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Xocat: 請提供ban其他人等(除crazybb同loksiu)之concrete evidence

Thanks.  Though I think you have to reread my posts very carefully first...  cause I'm going to repeat my points in which I think you neglect.
And I want to say, if one make a decision, you can't make a needle to have both ends sharp.  I regret that my decision might have bad consequences, but those can be corrected easily.  You keep asking me why I ban... I keep answering that this is not a permanent ban and i want to find out who is my enemy like loksiu... group affiliation is the wost personality of human beings... they decide things based on their group affiliation...
Unfortunately, I do not find your responses convincing in addressing the rationale behind banning the 20+ members, and can only agree that you and I continue to differ in our views on how the administrator should attend to members' concerns and views, and the issues surrounding this forum's management style or how it has deteriorated since the move from the old forum to here.
I might have some weak points in banning... I repeat and repeat... don't keep on it again... so those banned members can discuss with me privately so that I can see who is 無間道...  have you made any mistakes in your life?  I wonder... many people make mistakes... I'm not God... I made mistakes as well... so pls give me a hand to help correct mistakes.
I will stop discussing the latter issue since I don't see how we can make any progress with the huge difference in opinion between us. However, I would ask you to please provide the concrete evidence on the "crime" committed by the 20 odd members who got banned.

1. You said: "questioning someone sin is very impolite...  especially someone didn't have a sin.   And you didn't have concrete evidence. If someone question about you to ask if you have committed that sin but without evidence publicly, you're very embarrassed.... Try it out for your friends, you won't even do it."

You banned the 20 odd members as you held the opinion that "That thread is like "how to create a bomb" to bomb this forum... I will [won't?] forget it forever... Will you make publish a article on how to create a bomb in the Internet?  That is obviously illegal and devastating...Everyone involved in that thread are highly suspected to bomb our forum or make us die..."

If suspicion was the only reason for banning the majority of these members, which you said, then why would you persistently demand members to provide concrete evidence before passing a judgment? Am I missing any concrete evidence that you had already provided? We can't apply double standard. If indeed concrete evidence is needed before any accusation. speculation or opinion is expressed, why would it not also hold true for banning members? And would your execution act not create the same kind of embarrassment (see red text above) to these people?

I would therefore request that you provide concrete evidence that the likes of Brasco, 京子, Big Rock, Oldgun, 芝華士女朋友Kay, 屈臣氏,帶子洪郎, apeapeape, goldenbaby, tyco, deepblue2002, lu, messenger, 6769, peter123, gtc, etc. are actively involved in the conspiracy to bring down Timway or make it "BIG" as you described. Particularly in the case of deepblue2002, who merely put up one post which was a single smilie symbol after the banning.
Yes, I repeat: my banning might have mistakes... as have been elaborated by other users... so they can discuss with me like 屈臣氏, and I will ban him at once... like 屈臣氏... I have a short list privately for who is affiliated with loksiu in other forum... but I can't disclose it... they have their heaven to play... why stay at this shit... and keep on stepping it.  

as we already know, banning is not a true punishment... and I see the bad side of it... they can come back again... banning is for admin purpose only... so that we have to trace out who is on the side of loksiu... so, pls don't ask me again why I ban people... they have no money loss... and they can get it back again if they like...

Of all these years, I don't like banning, you all people see it... but someone is so troublesome that want to affiliate with others to destroy xocat... so I also felt sorry about those who I banned... and those who are unbanned deserve my true apology... and those who don't want to talk to me, I'm sorry... because you don't have motivation to talk... I can't carry out the unban.
2. You keep saying that many banned members have been unbanned. Please provide concrete evidence that this is the case as I haven't seen any or many of the above getting unbanned.
炮艇工兵: you

I have strong motivation to unban others... my life has been with such friends for all these years... they are my friends, not enemies... but if you are not on loksiu's private forum list which I have in my confidential file, I will give you a chance... the concrete evidence:
a forum that is created by loksiu with his net friends... I know what it is and where it is...
3. In your original posting to provide the reason for banning, you indicated that: "單打, 即ban. Instead: concrete suggestions pls. With regard to about 10 users being banned, as they attack xocat in a lot of ways without giving concrete suggestions.  And this has been for over 6 months... Robin and I keep our eyes on it for long... I've been silent for a long time... many many users support me banning them but I intend to wait to see if they can give us any good suggestions... instead, they just keep 單打 and 單打... this is not a healthy atmosphere..." Note that this rule was published after the banning had occurred.

