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[­ì³Ð] ·sª©¶}±i,®®¨N¦A²{

§Ú³Ìªñ³£¦³¸¨¥h´X¦¸, ¦ý³£«Y§äªðd bg¥H«e§ä¹L­Ó´X­Ó, ©Ò¥HµL¼greport.


­ì©«¥Ñ AkiraYuki ©ó 2006-8-21 02:04 PM µoªí

AY¥Í, §A¦³ÉN¸¨¹L¥h§ä¬ۦn Ruby§r¡H°O±o¥Xªð嘢¤ñ§Ú¦aØ{!!


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-8-21 03:09 PM µoªí

ËݧY«Yݯ¥ªÃä­Ó©j? kaman §r?

³£«Y揾 Nicole¦h. ¤W¦¸®ç®ç°µ§¹Facial À°§Ú±Ä¦Õ¦nµÎªA.
§A¥Ì§Ö´N±æ¨ì­Ó·swaitress Sita­Ó¯Ý----------------------------------------------------------«e­±­Ó name tag§r!? ¦n嘢¦n嘢.
¥ÌSita ³£´Xè°¤k嘅, «Y­È±o±æ¤U嘅!


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-8-21 06:32 PM µoªí
¤W¦¸°µkaman ok¶Ü
Kaman was very good, ¤â¶ÕµL±o³»,. ­«¦n°·½Í²K, very nice personality.


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-8-21 06:45 PM µoªí
You mean Niki & Kaman? I think I will try them both together(Âù­¸) next time. ¤§«á¦AÁ¿§A
ª¾Ãä­ÓªA°È¦n d.


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-8-21 09:42 PM µoªí

I mean Kaman and Nicole.

You want to try double fly?  Good.  But suggest you to make advanced booking to avoid clashing of time for both gals as they are quite busy recently
I want to try Kaman and Nicole double fly, §^ª¾Ê\¦a«ê§^«ê©O?


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-8-21 11:17 PM µoªí
Webhunter ¥S, thanks for the hint. ¦pªG§Ú¤µ¬P´Á¸Õ§¹¤@©w¥X³¥¸Ü§Aª¾.


­ì©«¥Ñ cool03 ©ó 2006-8-22 12:07 PM µoªí

Would you please describe Nicole more,
many thanks.

Nicole is a young and pretty local. Massage skill is more like health spa type. She has very delicate feminine hands. Nice to talk to and has very good attitude. She works night shift and does pure massage only.
By the way cool03¥S, §A³Ìªñ­«¦³ÉN¥h§ä¹L¤jªø¤µ§r?

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Alley+Cat ©ó 2006-8-23 01:58 AM ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: SPA


­ì©«¥Ñ messenger ©ó 2006-8-22 12:47 PM µoªí

Messenger¥S, ®ç®ç¥Ì¯Á³£§l¤Þ§^¨ì§A§r?
Ê\¨C¦¸¦P§Ú°µ§¹ facial©Î±Ä§¹¦Õ, §Ú³s¦Ñ¨§©mÉA³£§^°O±o¬[la.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¯ù


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-8-23 09:00 AM µoªí
®@!! ­ì¨Ó Messenger¥S©È¶Â嘅!


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-8-28 08:30 PM µoªí
¼M!§Ú d¦æÂܧA¥Ì²M·¡嘅?
§A¬Q¤Ñ¦V¨ì? ®ç®ç§^«Y¬P´Á¤@©ñ°²«§?
¥Ì§A¬Q¤Ñ揾¥ªÃä­Ó bg§r?§A­Ó¹Ú¤Û²Õ¦X?

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Alley+Cat ©ó 2006-8-29 07:18 PM ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ cool03 ©ó 2006-8-29 12:08 PM µoªí
Thanks Alley+Cat for referring Nichole's info.
Tried her last week and my comment is ¤£¹Lúp¥¢,
Thanks again and I will try some new items soon.

I remember you mentioned "Helen". Was she previously in old Rainbow before? ±o§^±o¬[? Any descriptions?

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Alley+Cat ©ó 2006-8-29 07:04 PM ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ cool03 ©ó 2006-8-30 11:35 AM µoªí

I don't have much impression on Helen.
­ø¥i¥H¸Ü­ø±o, ¥ç­øºâ±o------------------------,
¦¬¨ì°Õ, thanks!


¤µ¤é¸¨¥ª¥h, ¦Ó®aªð¨ì«Î¥ø­Ó¤ß­«¥¼¥­¥ñ, ¦n«f¿E!

