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標題: 北京骨場 - 復辟版2007 [打印本頁]

作者: busybuddy    時間: 2007-3-28 14:23     標題: 北京骨場 - 復辟版2007



間房都幾乾淨企理,有兩張正經單人床同一個播緊陳年鹹片的電視機。不久一排6人line-up進場。嘩!竟然有一半係model look,高、瘦、白,仲以為去左天上人間添。不過反而呢度有樣野以前天上人間冇的,就係制服啦!我揀左個厦門妹,眼睛大大、頭髮長長腿更長、高170多少少,簡直係高挑model版趙薇,著住件軍裝,D衫鈕上面真係有粒”八一”金星星,唔係亂嚟嫁。




作者: henniu    時間: 2007-3-28 15:43

it is a good report
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2007-3-28 15:49

Of course, we have to support . I shall go to Beijing this year.

This is a very usefull piece of information.
作者: bigdamnshit    時間: 2007-3-28 17:03

作者: dw78    時間: 2007-3-28 23:07     標題: 回復 #1 busybuddy 的帖子

Like to try, particularly hearing the quality of the bg.
I would visit Beijing on the first week of May.  Do you know whether it is safe during the long holiday?
作者: realyoyy    時間: 2007-3-29 00:36

I think when it goes to 2008, china must control all of this sexual service places~~

enjoy now!!!
作者: Obscenity-Tiger    時間: 2007-3-29 01:12

I had visited there 2 months ago.

For my comment. Very good, you can said the price will a bit expensive. But compare hotel inside services, you will feel cheaper and girl quality better.

And I had played my first time double fly in there
作者: dw78    時間: 2007-3-29 02:50

原帖由 Obscenity-Tiger 於 2007-3-29 01:12 發表
I had visited there 2 months ago.

For my comment. Very good, you can said the price will a bit expensive. But compare hotel inside services, you will feel cheaper and girl quality better.

An ...
Double Fly?  How much more?  Do they charge extra room fee?  In CP area, some places charge extra for double fly.
作者: gegeji    時間: 2007-3-29 08:43

作者: zhizhidiandian    時間: 2007-3-29 09:39

any other sauna to recommend in bj?
作者: Minister    時間: 2007-3-29 10:02

作者: joel8899    時間: 2007-3-29 10:03     標題: 回復 #1 busybuddy 的帖子

thank you report
作者: busybuddy    時間: 2007-3-29 10:41

原帖由 bigdamnshit 於 2007-3-28 17:03 發表

作者: Narissus    時間: 2007-3-29 18:51

Thanks a lot for your info.  I am now staying in BJ and the only places I go is K.  To be frankly, the gals price in BJ is really high but sometimes I can find high quality girls here.  The two k I usually go are 富華 & 寶晨 (Howard Johnson).  I think we should exchange information.  Do you still have the girls name or number at that Sauna place?  If yes, please PM me.
作者: Narissus    時間: 2007-3-29 19:00

Thanks a lot for your info.  I am now staying in BJ and the only places I go is K.  To be frankly, the gals price in BJ is really high but sometimes I can find high quality girls here.  The two k I usually go are 富華 & 寶晨 (Howard Johnson).  I think we should exchange information.  Do you still have the girls name or number at that Sauna place?  If yes, please PM me.
作者: RacoRaco    時間: 2007-3-29 19:42

原帖由 dw78 於 2007-3-29 02:50 發表

Double Fly?  How much more?  Do they charge extra room fee?  In CP area, some places charge extra for double fly.
they charged by BG “hours”。。。 that’s mean if you take a double, they will count 2 at the same time。。。
作者: RacoRaco    時間: 2007-3-29 19:48

原帖由 Narissus 於 2007-3-29 18:51 發表
Thanks a lot for your info.  I am now staying in BJ and the only places I go is K.  To be frankly, the gals price in BJ is really high but sometimes I can find high quality girls here.  The two k I ...
so many people (HK folks here in BJ)discussed about the new place in “中服”。。I never tried as I seldom hanging for for KTV in BJ recently。。。

I knew 富華 since they opened up and knew 2-3 mami theres。。。this is really something “private club” alike and too small for frequent visitor/customer。。no surprise and only go for business occassion with customer only。。。
作者: zhizhidiandian    時間: 2007-3-29 21:05

girls at 中服 are older (more suitable for local chinese), also drink cost is less transparent than fuhua.  

You can try Golden Jaguar, price similar to Fuhua if you are a normal drinker
作者: Narissus    時間: 2007-3-29 21:40

Where is 中服?  What kind of place is that (KTV or Sauna)?  I personally think 富華 is not very expensive.  Me and my other 2 鐵腳go there once evry two weeks.  We usually get a small room there and spend around RMB900 for the whole night.  The most expensive parts are the tips for mama san & DJ.  I am here looking for fast food with good qualities, any suggestions guys?
作者: zhizhidiandian    時間: 2007-3-29 22:02

Narissus, Fuhua is the most reasonable in price for Grade A KTV in bj. Zhung Fu is KTV.
作者: garylock    時間: 2007-3-29 23:04

Fu Wah is OK but the quality of girls are much better at Passion KTV at Great Wall Sheraton Hotel
作者: Narissus    時間: 2007-3-29 23:16

Garylock Gor, can you please tell me about the charges (Such as room charges, tips & gals)?  Do you know any baba or mama san at Passion?  I really want to try new places.  If you can PM me these info, it will be great!  Thanks in advance!
作者: RacoRaco    時間: 2007-3-30 02:56

原帖由 zhizhidiandian 於 2007-3-29 21:05 發表
girls at 中服 are older (more suitable for local chinese), also drink cost is less transparent than fuhua.  

You can try Golden Jaguar, price similar to Fuhua if you are a normal drinker
I have yhat connection over there。。。so manySMS。。

作者: RacoRaco    時間: 2007-3-30 02:58

原帖由 Narissus 於 2007-3-29 21:40 發表
Where is 中服?  What kind of place is that (KTV or Sauna)?  I personally think 富華 is not very expensive.  Me and my other 2 鐵腳go there once evry two weeks.  We usually get a small room there an ...
作者: garylock    時間: 2007-4-2 23:31     標題: 回復 #22 Narissus 的帖子

passion will cost you about 2800 for a mid-size room (for 6 - 12 people including girls). Tips for mami is around 500, girl at least 600 for just sitting wtih you for one part.  Also if you want to take them out, they will ask for something like 3K for 1 shot and 5K for overnight, even if you know them well and consider loyal or repeating customers, you really need 2K o 2300.  But the quality and service are really good.  Try to mami Wei Wei and told her you are referred by Xiao Lock from Hong Kong.
作者: Narissus    時間: 2007-4-3 15:19

Thanks for the info garylock.  I think the place is too expensive la.  I think I will stick with Fuhua and try to discover some other places.
作者: tacox111    時間: 2007-4-3 23:43

北京太少这类的正场,请多报好料,THANK YOU
作者: lpbzz    時間: 2007-4-4 16:41

, we have to support . I think the place is too expensive la.  I think I will stick with Fuhua and try to discover some other places.
作者: pdppoorman    時間: 2007-4-4 18:34

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作者: tung617    時間: 2007-4-6 18:06

thanks report

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