原帖由 Obscenity-Tiger 於 2007-3-29 01:12 發表
I had visited there 2 months ago.
For my comment. Very good, you can said the price will a bit expensive. But compare hotel inside services, you will feel cheaper and girl quality better.
An ...
原帖由 bigdamnshit 於 2007-3-28 17:03 發表
原帖由 dw78 於 2007-3-29 02:50 發表
Double Fly? How much more? Do they charge extra room fee? In CP area, some places charge extra for double fly.
原帖由 Narissus 於 2007-3-29 18:51 發表
Thanks a lot for your info. I am now staying in BJ and the only places I go is K. To be frankly, the gals price in BJ is really high but sometimes I can find high quality girls here. The two k I ...
原帖由 zhizhidiandian 於 2007-3-29 21:05 發表
girls at 中服 are older (more suitable for local chinese), also drink cost is less transparent than fuhua.
You can try Golden Jaguar, price similar to Fuhua if you are a normal drinker
原帖由 Narissus 於 2007-3-29 21:40 發表
Where is 中服? What kind of place is that (KTV or Sauna)? I personally think 富華 is not very expensive. Me and my other 2 鐵腳go there once evry two weeks. We usually get a small room there an ...
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