o尋日朝我係街上等車時,忽然有個人係我腦中閃出 ------ 孫大砲。
我同老孫講:以你當年與外國通x 的經驗,該知道洋鬼子是怎樣的.....................,
1912Elihu Root
1913Henri La Fontaine
1914The prize money was allocated to the Nobel Institute's Special Fund
1915The prize money was allocated to the Nobel Institute's Special Fund
1916The prize money was allocated to the Nobel Institute's Special Fund
1917The International Committee of the Red Cross (Comité International de la Croix-Rouge)
1918The prize money was allocated to the Nobel Institute's Special Fund
1919Thomas Woodrow Wilson
1920Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois
1921Karl Hjalmar Branting and Christian Lous Lange
1922Fridtjof Nansen
1923The prize money was allocated to the Nobel Institute's Special Fund.
1924The prize money was allocated to the Nobel Institute's Special Fund
1925Sir (Joseph) Austen Chamberlain and Charles Gates Dawes