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happycamel moderator right removal

happycamel moderator right removal

evidence (around page 3 or 4)
http://forum.timway.com/f/viewth ... p;extra=&page=1

I suggest every body here to calm down and discuss related topics instead of personal attack.
If anybody do wrong(including me, I might do wrong), face it and admit it and correct it.  That's my style.  Dont' do attack pls.


原帖由 happycamel 於 2008-6-7 16:12 發表
冰凍三尺 非一朝所成 問題遠自814以前已起
防微杜漸 係解決問題金科玉律
星火燎原 好大原因係有權者不適時介入處理
I have already understood that 撤職 was not the best approach... but I made that decision simply based on the fact that he moved a thread that belongs to sauna board and I really really don't think it should be moved... after discussion with the board master, WE BOTH understand we misunderstand each other... and both apologize and I resumed his account... and finally peace come out between us...


原帖由 happycamel 於 2008-6-7 02:54 發表
Who lock up this thread

http://forum.timway.com/f/redire ... &goto=lastpost#

XOCAT said in #107

Why we can't keep the thread open for discussion?
the thread was not locked by me... it is locked by sauna master.


原帖由 happycamel 於 2008-6-7 16:12 發表
冰凍三尺 非一朝所成 問題遠自814以前已起
防微杜漸 係解決問題金科玉律
星火燎原 好大原因係有權者不適時介入處理
I have admitted the mistakes of 撤職!
And I corrected it immediately.


If you think others personal attack on you.  Don't personal attack on someone.

If you got drunk and drive a car.  You get caught by the police.  You said that: Hey, there are a lot of my friends and people get drunk and drive.  Why don't you catch them all?  
What kind of logic it is?  

If you're wise, if you find someone personal attack on you.  Don't fight back.  Just report to me.  I will do it to maintain justice.


原帖由 happycamel 於 2008-6-7 02:21 發表

1. personal attack、單打,成條thread仲有好多人有份,點解淨係罰happycamel一個?其他人呢?
2. Because he knows damm well that the others are dummy in alias.
3. These dummy alias make up the majority of the Sauna Board.
4. A majority of such majority are recruited to be bouncers of the Sauna Board.
5. Look into the thread and you will see they were panicking that there was a coup, that there was threat to their Big Brother (a big fat cat in white color) - around page 2 or three or four or whatever page in the thread or any other thread.
Anybody not affiliated are seen as trespassers, and trespassers are deemed to be threats, and threats are to be subdued.


This is an accusation, with evidence shown.  
XOCATII : you have 2 choices, either you answer my accusation, or you ban me for personal attack on you.  
1. I have already mentioned.  If you got drunk driving by the police.  And you said that hey, many others are drunk driving, why don't you catch them?  You're just distracting my eyes.  And you still have to be punished.  Also, 知法犯法.  As a 版主, 更不應該.
2.  I have no idea what you're talking about.  I have many boards to take care and I don't know who is affiliated with whom... I don't know who is dummy.  I swear I have no ideas.  I only judge based on "personal attack" without concrete evidence.
3.  I have  no ideas as well.
4.  What are you talking about?
5.  I don't have to group with anybody.  I don't have to affiliate with whitecat or anybody.  Anybody break the rule, I judge based on the rule.   give you a hint.  other members are more wise.  When they see that the are personal attacked by others without concrete evidence.  They press the button and let me know.  Then my job is banning.  My job is like this.  Understood?  I don't have time to see who is affiliated with whom.  So, be wise!!!

相關搜索目錄: Driving Make up




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