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標題: [原創] MSc in Fin (HKUST or CUHK)? [打印本頁]

作者: yeahgood123    時間: 2007-5-8 23:12     標題: MSc in Fin (HKUST or CUHK)?

Do you have any idea which of the following master programs is more recognised for I-bank?

1) HKUST: MSc (Financial analysis/ Investment managment)
2) CUHK: MSc (Finance)
作者: 紅豆沙    時間: 2007-5-11 23:04

原帖由 yeahgood123 於 2007-5-8 11:12 PM 發表
Do you have any idea which of the following master programs is more recognised for I-bank?

1) HKUST: MSc (Financial analysis/ Investment managment)
2) CUHK: MSc (Finance)
作者: yeahgood123    時間: 2007-5-11 23:40

In terms of the tuition fee, the program of UST is even higher (CU: $3k/ credit; UST: $4k/ credit).  Besides, the profile of the teaching team of the mentioned program is also better for UST.  
But why do you think MSc(FA/IM) is a better choice? when the MBA program for both are known in the Asia-pacific region.

If not these two in HK, HKU is your consideration?

What's your ideas?

[ 本帖最後由 yeahgood123 於 2007-5-11 23:51 編輯 ]
作者: 紅豆沙    時間: 2007-5-12 08:44

原帖由 yeahgood123 於 2007-5-11 11:40 PM 發表
In terms of the tuition fee, the program of UST is even higher (CU: $3k/ credit; UST: $4k/ credit).  Besides, the profile of the teaching team of the mentioned program is also better for UST.  
Bu ...

講番兩間學校所辦的學科都唔同,Financial analysis/ Investment managment 同 Finance 都係唔同既subject,我諗大多數人係會讀 Finance ,而另一科 Financial analysis/ Investment managment 我覺得係專門一d,真係要好睇你想要咩既發展;同 Finance 就廣泛d。

若果你已經係從事緊analysis或者係同investment的工作,咁應該唔使考慮係一定讀 Financial analysis/ Investment managment。以上都係本人的愚見,唔知幫唔幫到你。

作者: yeahgood123    時間: 2007-5-12 10:51

原帖由 紅豆沙 於 2007-5-12 08:44 發表

講番兩間學校所辦的學科都唔同,Financial analysis/ Investment managment 同  ...
Thanks for your comments.
For your information, it could be said that FA/IM is 2 of the divisions of fiannce (2 concentrations for each of the two).  When it comes to the core subjects, those of the 2 Us are somewhat similar and as for MSc(Fin) of CU, one could always choose the electives such that he would be more FA/IM concentrated.

The issue then goes to the difference in the degree to be obtained: MSc(Fin) or MSc(FA/IM).

Here are the links for your reference:

[ 本帖最後由 yeahgood123 於 2007-5-12 11:07 編輯 ]
作者: 紅豆沙    時間: 2007-5-12 11:02

其實我唔知你有冇睇埋其他外海院校,有一d 海外院校,佢地要求都幾高,最左要係First Hons. 有d仲要你達到某一個既GMAT分數。


若果,你已揀定係 HKUST 同  CUHK 呢兩間,咁你就唔好再諗其他學院,集中睇呢兩間,然後比較下,咁樣對你或者會較好,因為有時花多眼亂,仲唔知點好

作者: 紅豆沙    時間: 2007-5-12 11:06

原帖由 yeahgood123 於 2007-5-12 10:51 AM 發表

Thanks for your comments.
For your information, it could be said that FA/IM is 2 of the concentrations of fiannce.  When it comes to the core subjects, those of the 2 Us are somewhat similar a ...
我所提供既意見,係一個好General 既意見,若果我係你,唔怕大膽d打電話去呢兩間學校去問,若果佢地有講關於你所讀的個科既講座就最好,可以聽埋,問埋你所想要問既野,同埋可以了解一下佢地所讀的科目........。

若果未設有講座,就單刀直入問佢地,佢地一定有一個專線解答到你,到時你有晒資料,你可以再考慮番自己既情況,我想到時你自己都有答案同邊間ga la。


作者: yeahgood123    時間: 2007-5-12 11:13

原帖由 紅豆沙 於 2007-5-12 11:06 發表

Thanks for your efforts & comments.
I really appreciate it.
作者: buzzyear123    時間: 2007-5-12 13:35

Of course, HKU is better la.
作者: keibeast    時間: 2007-5-20 14:08

讀 master 要考慮o既係 $$$, 時間, 同埋易唔易畢業.  有d要讀兩年至出個master degree; 有d10個月就有啦; 有d功課多到死, 但又冇mug野啟發性; 有d就冇mug野做, 做親都一生受用o既. 最後搵工都係睇個人而唔係睇學校. 唔好有錯覺: 名校會有好d o既就業機會. 九七前一個工程師職位有二百幾人爭, 要搵o岩人會好浪費時間, 我以前用人睇佢地cv第一吸引我的是

畢業學位 (1,2,3,O, MEng)

然後就好似改作文咁, 睇錯字, 前文後理. 果d錯字多冇內容o既一律唔洗考慮.
作者: giovanni    時間: 2007-5-22 01:11

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作者: yeahgood123    時間: 2007-5-29 01:41

thanks 浪“漫”人小gio for your comment.

Also heard that some of the electives of the UST program are of quite a high quality.

I'm just considering the two offers.

Could you share with us what concentration you are in?
and while I-banks put little emphasis on any of the two qualifications, what do they consider?

Would you give me some ideas?
Thanks in advance.

[ 本帖最後由 yeahgood123 於 2007-5-29 01:44 編輯 ]
作者: yeahgood123    時間: 2007-5-29 01:43

A lot of thanks!

[ 本帖最後由 yeahgood123 於 2007-5-29 01:47 編輯 ]
作者: giovanni    時間: 2007-6-9 17:03

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作者: yeahgood123    時間: 2007-6-11 02:58

I agree.

BTW, Do you know how does FA stream go?
作者: giovanni    時間: 2007-6-12 00:59

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作者: yeahgood123    時間: 2007-6-15 18:33

Thanks 浪“漫”人小 gio so much for your introduction.  I've found it useful.  See whether I could meet you when enrolled.

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