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one more reason of banning loksiu

one more reason of banning loksiu

己所不欲,勿施於人.  It is a norm/culture not disclosing any privacy information... but he surely breaks the law here...

我問過律師朋友, 如果佢未得同意而公開別人資料, 就算係從公開地方得來, 都屬犯法 !
附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件, 請嘗試多貼文章獲取積分,積分超過 120 或特定用戶組方可查看.


原帖由 車_長 於 2007-8-16 19:29 發表
then ...how about ban me reason ?
I'm already very tired to state it once again...
There are very strong reasons that loksiu is troubling our forum to make us die and those who affiliate with him are highly suspected... especially on that thread... if you insist that you're not affiliate with him AND you don't agree with his doings... his wrong doings... PM me... you see, I've already unbanned many of my friends... they are really my friends... my heart broke when I ban my friend... but now I'm not sure who is my friend... I'm so sad about this... I want thihs forum to be better, not worse, but his signature already clearly state what is in his mind...


原帖由 車_長 於 2007-8-16 19:39 發表

if u can , please checked back that "age17 c clock"  thread, what i am posting there .

i just want to know what's reason to ban me . not to want you unban me !
I repeat and repeat, PM me is the only way to solve your problem... if any...
I might have banned the wrong persons... I admit, but I have very strong motivation to unban those who are innocent... it's like you find your hand being poisoned and at that moment, what you can think of is to cut out of your hand so that I can still survive... I might have cut the wrong tissues, but luckily, this is a technical world and something can be resumed...


原帖由 癲巴 於 2007-8-16 19:44 發表

我諗你一定唔會當我係朋友, 尋日同你講得好地地, 跟住用"shout, shout, shout"鼤z由ban埋我. 我都唔知我尋晚有邊個post出現過你所謂"shout"....
PM me la...


原帖由 Pisagut 於 2007-8-16 22:03 發表

大版主, 恕我唔係好明, 點解大版主咁強調要用pm去解決問題呢, 公開係度傾又有乜問題?

事無不可對人言, 解決問題同發表意見如果真係要pm來pm去的話, 咁你整呢個網站意見箱/常見問題既版面又有咩用呢, 你大可 ...
Because I can't read every post.
I might neglect some post.
So, PM me is the only working style for our management team: make sure no one is neglected.

Also, there are many more reasons that I think they too trivial to explain and I've explained it many times.


我問過律師朋友, 如果佢未得同意而公開別人資料, 就算係從公開地方得來, 都屬犯法 !




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