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[原創] Anyone here still using film cameras???

Anyone here still using film cameras???

hello all,
does anyone here still using film cameras??
it's rare nowaday to discus with someone who still has rage to put a film camera out for shooting!!

please share with us, what film camera are you still shooting!


camera, lens and film used...

leica M6 classic 0.85x with 35mm summicron 4th version + fujifilm superia 400 set @ 320iso.

best regards
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hello! seems that we are still the only ones.... ha ha ha


原帖由 51g 於 2006-8-22 02:37 PM 發表
Nikon F-801s.
Really get hurt because I saw the camera body on 2nd hand market only worth $900.
hey, i used this camera longtime before too!!!! it's a very good one!! better construction than the FA i have owned before.
but i have traded it to go to the range finder world!

my 1st range finder camera was a contax G1.... a mistake.... it was not for me...
the finder is too dark, the AF miss target all the time... quite noisy motors...
but the zeiss lenses are sharp and good.


原帖由 c300d 於 2006-8-22 05:57 PM 發表
報到 !

超舊平民級的 MINOTLA MF X-300

wahoo, x-300 is an excellent camera! i think it was the minolta best time product!
simple, small, light weight, mechanical!
i was still student when i had to make a choice between a x-300 and a FA...
i took a FA...
but the way i used camera was too hard for it... it didn't last long after the 1st year in europe... switched to F-801s.


原帖由 goldenboy 於 2006-8-24 04:33 AM 發表
I am now still  using the Canon New F-1 and FD 85mm 1.2L. Although the camera is a 20 years old model, the picture it take is still excellent. The picture that take from digital camera still cannot ...
nice one lens set


原帖由 c300d 於 2006-8-24 06:10 PM 發表

NEW F-1 + 85mm F1.2L

我有NEW F-1 +  24 2.0 + 50 1.4已經好夠
that's a good 2 lenses set!!


原帖由 eylmiley 於 2006-8-24 05:29 PM 發表
I am using Nikon F2. I am a fan of film cam. I think there is not a big difference for a amateur between using D-Cam and F-Cam today la. But I enjoy the moment to see the photo from the paper bag.
Nikon F2!!! wahoo.... a really fine work horse!!


原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2006-8-25 02:57 AM 發表
我 有 成 蘿 舊 Canon 手 動 鏡 同 機 有 冇 人 arm 開 果 價 來 呀
有 15 Fish Eye, 24, 28, 35, 200, A-1, AE-1, T90.....etc.
Mamiya RB67 機 同 鏡 都 有 得 放
我 有 成 幾 套 家 下 小 用 放 晒 係 到  ...
i suggest you built a camera museum, he he he!
i have 4 leica cameras, all purchased in these 2 years time, he he he, when everyone is chasing behind the digital gears. i moved from AF, automatic, motorize camera to total manual and mechanical shutter. 3 of them don't even have a light meter inside.

cameras without AF, no automatic programmes, no TTL flash, no through the lens mirror, no flash memory, no egonormic handle, no motors, no 1/4000 speed... do you really think that the new generation photo amateurs or professional will look for such stuffs????
some younger ones even never thought that such cameras still exsite... ha ha ha!!!

keep these mechanical cameras!! you will see, when the world comes to the end where there is no more oil, no more electricity and battery... when everyone is out of power and energy and couldn't record no more raw file... your cameras still work and take pictures!!!
PS. hope that at that time film still exsite.... ha haha!!!!


原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2006-8-25 11:40 AM 發表

Camera Museum....... 我 要 買 多 間 屋 先 tim
and i don't think a house smaller than 10000 square feet can do with all the camera you have.... he hehe


原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2006-8-25 11:46 AM 發表
你 要 古 董 相 機 我 有 好 多 哈 蘇 203 500 503 行 得 同 壞 既 都 有,
Rollei 120 70 年 果 期 果 D 我 有 兩 套 你 arm 唔 arm?
Nikon F2 個 Motor, Canon A1 Motor 連 機 身 我 都 有, 你 要 原 裝 水 底 ...
ha ha, actually, i don't think that i need more than 2 cameras... i'm a user, not collectioner... . but thanks for your offer anyway.

i did dream for a Sina F2 when i was still student of art in france... the rolls royce of camera, he he
but now even a SLR camera i find is too big for me... range finder is my choice!
you still use 4x5'' camera??

best regards
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原帖由 goldenboy 於 2006-8-25 02:42 PM 發表

usually the horizontal line is put on the Upper 1/3 or lower 1/3
yeah it's an unusually photo, thank you!




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