原帖由 筆突 於 2010-11-4 17:51 發表 
Would you state clearly in which thread and which sentenance that I personal attacked you or
somebody else, please?
hey friend, if I have to find it out, that would be embarrassing for both of us.
anyway, I admit that personal attack is a mild one. that's about [url=space.php?username=HJ2127_ATR1]HJ2127_ATR1[/url] that keep on monitoring which 版主 won't online. And you say something about it. And you mentioned the story that no matter who is right or wrong, you must not 得罪 the big guy, otherwise, no matter you are right, you will get fired or bad. I feel bad about it. Though comparatively, [url=space.php?username=HJ2127_ATR1]HJ2127_ATR1[/url] is more polite and won't 單打. this is the culture that most forums should obey. Exactly speaking, you're not attack. it is a mild 單打 one. Normally, I will have one eye open and one eye close cause I do allow people to voice out different opinions so that I can improve. However, since [url=space.php?username=HJ2127_ATR1]HJ2127_ATR1[/url] also contribute to that board and he seems to give me some polite constructive ideas, in this case, I have to make a difficult decision.
hope you understand me. this is really a hard decision.