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[疑難] 北京骨場

I usually go to a massage place (no sauna facilties) near 市長之家 for a RMB200 90min massage and HJ. This is the lowest price I could find in Beijing. Does any brother know if there is any Shanghai style or Dongguan style sauan in Beijing around RMB500-800? Many thanks.


原帖由 Thor 於 2006-9-6 03:18 AM 發表

Can you share the name of this place?  It way too expensive to pay 900 for a HJ. Maybe visiting BJ soon.
This place is close to the Olympic Center 奧體 and 羅馬花園 in 北四環。Just ask the taxi driver to take you to the KFC next to 市長之家. The place is called the Purple Crsytal Palace next to KFC.

The exact address is 朝?區惠新西街204號。PM me if this is not clear.



原帖由 dave666 於 2006-9-6 05:56 AM 發表
oh, i have a new place next time in BJ. thanks.
Just ask for the Thai Style or the RMB200 package...they will know...BTW, their foot massage is very good. I recommand that you try one after the HJ. Hope this helps and give our brothers here your feedback after you have your fun.

Do you know there is any place in Beijing where you can get the full package for around 600-800 in sauna? Something like the saunas in Shanghai?



原帖由 simonkyII 於 2006-9-6 08:43 AM 發表
天子腳下, 一步一驚心.重要鬼禁貴.
I have been traveling to Beijing for the last 10 years and I surprisely find that Beijing is quite safe comparing to SZ and other cities in the PRC if you know where to go. One of the reasons is that our Capital needs to stay competitive in terms of attracting businesses from overseas and these travellers need facilities like these to be entertained. This is just a food chain effect.


I am in Beijing now and want to try out shanghai/dongguan style suanas around RMB600-800..Any brothers have any good suggestions? Seems like most places provide half package only with the exception of TianLung Dynasty which charges more than RMB1400.......


I am going to Beijing next week and will definitly try this out. BTW, do you know any place that offer full service with price about RMB600-800? Thanks.


Doer 兄:

Could you kindly PM me the contact for this delivery girl? I will be in Beijing next week and will like to try out. I tried massage delivery once in Beijing but the quality of the girl was not that good plus she was good. How was the one you had? Many thanks.




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