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Long hair Leung Kwok-hung filed an application for judicial review, claiming the chief executive's Law Enforcement Order, which authorizes covert surveillance, gazetted on August 5, 2005 as well as another phone-tapping law in existence since 1963, were both unconstitutional and failed to protect privacy rights. The need for the Law Enforcement Order - which purports to provide a legal framework for covert surveillance - arose  after two District Court judges in recent months ruled that covert surveillance, conducted by the ICAC in particular, was in breach of article 30of the Basic Law, which protects privacy rights...  

[ 本帖最後由 Rubber 於 2008-9-6 18:30 編輯 ]
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失 - 唐太宗


No problem, the LC is just a vase.
Do you really think any law or motion that is not blessed by BJ will get pass in LC ?
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失 - 唐太宗


Long Hair won so many votes, it must instilled in many legislators that they should think if their way of fight is too mild.
We might eventually sees legislator fighting each other ( such as Taiwan's case ).
This is inevitable and unavoidable as the system makes very governing the Govt so difficult and in-effective..
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失 - 唐太宗


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-9-7 15:07 發表

Just a rubber stamp, Mr. Rubber?
Yes...  so it is quite astonished that there is no CHANGE.
If the legislator don't change, the voters will.
So many votes flow to Leung Kwok Hung helps to maintain his seat speak for this fact.
I shall expect a more exciting LegCo this term.
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失 - 唐太宗




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