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you might not know, I have tried to be very careful in this case.  
筆突,紅豆沙 are my friends that I care.  we even have phone of each other to talk about the forum.  I've asked 紅豆沙 about changing 版主 about it.  And WE HAD phone talk about it.  I asked a lot and want to know about any ideas.  My phone got cut and I can't continue.  So, I write more message and talked and I found that HJ2127_ATR1 is polite and very constructive giving me ideas on it.  Please read on:

after thorough consideration, seeing quite a lot of posts by all of you, I will assign HJ2127_ATR1 as 版主 for the soccer gambling board as I think he is more suitable to be 版主 in that board cause he has given me a lot of constructive suggestions during the time.

I don't mean 唔易做,筆突,紅豆 don't have constructive idea/suggestions.  You're also helpful as well and I highly appreciate it.   So, I offer a buffer period and I will do the reassignment after about 5 days, making him the sole 版主 during the time.    However, during the time, I can't find any good suggestions, so I go on with it and assign HJ2127_ATR1 to be that 版主 on Tue.

To me, it is a very difficult decision to make.  If you're not happy about it, I understand.  And I'm terribly sorry about this decision I'm going to make if that make you feel bad.   though, I'm still open to constructive idea/suggestions.  

I want to repeat.  this is a hard decision to make.  and I feel that you all have supporters.  So, I'm embarrassed.  And I have already tallked to 紅豆 about it.


原帖由 紅豆沙 於 2010-11-3 22:56 發表

please be polite here.
personal attack is strictly prohibited here.
I feel personal attack by both butt and you and so I have to make this decision.  (both in phone talk and messages in this forum)

I want to state again that you've been very helpful.  Though helpful should be polite as well.  

Ok, personal attack is the reasonable explanation.  I don't like to make it public.  I already mentioned in phone talk.  I feel embarrassed to point it out here.  

Be polite in both sides, and both will be respected.  If I make mistakes, all people need to be politely told.


原帖由 happycamel 於 2010-11-4 14:22 發表


You stated your case. Fair enough.

I am not convinced that your decision is right.
The appointment of boardmasters is your prerogative, but you are perversely unfair.

Perhaps y ...
simply put: impolite.
in forum rules/terms: personal attack.  
- suddenly shout at me and put off the phone without letting the conversation continue.


原帖由 筆突 於 2010-11-4 17:51 發表

Would you state clearly in which thread and which sentenance that I personal attacked you or
somebody else, please?
hey friend, if I have to find it out, that would be embarrassing for both of us.

anyway, I admit that personal attack is a mild one.  that's about [url=space.php?username=HJ2127_ATR1]HJ2127_ATR1[/url] that keep on monitoring which 版主 won't online.  And you say something about it.  And you mentioned the story that no matter who is right or wrong, you must not 得罪 the big guy, otherwise, no matter you are right, you will get fired or bad.  I feel bad about it.  Though comparatively, [url=space.php?username=HJ2127_ATR1]HJ2127_ATR1[/url] is more polite and won't 單打.  this is the culture that most forums should obey.  Exactly speaking, you're not attack.  it is a mild 單打 one.  Normally, I will have one eye open and one eye close cause I do allow people to voice out different opinions so that I can improve.  However, since [url=space.php?username=HJ2127_ATR1]HJ2127_ATR1[/url] also contribute to that board and he seems to give me some polite constructive ideas, in this case, I have to make a difficult decision.  

hope you understand me.  this is really a hard decision.


原帖由 bridgehead 於 2010-11-10 19:47 發表
支持唔易做, 筆突, 紅豆沙!

actually, their contribution is enormous.

However, I have to choose.  So, I choose the more polite one without 單打 anybody.


原帖由 kenny01 於 2010-11-5 10:18 發表

我就唔係為挑戰你而來既, 我係為xocat默哀而來既
大版主要既係擦鞋仔, xocat點會唔死落去, 而家我真係叫朋友來, 佢地都厭呢度人氣弱呀

唔係人地強左, 係xocat ...
i don't need a 擦鞋仔.   I don't want a 擦鞋仔.  
so, I admit this is a difficult decision.


原帖由 happycamel 於 2010-11-4 18:31 發表

What a pathetic reply!! (This is a comment, a statement of my opinion.)

I would expect evidence, as you previously insisted.

Your are now making accusations by referring to private conversat ...
for the private conversation:
just ask red bean if she has suddenly put down my phone or not.  

I have no intention/motivation to make those who contribute a lot to feel bad.  That is a stupid decision.  However, giving a lot of contribution does not mean that you can be impolite to others.  this is stupid to ask those contributed a lot to leave.   does it make sense?

think of it!  

I repeat.  that's a difficult decision.  I have to choose one who is rating of 89 and rating of 96.  Which one will you choose?  very difficult.


原帖由 紅豆沙 於 2010-11-3 22:56 發表

if you see the above, that's already very impolite.  

I've already given the best explanation: shout at me during the conversation and suddenly drop the phone.


原帖由 arsonhongkong 於 2010-11-11 23:52 發表

xocatII, 好好奇, 點解紅豆沙會擲你電話呢?
喺咪你話要辭咗紅豆沙, 所以紅豆沙擲你電話呢?
咁 ...
I want to know the reasons as well.  The conversation is : I keep asking and asking...
anyway, just ask red bean.  she is impolite in this thread as well.  So, privately, publicly.

I don't want to: 辭咗紅豆沙.  
Though in this case, I have to choose.  If I have a chance, I want them all.  However, 紅豆沙 do not let me to do it.  I hope all 4 of them can be 版主 to make all people happy.  However, 紅豆沙 don't let me.  So, I have to choose.  

For your ideas you want to keep on the game, please suggest to:


原帖由 happycamel 於 2010-11-12 19:21 發表

You just keep saying that you are forced to make a choice between one who is more constructive (and more polite) and three who are helpful but less constructive (and allegedly impolite).

I aske ...
the force is:
1. they want to be 版主.
2. they can't coexist.  (because they refuse to)
3. so I have to choose.




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