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小 發表於 2010-1-23 00:23 顯示全部帖子
一百年前珍貴彩色照片, 攝於十月革命前之俄羅斯帝國!!!
美國國會圖書館網頁展出 1902 幅由俄羅斯攝影大師 Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) 1905 - 1915 年間, 十月革命之前麉X羅斯帝國拍攝黿m色照片, 呢 D 唔係人工上色, 係真正 Natural Colour !!! 其中超過 200 張經數碼處理, D 彩色靚到無倫, 要蟆 Wall Paper Fit 晒!!!
坐鰝e邊鶡鴞悀H家就係 Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944)
1915 年攝
1910 年攝
View of the Nilova Monastery The Monastery of St. Nil' on Stolobnyi Island in Lake Seliger in Tver' Province, northwest of Moscow, illustrates the fate of church institutions during the course of Russian history. St. Nil (d. 1554) established a small monastic settlement on the island around 1528. In the early 1600s his disciples built what was to become one of the largest, wealthiest, monasteries in the Russian Empire. The monastery was closed by the Soviet regime in 1927, and the structure was used for various secular purposes, including a concentration camp and orphanage. In 1990 the property was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church and is now a functioning monastic community once more
Resurrection Monastery for women on the right bank of the Tvertsa River. City of Torzhok 1910 年攝
呢幅幾有中國山水畫 feel!!!
攝於 1905 - 1915 年間
On the Ordezh River near the Siverskaia Station, Saint Petersburg province
Chinese Foreman at the Chakva Tea Farm
攝於 1907 - 1915 年間
A Chinese foreman poses with established tea plants and new plantings at a tea farm and processing plant in Chakva, a small town just north of Batumi. The semi-tropical climate of the Black Sea coast in modern-day Georgia was ideal for growing tea.
答案係: 其實佢係用黑白菲林拍!!!
秘密就係呢部特別設計, 有三個鏡頭麍蛨:
三個鏡頭分別裝咗紅、綠、藍濾色鏡, 同一時間拍出三個影像, 曬成幻燈片之後就變成咁:
再用一個裝有三個鏡頭, 裝咗紅、綠、藍濾色鏡 projector 將上面三個影像重疊, 投射到屏幕, 照片鵀漹m就會重現:
再經數碼收復, 就變到咁鬼靚: