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A New Beginning~~

原帖由 renzo 於 2007-3-12 23:06 發表
Today begin a new era for me.
hihi... thanks for sharing...
it is a new chapter for u... a new chapter that u can choose again... to be happy or sorry!
what have u chosen, mate??

remember???  u can make it through the rain...

in love with the nature...


原帖由 renzo 於 2007-3-12 23:47 發表

yes... of course a new chapter to be happy~~~

i will make it to the rain..... for sure i can....
jolly good.. tell us more tomorrow!

in love with the nature...


原帖由 kkwong7606 於 2007-3-14 11:21 發表

"Shut-up" immediately before getting killed  
ha.ha... kk, u do know how to survive!  congrates, mate!

in love with the nature...


原帖由 renzo 於 2007-3-17 09:37 發表

oh dear.... back injured... don't do too aggressive execrise worr... cut down lar.....

nonono... the proposal for night race in F1 is for next season.
I heard the news from espn.
T ...
night race??? would that be similar to our "hk night tea"??

in love with the nature...


原帖由 renzo 於 2007-3-17 09:59 發表

wei wei wei...... aren't you finished with your work ??
u still in macau or back in hk ??
back to hk in the afternoon la...

in love with the nature...


原帖由 renzo 於 2007-3-24 09:59 發表
Finally it's over...... the event was pretty good.
Some unexpected things happened and was surprised the turn-out.
The big relieved was the press part.... 3 big names came to the event.
ahhh.... ...
big names... kevin sinclair?? chi-sun Lau? um...robert lynam?

in love with the nature...


原帖由 allure 於 2007-3-27 01:30 發表

big names... kevin sinclair?? chi-sun Lau? um...robert lynam?
i arranged many wine dinners for press before.. one of my mandate duty as a hotel prm is to invite key media and escort them thruout the event.
though being away from hk for long time... i do keep some good contacts... reggie ho is a fun and lovely guy u must invite.. but he's busy most of the time...
u can also invite eric wong, simon vuo, alice ho (ET), jasmine (ST) and many more... they are very nice ppls..  

my client, bbr, i had alice to wrote a full half page story on their new shop opening, attracted a customer to come and spent over 250K after reading the story.

i also have good contacts for lifestyle magazines, cosmo, elle, jessica, mc... etc. they are especially good if u want to sell those "lady" wines (such as my favourite, white zinfantel).

let me know if u have another event coming up and i'll help pass your invite to them..

相關搜索目錄: Wine

in love with the nature...


原帖由 renzo 於 2007-3-27 11:51 發表
went Volar last night.
There's a image next top model competition.
models from dreammodel , salute and blah blah blah....
the show.... sighz.....
the models.... sighz...
the mc.... sighz....
just a gimmick... at least it had drawn a good crowd of guests, right?

in love with the nature...


原帖由 renzo 於 2007-3-28 09:50 發表

Yup.. a gimmick as u said.
If it wasn't of my client. I really won't be bothered to go.
Crowd wise pretty good... however, i do see alot ppl leaving the premises once the competition result ...
the organiser should be glad they stayed till then... they should have gone when they saw all the so-called models... ha.ha...

in love with the nature...


原帖由 renzo 於 2007-4-5 20:48 發表
I've lent it to him..... i hope he really pay me back.
I also hope that he will quit the gambling habit.
just pray
no hope getting of ur money... no hope that guy will quit gambling la...
1st, u just started your own life and u do need to save money for your own emergency use ...
2nd, the gambling addicts are hopeless... don't ever think lending money to them can help them...
they will only ask for lending money from u again and again...
u are not helping him but making him think he's got a back up if he lose.. he'll come to u...

mate, if he comes to u for money next time, u'd better not lend him la...

in love with the nature...


原帖由 renzo 於 2007-4-5 21:56 發表

i won't help him again... if he's asking for it.
don't lend him money is the best way to help him indeed...
or u give the明愛戒賭熱線 to him, then, u're not only helping him but his whole family tim..

in love with the nature...




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