But in subsequent exchanges, you turned the reason to the fact that they were (or suspected to be) on the side of crazybb and/or loksiu. You knew that ".....some good persons are accidentally killed, but I have resumed their accounts, and make them alive again, on the name of God, sorry, not God , on the name of xocat." But you kept demanding that those who were not on the side of crazybb or loksiu to please pm you to request for unbanning. This is inconsistent with what you said about you have unbanned many "good persons". Are the ones who do not pm you to request are not "good persons"?
From the resource/economy point of view, it takes a lot of time to decide who is good or bad...  I'm sorry again... deeply sorry... so, pls PM me.  Thanks.
You spoke of law, I admire your knowledge. I know little of law but I do know that under the laws of HK, and in fact many other places, a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. It's not incumbent upon a person to prove innocent; it's incumbent upon the prosecutor to prove the accused is guilty beyond doubts. Where is the proof that anyone or all of them is or are involved in that "bring down Timway" plot, if there were indeed such a plot? You inferred your assessment of loksiu's plot to bring down Timway based upon what's written in his profile, but where is you inference for the others?
I'm sorry again... but all of them have the right of 上訴...
Or you can say, those banned are under investigations... I'm sorry for their embarrassment, but those who unbanned deserve my apology for that embarrassment...
If you do not have concrete evidence that the above-mentioned banned members were actively involved with the "plot", please in the name of xocat (God) unban them for the very reason that you said you have unbanned the "good persons" without having them to send any pm.
I'm sorry.  Concrete evidence stated above and I have the list... What is the big problem of just PM me using 1 minute?  You just need to press a button to let me know about your thinking... Pls don't stuck on this PM issue...
This is not a place for kissing up, and no one will kiss up for the sake of reclaiming their own respectful identity and integrity which they never lost or did damage to in the first place.
I'm sorry again.  And I'm sorry about this incidence, but this can be rescued and recovered easily... you don't have to make it big again...   Resuming account: I repeat, is my strong motivation... they are the assets of this forum... so, pls talk to me... I'm your friend, talking to your friend to help solve misunderstanding is the best way... not hiding from me... Misunderstanding is very easy to happen in this world especially in HK, education system doesn't teach us very well how to present how ideas clearly... I regret about it... so, a lot of unquality posts of very short sentences result, this is the thing I really want to improve in this forum... if you can just shout out some short sentences, that's not good......so misunderstanding happens all the time.  Let me ask you, if your friend and you have some misunderstanding, will you just hide and don't talk... I won't hide... I will surely talk... but because I have to deal with 10s of users, pls give me a little hand, talk to me and let me know for your thinking... I will surely listen.  especially you're not on loksiu side.


Every one make mistake, if I already said: "I'm sorry about this"... pls do accept this... no one can make a needle both sides sharp... I repeat... pls give me a break... I did have the rationale behind this middle strategy...  and I"m sorry again...

Did you make a mistake in your life... you dare to say sorry?  The hardest 3 words in the world are not "I love you", but "I am sorry"...


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-19 21:57 發表
Well, xocat finally makes categorical apologies. which I appreciate.

I wonder why xocat could not have taken the initiative of sending PMs to banned members other than loksiu/crazybb soon after  ...
admin reason, how can one be banned can or want to access this forum again?  don't bother with PM anymore la...

Very technical/economic/environmental friendly (I have to use air conditioning) reasons...


also, I already state it in the public of how to talk to me like friend do... this is the very simple guideline that a child of 8 can follow.


I appreciate rational discussions, not short sentences shouting like before...

So, I'm happy now...


so, I did make a sentence that I appreciate what loksiu have done to xocat... pls reread my post... I did see man and ghosts... but in this world of 2007, zombie did have many... and stories of man turn into ghosts do have many... I'm sad that he turned into ghosts... or zombie, so I have to remove him from this forum.  Ghosts want to destroy us... that is concrete evidence... he has been supportive, that is also concrete... no one is 100% man or 100% ghost... No one.

But he has made it in the signature that he want to destory us... all is clear.

for promoting other forum, I see it is hard to implement or very hard in technical term to implement.  But it becomes a culture/norm for most big forum, so I implement it.  This is a rule that you don't have to question... thanks.  (just because this is a rule)     And somehow, it hurts xocat.




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