原帖由 毛球 於 2008-10-7 16:34 發表
一向以來都不認同甚麼東亞病夫, 為何泱泱大國擁有源遠文化歷史卻是東亞地上的病夫? 任何民族都擁有各樣人類弱點, 就如每個人都不會完美. 中國版圖及歷史上成就冠絕東亞, 並非僥倖所得, 如果中國人是病夫, 同區眾小 ...
The mis-concept here is ignoring the most basic stabilizing mechanism in modern society - Democracy and an open society.
No leader is perfect and when leaders banned and punishes others for saying what they think, another idiot may headed all into another "cultural revolution".
Just thinking the commies will be perfect is like building castles on quick sand.
For a few years they might stand, but not for long until another came along.
To maintain trust and believes in the commies, the party had always distort news, truth and facts.
What will you do when you know the people don't elect you.
The commies only rule by lies, under certain illusions to make you believe that they are the only hope for China.
Not that I am saying they are always doing that, but they have greater intention to lie than to let the people know, just because the empowerment of their ruling is not delegated from the people, but from the coherence within their own commie party members.