¤µ¤é4ÂI¥b¸¨¥h, ¤@¤Jªù¤f¶i¤J§ó¦ç«Ç´N¨£¨ì­Ó¦ìªZ¥´©ú¬P§¤«Y²z¾v¦ì³B. ¤J¨ìè°¤k¥ð®§«Ç¨£¨ì®ç®ç°µºò嘢¦P§Ú´§¤â¥´­Ó©Û¤Ò, ³ºµMDuracell ­««Y©ú艶·Ó¤H, ¹q¤O¥R¨¬. Ê\¸Ü­ì¨ÓÊ\³£­«¥¼¶}¾÷(«Yµo¹q¾÷), µR§QµR§Q!!
Cutie Kinki 攞¥ªªM¯q¤O¦h¹L¨Ó, ¯ºµÛ°Ý§Ú­norder «ç麽¦Y, §Ú¥»¨Ó·Q¸Ü­norder ¡§Kinki a la carte¡¨. ¤£¹LÅå¦íÀ~¿Ë²Ó¨Ð¤k´N§^¦n°Õ.
Crystal 攞 bg no.µP¤ñ§ÚÚ», ©Ò¦³§Ú·Q°µ d local bg ³£°µºò嘢, ¦p¨Æ´N¥s Crystal ¤¶²Ð.Ê\±À¤¶#69-Natalie. §Úªì®É¦³d doubt ¦]¬°§Ú¦h¼Æ°µ¶}local. Crystal ¸Ü«HÊ\°Õ. ¦n! ¤S«H§A¤@¦¸¥Ì¦h. ¤J¨ì©Ðto my surprise Ê\¥~ªí¤£«U. Mid 20s, pretty face, slim body with a nice pair of legs. ¼sªF¸Ü¤Q¤À¥¿, §^¯d·N¥i¯à³s¤f­µ³£Å¥§^¥X. Ê\ºA«×¤Q¤À¦n,¤£¹L´N§^«Y¦n°·½Í. «ö¥Þ¦ì´X·Ç, ¦ý«Y¤íºò d ¤O¤ô. «ö¦P¤@¨B¦ì­«½Æ±o¤Ó¦h. §Ú¨ò¤§¶}Án¥sÊ\¤£¦p¶}©l¦P§Ú±Àªo°Õ. That¡¦s when the excitement starts. Rpp technique ¦n¦n嘢. Ê\ÁöµM°©§Þ¥i²¤¦³¶i¨BªÅ¶¡, ¦ý«Yª±±o.
¸ò¦í¥X¥hè°¤kÊ^®§«Ç¥s¥ª³½³J, è°¤kZoe ­èªð¤u, ¤¶²Ð§Ú¸Õ©@­ù¤û¦×¹¡. §Ú¸Ü¤U¦¸¥ý¦]¬°¤§«á§Ú¬ù¥ª¤H­¹dinner©Ò¥H§^·Q­¹¤Ó¹¡. ¸ò¦í¦P®ç®ç¤J©Ð°µfacial. ¦PÊ\½Í½×¥ª¦n¦h¨kÅw¤k·R°ÝÃD. °µ§¹¤§«á, Ê\¸ò¦í´N¸Ü¥s¥ª locker boy ·Ç³Æ¥ªªK¨N¯DÅS¤ñ§Ú«YµLperfume ¨ý. ¦]¬°§Ú¤§«e¦PÊ\´£¹L¸Ü©Ò¦³d¨N¯DÅS³£¦³­»¤ô¨ý, §Ú¦¨¤é³£¦nÅå¥Î§¹ªð«Î¥ø. §Ú¤W¦¸²b«YÁ¿¤U¤§³Â, ÂIª¾®ç®ç¯u«Y¥Ì²Ó¤ß·Ç³Æ¥ªªK Seba-Med ¤ñ§Ú, ¯u«Y§CÁí!!

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Alleycat ©ó 2006-9-28 08:04 PM ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ­»¤ô


­ì©«¥Ñ falo ©ó 2006-9-28 08:43 AM µoªí
Details report, thanks... I also perfer no perfume bath wash, is it just for your personal one ? Natalie is also my last visted BGs before her hoilday. we shared the same experience and joyful too....
No, it's not for my personal use only. You just ask the locker boy for it.


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-10-8 09:57 AM µoªí

§Ú§^·Q¦AÂôº×°Õ! ²Ö­Ë¤H¦a´N§^¦n la.
§Ú¦Û±q¤W¦¸½s¿è¥ª¤W¤@­Óreport the next day after the original post ¤§«á, ¦AçÜçܤU·Q¦¨½s report §R°£¥ª¦ý«YÊ\¸Ü§Ú¥H¶W¹L 3000 ¤ÀÄÁ after the initial post. §^¥i¥H¤ñ§Ú¦A amend ©Î delete.


­ì©«¥Ñ london ©ó 2006-10-23 05:08 PM µoªí
Was just wondering if any brother has tried ±Ä¦Õ in Indulgence.  Any fun?  Thanx.
Bro london,
§Ú¸g±`³£¦³¥h揾¨È®ç±Ä¦Õ. Ê\¤â¶Õ¦n温¬X,¦nµÎªA¬[! ±Ä§¹Å¥³¥³£·|²M·¡ d.
Seriously, ¨È®ç±Ä¦Õ¦n¥J²Ó¦P¦n¼ä²b, ¤£¨¾¤@¸Õ.


