local and he took me to sanur and an area who lots of these activities are centralized. But it is usually catered to the's pretty nasty so didn't bother. Another area, more like motel/hotel/massage place. These houses are marked by house number+XXX so you can tell which one to check out and their know your purpose. Didn't bother...again, it seems to cater to local. Went to a Karaoke place not far from HRC. You can pick through fishbowl. Fun with the girls. Apparently, locals are not allow in here so my "guide" had to wait outside. Tax+tips+sleepover was about 900hkd.
Visited another bar in kuta...across from the place where the bomb went off a couple years ago. Lots of local and japanese women. Jump onto the dance floor and those interested will dance with you and the rest is history.
Met some jap ladies. Apparently Bali to them is like thailand to jap men. So, after a few drinks, and blah blah, ended at her place. Everything was mutual so no cost.
Beside all this Bali actually is a nice place to visit.

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