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[桑拿浴室] 荃溢

回復 #170 paul+wong 的帖子

Why keep saying that? I am one of the long timer there. I never see any police action there.... ??


回復 #191 paul+wong 的帖子

# is my all time favorite there! Night shift, local. Excellent P1 + P2 with smooth body + sexy voice. Must wait if not book in advance...

Just curious, who is really the best here?

[ 本帖最後由 gelato 於 2007-8-30 09:32 編輯 ]


回復 #265 NuGundam 的帖子

Please define your so called "VAS" in this  plane massage palor.


回復 #378 pb716 的帖子

I concur! Most bgs who work in the plane sauna have their baseline and pride. This is the same reason why they prefer to work in the plane sauna. Otherwise, they could have approach the other alternatives, eg. Offtering the ml vas, club, or 141. Btw, brothers who want the bj, please wash your private part thoroughly. No one wishes to suck your stinky dick. I once heard complaint from a bg, and she wanted me to spread the word in the net.  …


回復 #383 pb716 的帖子

100% 全中! Thanks !!


回復 #477 arbuzzi 的帖子

Look at the bright sides, in terms of hardware and clientèle, TY is a better hiding place than those run down saunas, &/or usb. I think our beloved bgs would rather stay here than seeking somewhere else.


回復 #509 best_jerry 的帖子

I have this question for a very long time - why brothers keep asking which shift their beloved BG(s) work?

It's easy, let your finger do your work. JUST GIVE TY A CALL and make the corresponding reservation to fit your own schedule. Not only do you not have to waste your money and time, you also help your loved one earn more "CALL HOURS".

This way, you always get what you desire and never get manipulated by the managers there.
My 2 cents....


回復 #648 6464 的帖子

From pervious post *^ Looks like "Kwok Oi Ming" .....

My observation is: I don't think so. She is just a tall, slim, soft boob bg, her massage skill is below average with no service & no vas.
I am not trying to complaint here. I understand people is trying to make a living here. But if one spends ~$500.00 for this point only, you may got really disappointed. At least, I am the victim here.  

Sorry to say negative thing here. I have high hope but got too disappointed here....

[ 本帖最後由 gelato 於 2008-6-5 17:01 編輯 ]


Any recommendation other than *^ in the day shift?


Boobs and Leg are physical attributes; but, Face and outlook are very subjective.
"Some people's treasure could be other's trash!"


If you are one of the *^'s fans, why didn't you ask for her number directly during the previous visit?


回復 817# 的帖子

"@! 短期內仍不會返工…!" is the same answer I got this message from other BG. @! "MIGHT" or "MIGHT NOT" change career. No one knows...

[ 本帖最後由 gelato 於 2008-9-11 17:33 編輯 ]


Any comment on !)! ?


回復 882# 的帖子

I think you are right. I have tired at least 5 so-called new BGs in these 2 months. My comments are just so & so..... Not worth the price!


回復 887# 的帖子

This is exactly the point:  "...Some pork chop who has not started to work will be referred by the PR let them earning living!...."

The main focal point for us to spend more $$$ to acquaint with management is to receive better quality/services of Bgs, not to help them help others.

If any PR introduce pork chop to you, and you did not protest, you are just spoiling them and assisting them to abuse your frequent flyer privilege only. This is definitely a negative reinforcement and should not be encouraged.

Anyway, introducing pork chop to the frequent flyer is simply not right and unethical.

[ 本帖最後由 gelato 於 2008-11-14 05:56 編輯 ]


@! quit & return to her own life. I am sure most of us will miss her, and wish her best of luck! ......


回復 903# 的帖子

All vivid description of ^^ are accurate. I spend quite a long time to figure out if the boobs are faked, but fail.


回復 938# 的帖子

Great. Will give it a try soon. Thanks.


回復 976# 的帖子

1. I don't believe that.
2. If that's true, honestly, it supposes to be a VAS and top secret for the bg not the sauna. Don't break bg's rice bowl unless authorized by that particular bg.



# 's leaving this industry. Wish you all the best...!




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