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標題: Sift heads 2 (火柴人任務game) [打印本頁]

作者: durex959    時間: 2007-3-31 19:21     標題: Sift heads 2 (火柴人任務game)

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作者: tploh    時間: 2007-4-3 00:26     標題: Shift Heads 2

Stage 1: Aborted flight : kill the guy with the gray hair
Stage 2: Red morning : kill the guy who is sitting and after that kill the guy who is running
Stage 3: Bad time : shoot in the window and afeter taht kill the guy who's put is head up in the right window...
Stage 4: Hunter storm : kill the girl in the window to the right of the screen .. take your time..
Stage 5: Shift and sift : do the race with the good arrows move... and shoot te tires of the car
Stage 6: Killed by a god : shoot the man who will pass in the galardo...
Stage 7: Light city : shot on the left lower corner of the add to make the pannel go down and block the light... and shoot the guy ...
Stage 8: The transaction : shot the guys weapon when they will put them up (start by the left) and after shoot the sniper on the rooftop...
Stage 9: The trap : shot the light on the top of the room ... and after try to shot the hand of your enemy
Stage 10: Lets roll: shot the man on the motorcycle with the desert egale rapidly ...
Stage 11: Last run : do the right moves be fast...
Cheat Codes:
More cash: clickclak
All weapons: terminator
invincible: lukyluke
Got to the aborted flight: abor
Go to the red morning: redm
Go to the hunter storm: hunt
Go to the shift and sift: shif
Go to the killed by a God: kill
Go to the light city: ligh
go to the transaction: tran
Go to the trap: trap
Go to the let's roll: lets
go to the last run: last
Skip videos: (press 0 during videos)
作者: kimshun    時間: 2007-4-3 17:18

作者: oxboy    時間: 2007-4-18 17:07

原帖由 durex959 於 2007-3-31 19:21 發表
Sift heads 2 (火柴人任務game)
有冇人識玩偷車果關?- -玩左好耐都輸

請在舞台3:壞的時間:窗射擊。那樣的話,afeter taht請據說在殺死被放置,是在右面的窗豎起著的頭的東西的
…舞台4: 追求者暴風雨:窗在屏幕右面殺少女。請我行我素行在。
請點燈請打根據舞台6:神被殺的通過: galardo的
男性…舞台7:城市: maxgames.使在com左面的下隅被射擊,加上,pannel落下,…妨礙光,請裝飾子
使之做舞台10: 卷的:男性在請在有沙漠egale的摩托車上急速射擊了的
以成為多的現金: cl
部的兵器: 終結者無敵: lu
的: abor紅的早上去到:
子分開由於: shif神的殺人:請殺。
市: ligh交易到
: tran圈套:圈
套去,轉的: 使之做。

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