­ì©«¥Ñ bigdog173 ©ó 2006-11-13 02:01 PM µoªí

I also have communcation problems with Crystal. She has never recommended me a decent looking girl. All good dup skills and relatively young but not good looking at all. Like you, I bumped into ...
Bigdog173 ¥S, So sorry to hear about your experiences. But relatively speaking, Crystal has been veeeeeeery good to me. All the bgs that she had recommended to me so far were all very decent (at least they were all up to my standards and I was always satisfied). eg. Natalie, Kaman, Niki, Nicole, Rosa, ¨ÈµY, FiFi , Tracy, Ruby¡K¡K.etc. Maybe I have been very lucky.


­ì©«¥Ñ super123123 ©ó 2006-12-1 11:00 AM µoªí
Why they put so much to renovate, hire so many nice looking managers and waitresses... but at the backend without good BGs to support..
·|§^·|«Y IS d manageresses¦P waitresses ¯S§O¼Ð«C, ©Ò¥H¦b¤ñ¸û¤§¤U, §A¹ïÊ\¦a d expectation °ª¥ª, ©Ò¥Hı±o d bgs §^°÷¥¿§r? ¤£¦p§Ú¦a¨Ó­Ó§ë²¼¦V Candy­n¨D±N d manageresses and waitresses ¦P d bgs ±¼吓¾³d, ¸Õ吓«È¤o¤@¬P´Á, Ú»吓·|§^·|¦n d.


­ì©«¥Ñ falo ©ó 2006-12-4 10:15 PM µoªí

your suggestion may be good. anyway which manageresses¦P waitresses you deem requires on rotation ??
My preferences would be Zoe , Crystal , ¨Èµá , ¡K¡K¡K¡KKinki ,Sita ¡K¡Kand last but not the least, my personal favorite sweetheart ®ç®ç . Actually all of them are nice, should we have a poll ??


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-12-4 10:43 PM µoªí



§ÚÅå§A¦a¤ÓÀR¤Ó´e, ©Ò¥H¦P§A¦a¶}吓ª±¯º©j.
I have been busy & haven¡¦t been to IS for a few weeks, I think I need to go pay a visit to the beautiful manageresses & cute waitresses this week.
Anyway, webhunter ¥S, how has life been treating you lately? I hope all the difficult times will pass really soon and want to wish you all the happiness.


­ì©«¥Ñ messenger ©ó 2006-12-4 11:01 PM µoªí
Oh Kinki!!!
My lovely girl!!!
Will she work as bg?
If Kinki switches to bg, will you go everyday?


§Ú¤µ­Ó¬P´Á¥h¨ì IS §^ª¾·|§^·|¤ñ¤H¥´¦º©O!?  


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-12-5 01:33 PM µoªí

Zoe: ¤Ó°©·P°Õ,¦n¦ü¤ä´I¶Q¦ËËÝ  -  §Ú¦nÁé·N°©·P¬ü¤H, ¦n¯Á!! She is exactly my type!
Crystal: §A°á³£­ø¦n°á°Õ     -  Why? Ê\«Y¥¼¥H¸g¦³¤H»{¥ªÀY la?
Faye: ¦³DÅåwor   - ¾Ô°«®æ! §AÅåÊ\·|¤@®±¥´¦º§A? §^¬~ÅåØ{!
Kinki: messenger ¥S·|markÊ\4²ÉÄÁ³£¦ü -
Sita: ­ø«YÉN°µ°Õ«§   - §Ú»{¿ù¥ª, ¤µ¤éÚ»¨ìÊ\­Óname tag. ­ì¨Ó¥s KCY.
®ç®ç: ºÉ¦b¤£¨¥¤¤°Õ©O­Ó - ­ù­Ó§^¬~Á¿ la.
Actually, ­«¦³¤@­Óè°¤kat the front desk.  ¤j¬ù5' 10"­Ë¬J°ª©f, ¦n¦ü­Ó model, ¦n¯Á¤£¹L¥¼´±°ÝÊ\¦W.

¤µ¤é¥h¥ªIS, ´X­Ó bgs ³£©ñ°². ©Ò¥H²¥ª FiFi #11. §Ú¤§«e³£¸Õ¹L, Ê\°©§Þ¦n±o, ¦ý¤µ¦¸¤â¶Õ¤ñ¤W¦¸¶i¨B¦n¦h, ¦n¦³¤ß¾÷. µw«Y³Ìªñ½m²ß¦n¦h.  Ê\»¡¸Ü¦n´µ¤å, Á¿嘢¦³ d ¦ü¥H«e­ÓNicole. She is a tall, young (around mid 20s) slim local. §Úı±oÊ\«Yªñ´Á¬J¤@­Ó¨Î¿ï.


¦^´_ #480 webhunter ªº©«¤l


[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Alleycat ©ó 2006-12-6 10:05 PM ½s¿è ]


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