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熱烈祝賀神舟七號「做假」成功 !! 神七還未升空已經預先報導環繞地球第三十圈?!

I think the reporter did wrote a story before the launch and that article made its way to the net before S7 really launches.
Of course, I will bet and have no doubt that S7 has entered space and return.
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失 - 唐太宗


原帖由 舐共小先鋒 於 2008-10-10 16:37 發表

Personally, I actually applaud the chinese news agency having the moral courage to admit the mistake.
Its actually a minor technical error, and actually it is no big deal at all for a reporter to ...
You see, to local leftist, the party is their parent, their god, their psychological support in this world that they are gutless to tread alone.
Their beloved party is never wrong and will never be wrong.
They automatically will turn against anyone who has the slightest suggestion that things are not right.
As this will shatters their pillar of believes and everything starts crumbling.
How can they allow themselves to admit that they have been tricked for so long?  Poor souls..
Smearing on others, whitewashing things that does not exists. Pathetic indeed.
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失 - 唐太宗




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