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Can you help me

Can you help me

Recently, I have met with my very first girlfriend again and we have not met for over 15 years.

Both of us have not married and we would like to see whether we can still work out now.  I am dating her out and would like to give her a very memorable night.  But I have no idea how to prepare it and what is the agenda.  Can any ladies here give me some advise?

Thank you so much.


Thanks a lot.  You all may be correct.  

Now I take it easy and let it be.  Hence, no special preparation may be the best ever preparation.  Be myself.  

Thanks again.



Thank you all for your great comment.

We have a wonderful night without any pressure.  We have shared so many things for our past 15 years and what have we done in these 15 years.

Then we have discussed about how we broke up 15 years ago in a very relaxing atmosphere and we finally found out the broken-up was simply because of her misunderstanding.

Both of us have tried to find each other during the period, but failed (She lost all contacts with old friends).  I have a very very wonderful moment and I am so regret to have a 15-year time without her.  At that moment, I really have thought of proposing to her. (Maybe too fast la)

I have dated her out for next time as I have so many things that would like to share with her together.

I am so happy to seeing her again.  May god bless us and all couples in the world.


PS: I have read through all your comments in above again.  Some of you may think it may be too fast to us as it was the first dinner.  Although it was the first dinner in past 15 years, I have already met with her for almost 2 months and we have been chatting thru MSN and we have a bit understanding before dinner.

[ 本帖最後由 Vinman 於 2007-3-8 03:55 編輯 ]


Hi All,
Just an update.

We have finally started 'again' after a long 15 years, We tried to meet everyday after work if possible.  No matter how late is it, we will have something to eat together.  Both of us are very busy at our work and sometimes we are very tired but I am happy and do enjoy it.

I know more about her past.  We both have a very hard time about 10 years ago (1997) when the economy went down and lost almost everything except debt.  I feel sorry that I cannot be with her at that time.  Both of us have made friends during these 15 years, but none of them would not have that chemistry. Well, similar to 古巨基-爱得太遲?  Maybe, but she is not Vivian Chow.

We will have our first travel during Easter Holiday, our very first travel together.  Sorry, guys, my plan is to reserve 2 rooms, not a single room.  I'm not sure whether she is happy with this arrangement or not.  Maybe she would like to have a little bit more romance, but I would rather reserve 2 rooms and let her choose.  Why don't I ask her?  Yes, I will ask her for sure, but it is my message to her.  I am not the one thinking of further relationship only (Hey, we just started), but care of her feelings.

Well, that's all forks.  Update will be given after our first holiday.  May I have your blessing please.


[ 本帖最後由 Vinman 於 2007-3-23 01:18 編輯 ]




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