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xocatII 你入黎睇睇好嘛!

原帖由 Free2Go 於 2007-8-15 16:24 發表
大版主....我想講句心底話.....其實到而家.......點解網友wan1無被你ban....只係暫時禁止發言咋.......都重係一個謎.......但唔緊要啦.....因為我唔嬲佢啦.....都隔咁耐......我肯保證咁多位被ban既網友既貢獻絕對 ...
I have really banned wan1.  And he won't come again.  

I'm a guy who decide things based on reasons.  But I did see a group of persons who they align together just because they are a group.  A group of loksiu or crazybb.  And they have just given me a trouble.  So, I hope they could leave this forum at once.   I consider banning person based on his group affiliation is not a wise/rational decision.  But their behaviour is even more irratonal that they do things based on group identity.  So, this is my only choice.  I don't have any better choice unless you can tell me.


unban?  Already many were unbanned la.  
condition: PM me if you want to be unbanned.




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