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[疑難] 係上海可唔可以call 女上酒店搞?

out call girls in SH

Last time when I was in Shanghai, I went through the massage classified in the Shanghai Daily.( $2 yuan) The English newspaper is better than the Chinese version. At least it is easier for me to read and it gears for foreigners. It got a whole page of it. They are all out call services to hotel. Check it out. I had two girls coming to my hotel and I met them in lobby before I took her up stair. I don't see a problem. It is like meeting with my client.
I am planning for another trip in late march to SH and I will report back what's new and exciting in the area. Every time I go SH, I always find something new and different because the city is changing so fast.
There are always so many massage places around in town. I think it is a better bet to go to Sauna massage place to have fun because you can check out the girls before you commit to spend the money.


原帖由 jingya 於 2007-3-19 10:03 發表
Brother,  I agree with you that you can check out the gal in a sauna palour before committing.  That's what I did before, however, recently, I've heard too many raid (whether false or authentic) it ...
Good intel, I will definite check out the saunas and the independents. Will let u know soon. Also, please check your PM.




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