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[原創] BBoss night club

BBoss night club

I went to BBoss night club with a friend about 3 weeks ago.  
It was a friday night and we were prepared to spend some money.  we were planning to go out with the girl if we see good ones.

We arrived at about 9.30pm.  the whole place is nearly empty.  we asked for the mami who was introduced by a friend.  the mami is young with good attitude.  we wanted local girls and gave the mami what criteria of girls we like.  Unfortunately, there were very little choic of local and the mami said most of them are 'north mushroom'.  It is a big surprise to me.  the biggest night club in hong kong not having enough local girls.  the mami said there is one local quite good but on way from home and asked us to wait for her.  FINALLY she arrived but not our cup of tea.  the mami said we should tip the girl ($500) even though not suitable.  Shit!!!!!!!!!  We did nothing and she did nothing for us but we have to pay extra $500.  We sat there for about 2.5 hrs and half the time without girls.  the bill is around $2500 plus $500.  Waste of money and time.  The place is grand and the mami is polite but the problem is no local girls.  the mami said she is leaving too because business is going downhill.   it is sad that to see things like this.  I guess it will close down soon with such business.  Traditional grand night club in Hong Kong is leaving the night life of hong kong quietly.  SAD.

Another brother knows where can I find local girls.  I mean which night club.



原帖由 auriga 於 2006-8-17 07:25 AM 發表
Guess that it's the end of BBoss then!

Next time walk a few minutes to Club Paris (新花都), just right across the fountain, and you could find lots and lots of young local girls.
Thanks for your suggestion.

Any mami that I can quote?

I went to Club Paris about one year ago.  Sat for about 2-3hrs and did nothing.  Did not go out afterwards.  I cost me $1800.(night dance)

Is it reasonable?

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 coolmale9394 於 2006-8-17 08:34 PM 發表

檯 鐘 $400-500 , 埋 單 千 八 睇 落 貴 o左 好 多 。 你 係 咪 飲 o左 好 多 X.O.?
That was my first time to that nc and know nobody there. I drank limited number of beer.

Maybe no connection la.

Any reliable mami that I can quote next time.


原帖由 auriga 於 2006-8-22 05:16 AM 發表

Will try "fu do" next!  Any Mami I can quote?


原帖由 中年地盤佬 於 2006-8-24 06:33 AM 發表
十幾年冇上夜總會,星期一晚同的地盤老總上左『俏佳人』,個度全部都係陀地靚妹, 6:30pm 上去,9:00pm 帶女出街,找數每人約$1.000 連街鐘,另外炮金$1,500,都幾貴,十幾年前落斜路炮金都係$1,000,不過的裝飾及 ...
Thanks for your infromations.

I went there once last year.  Sat from 6.30pm to 8pm then go out.  The mami charge me $1500 + $1500 for the girl.  A bit expensive than your $1000.

Do U have the mami name that I can use next time to avoid being rip off by the mami.



原帖由 pimperro 於 2006-8-28 06:32 AM 發表
If you guys like NC why don't you guys go to Macau? Just a hour away and a lot more fun! For 1500 you can play with BG 1 hour too! And drinks included. Go to Macau ferry and look for the Dynasty cl ...

I went to macau a few times, mainly sauna.

But if you want local hk girls, then u need to stay in HOng Kong.


原帖由 Husky 於 2006-9-1 06:07 AM 發表
Macau NCs are much better than HK NCs in terms of quality and price, but it's the traveling that turns me off, it's like a trip that needs to b planned. 有時收工突然想玩我多數留港。

But will go to macau sauna tomorrow. Report later!




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