原帖由 Butt 於 2009-8-27 15:41 發表 
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式就好唔同。不過古代人 ...
butt, I understand your thinking. If I'm a normal user, I would also think about this. I would also think that this admin is very 無情 and not considerate to Sax. Here, I would like to say sorry to Sax and I also appreciate his contribution.
The main reason is not about the number of posts here. The main reason lies here:
someone post it and Sax 置頂 it.
They are trouble makers here. The MAJOR reason why they are trouble makers because if they once put a case of problem post to the police. And clearly they are a group. So, anyone who affiliated with that gang, I have no option here and ban their account. Of course, we're not afraid of the police and we have good communication with the police already. However, those who like to use threatening way to threaten us are very dangerous. Therefore, I have to figure out their intention and during that time, I don't have a choice and ban them as a group cause like this thread, users will join together to fight for their rights. These 2 years, I don't mention much about the police case because this is also sensitive. So, not many members are aware of what this gang did and just blamed me. Blamed me for banning. Did you understand what they have done to this forum? What they did is: threaten us to the police. That's crazy. However, after this, we already have good communication and good cooperation with the police.
Hope you members understand this. If Sax apologize for 置頂 of that thread and he want him to become 版主 again, of course, I welcome. Sax, please also accept my apology at the same time. This is totally due to some misunderstanding and miscommunication. All human relationship problem is due to misunderstanding. And nobody understand the whole picture of what have been done. And some trouble makers magnify some little problem and trouble makers won't mention the REAL problem. Then conflict appears.
Members, ask yourself what you will do if you face such problem? Ask yourself if you're an admin, what will you do? Then let me know your answers. Thanks.