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Toronto Guys

Anyone has any information in Calgary...?
Too bad that i am in Calgary


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rtsang88 兄,

Yes, there is Singtao local newspaper, but .. no these kind ads there...
you know, Calgary is a small "city", and not many chinese comparing with Toronto and Vancouver


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borther rtsang88

Thanks for your inf. I totally agree with you.
However, the charge in Calgary is crazy expensive. One of the reaons is the working girl must have a licence.

To be honest, I know there is a market in Calgary, but you have to know where and how to contact. It is because I heard someone mentioned it . It is similar to the market in Vancouver.  However, it is just serving to the people who know the market

of course, i didn't ask it.

Anyway, please keep sharing your experience to everybody


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borther rtsang88

Thanks for your inf. I totally agree with you.
However, the charge in Calgary is crazy expensive. One of the reaons is the working girl must have a licence.

To be honest, I know there is a market in Calgary, but you have to know where and how to contact. It is because I heard someone mentioned it . It is similar to the market in Vancouver.  However, it is just serving to the people who know the market

of course, i didn't ask it.

Anyway, please keep sharing your experience to everybody


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