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標題: [疑難] Where有制服OL玩?? [打印本頁]

作者: kelvinsasa    時間: 2007-4-4 01:00     標題: Where有制服OL玩??

All borther,where有制服OL玩呀,(not kwan yue),可唔可以講俾我知呀!!
作者: dw78    時間: 2007-4-4 01:13

This is a question asked by a lot of brothers and there seems to be no answer yet.  
There was one in Taiping but they stopped offering it now.
Looking forward to ..................
作者: E-90    時間: 2007-4-4 01:18

作者: dw78    時間: 2007-4-4 01:44

原帖由 E-90 於 2007-4-4 01:18 發表
Thanks brother.  I will do the same if I find one.
In fact, I think that all of us who are interested in unformed service should suggest other SN's to do the same.  If the SN operators think that there is such a market, they will follow suit.
作者: wuxinzhiguos    時間: 2007-4-4 22:24

ca jy still has it,hehe
作者: dw78    時間: 2007-4-5 01:36

原帖由 wuxinzhiguos 於 2007-4-4 22:24 發表
ca jy still has it,hehe
Is that the one mentioned in another thread : no room charge, 400 tips and 100 for trainee??
作者: kelvinsasa    時間: 2007-4-5 03:38

Thanks brother....but where is jy??
I went to CP 'Kwan Yue' before,but this place a lot of ppl,so i want to find a new place!!
作者: golden8315    時間: 2007-4-6 08:25

what means for jy ????

i want to know about more detail~

PM me
作者: march29    時間: 2007-4-6 14:22

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作者: tung617    時間: 2007-4-6 15:50

作者: lafite    時間: 2007-4-6 17:42

There is another one sauna in CP already to start the uniform temptation!!!
作者: chufooyew    時間: 2007-4-6 19:54

君悅 is very...??? i wish to go....
作者: 大mo    時間: 2007-4-6 21:51

作者: fengliu    時間: 2007-4-7 00:08

原帖由 大mo 於 2007-4-6 21:51 發表
樓主大大都話吾要 [軍記]
作者: kelvinsasa    時間: 2007-4-7 02:03

原帖由 fengliu 於 2007-4-7 00:08 發表

Thnaks all brother to answer my question, i tried 軍記 before..
Have any saunna have OL to play???
作者: FocusS    時間: 2007-4-7 09:25

thanks for your sharing.

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